FieldFX Mobile 2020 Updates

FieldFX Mobile (Sync V4 Quarterly Beta and Sync V4 Quarterly channels)

Updated to on July 2, 2021, to address an issue with offline reports.

Release Details

  • Released December 8, 2020

  • Current version on the Sync V4 Quarterly Beta release channel

  • Current version on the Sync V4 Quarterly release channel


View, Edit, and Create FX EAM Task Labor Records (#35)

  • FieldFX Mobile users can now interact with FX EAM Task Labor records.

  • Depending on permissions, users can

    • Create new task labor records for a work order

    • Modify existing task labor records for a work order

    • Display existing task labor records for a work order

  • User permissions and compact layouts determine what is available to the user on this screen.See the Configuration Help for details.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We corrected an issue that prevented Work Orders from loading as expected.



We fixed an issue that caused rollup errors when accessing FX EAM Work Orders .



We improved the functionality of mobile filters to accommodate an Active flag introduced as part of the Mobile Filters tool in the Admin Portal. Mobile Filters marked inactive have no effect in FieldFX Mobile.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released November 18, 2020

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Date fields

We corrected a problem that prevented the WEEKDAY date function from displaying correctly in iOS and iPADos.


Ticket Items

We fixed a bug that could cause a sync upload error after adding an item that had both a reference ID and a Salesforce ID.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released November 3, 2020



Add FX EAM Inventory Transactions for a Work Order (#28)

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We fixed an issue that caused an error when adding images to reports.



We fixed a problem that prevented accessing an object’s OwnerId field.



We fixed a bug that allowed a device to sleep during a long sync, now devices do not go into sleep made while a sync is in progress.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released October 6, 2020


Opt Out of Syncing Report Attachments (#833)

  • The syncing of attachments can tremendously impact sync times.

  • A new custom setting allows for orgs to opt out of syncing attachments to mobile devices.

    • A managed custom setting called FX5__Sync_Download_Reports_Skip__c will be added in a future Base Managed Package

    • To enable the option now, add a custom setting manually using the steps below

    • Sync checks for existence of a selected managed or unmanaged custom setting to determine whether to skip syncing attachments

  • When the custom settings is enabled (is set to True), the attachment portion of the sync process is skipped.

  • Use the following steps to add the Custom Setting and enable it to opt out of attachment syncing in your org:

    1. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Settings

    2. Select the FX Settings link

      Do not select the Manage link next to FX Settings.

    3. Click New to add a custom setting

    4. Select Checkbox as the Data Type, then click Next

    5. In Field Label and Field Name, enter Sync_Download_Reports_Skip__c, then click Next

      Field Name automatically populates with the Field Label entry.

    6. Confirm the entries, then click Save

    7. Click Manage to modify the FX Settings Custom Settings for your org

    8. Click Edit to enable changes

    9. Select the checkbox for Sync_Download_Reports_Skip__c, then click Save

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Formula fields

We have added support for retrieving HOUR, MINUTE, and WEEKDAY from TIMEVALUE in FieldFX Mobile. Previously, these only worked in FieldFX Back Office.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released September 22, 2020

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We corrected an series of error messages that could result during sync if an org does not have an FX Settings file. Now a default set of FX Settings are used.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released September 15, 2020


  • We have added iPadOS 14 as a supported user agent.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released September 8, 2020

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We fixed an issue that could cause a duplicates value error for the Sync ID object.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released August 25, 2020

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Work Tasks

We fixed a problem that prevented the Work Task grid to not refresh after changing values on the Work Order.


Work Tasks

We corrected an issue that caused Work Tasks to not appear in Sequence order when a Sequence number is assigned to Work Tasks.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released August 11, 2020

Several of the Features and Enhancements in this release require the org be on Base Managed Package version 1.354 or later.


Hide Unneeded Tabs from Mobile Users (#232)

The org must be on Base Managed Package version 1.354 or later.

  • We have added new custom permissions that allow you to hide tabs from users who do not need access.

  • The new custom permissions are:

    • Hide Job Tab

      The Job Tab is hidden if either the Hide Job Tab custom permission or the Hide Jobs in Mobile custom setting is True for the user.

    • Hide Quote Tab

    • Hide Ticket Tab

    • Hide Work Order Tab

  • Add any of the custom permissions to the Profile or Permission Set for the user to prevent the tab from displaying to the user in FX Mobile.


Breadcrumbs Available for EAM Work Orders (#772)

The org must be on Base Managed Package version 1.354 or later.

  • Bringing parity with the other FX Mobile screens, FX EAM Work Orders now display a work order’s Tracking ID to aid in navigation through the FX Mobile Work Order screens.

  • Select a breadcrumb item to navigate back up through screens

    • From a Work Order Task Detail screen, click on Tasks to return to the Task Grid list

    • Click on a Work Order Tracking ID to return to the Work Order Detail screen

    • Click on Work Orders to return to the Work Orders Listing screen


Blank Number Formula Fields Treated as Blank (#776)

  • FX Mobile now honors the formula setting of Treat blank fields as blanks.

  • Number, currency, and percentage fields can now be seen as blank in FX Mobile.

    Previously, blank fields were always considered to have a value of zero instead.

When creating a formula field for an object, select the option available in the Advanced Formula tab to Treat blank fields as blanks.



Work Tasks List in Grid View (#18)

  • FX EAM Work Tasks for a Work Order now display in a grid view.

  • Fields display from the Work Task object’s Compact Page Layout.

  • Editable fields can be modified directly on the grid list.

  • Users can use Bulk Edit to make changes to multiple tasks at the same time.


Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We fixed a problem that caused the mobile app to crash when a user’s access to a price book with a large number of items was removed.



We corrected an issue that caused an error to show on the sync screen when a new price book became available to the user.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released July 28, 2020

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We fixed a problem that caused time fields to display differently in mobile and Back Office when a mobile user made a change to a Time Field and then synced the field to Back Office.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released July 14, 2020

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We clarified an error message that displays when the sync attempts to download data for which a user does not have permission.


Ticket Logs

We fixed an bug that caused data to not display on the mobile device if a blank space existed on a page layout.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released July 6, 2020

  • Current version on the Sync V4 Quarterly channel

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


TIcket Items

We corrected an issue that prevented an onCreate field update from working as expected.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released June 17, 2020


New Setting for SUM report helper (#764)

  • The sum report helper works by first rounding each value to sum, then calculating the result.

  • This release adds a new setting to the sum helper, roundEach. Add this setting and set it to False to change the default behavior to wait to retain the full precision of each value and only perform rounding on the result.

    Example with roundEach setting
    {{sum items "Total_Hours__c" precision="1" separator="," decimal="." roundEach="false" }}

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Work Orders

We corrected an issue that prevented users from being able to change the Status of a Work Order.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released May 19, 2020

No Major Changes

  • This release includes background and performance improvements only with no major changes or notable defect fixes.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released May 7, 2020.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Grid Screens

We fixed a bug that prevented users from interacting with a screen when first loaded unless a blank area of the screen was selected first. The problem was corrected in the CSS.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released May 5, 2020.


Warning Displays when exiting report before saving (597)

  • A new dialog displays if a user attempts to close a report when unsaved changes exist, such as a customer signature.

  • The message informs the user that unsaved changes will be lost and gives the user an opportunity to return to the report to save changes.


PDF File Attachments Viewable in Mobile (613)

  • PDF file attachments added to records in back office via the Files API or Chatter Attachments can now be viewed on mobile devices within FieldFX from the Files tab.

  • Previously, users received a message that the document could not be displayed.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Ticket Logs

We fixed a bug that could cause an error if a ticket log was deleted in back office after the log record synced to a mobile device.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released April 21, 2020.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We fixed an issue that prevented images in RTF fields from displaying on PDF report previews as expected.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released April 7, 2020.


Expand and Collapse Item Bundles in Quotes and Tickets (80, 625)

  • Users can now choose to expand or collapse bundled items when viewing Quote Items and Ticket Items.

  • Page loading and scrolling adapts as expected and loads properly whether bundles are expanded or collapsed.

Currency Selection for New Tickets and Quotes (609)

  • When a user creates a new Quote or Ticket in mobile in an org with multicurrency enabled, the currency for the new record is set to the same currency as the Price Book’s currency.

  • Previously, the user’s default currency was used.

FX EAM for Mobile (601, 602, 609)

  • Users with access to FX EAM can now interact with Work Orders, Work Tasks, and Work Task Steps from a mobile device. The functionality of these screens is similar to Back Office.

    Any field user with read access to the FX5__WorkOrders__c object will see the Work Orders tab in the mobile application.

    Users must not have access to the FX5__Work_Orders__c object, which is no longer used in FieldFX. Users with access to this object will not have access to the Work Orders function in FieldFX Mobile, but the Work Orders Tab displays.

  • See the Mobile Configuration Help instructions for details about setup options.

  • See the Getting Started pages for FX EAM Mobile for instructions on using the screens.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We fixed a problem that prevented users from modifying or editing a file uploaded by another user.


Ticket Items

We corrected a bug that resulted in the sort option picker disappearing when a user navigated away from the Price Book Item view. Sorting now works as expected regardless of the record’s object.


File Sync

We corrected an issue that caused file syncs to fail for users who did not have access to the Quote object.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released March 24, 2020.


Sync performance improvements (3)

  • We have improved sync performance for customers using the FX CPQ module.

Improve Sync Performance by Excluding Specified Objects from Sync (82)

  • Administrators can now specify objects that users have access to in Back Office but are not needed in Mobile. Specified objects do not sync to the mobile device, but remain available for the user to access in Back Office.

    Consult with LiquidFrameworks to use this enhancement.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released March 10, 2020.


Exclude Ticket Item Fields from Bulk Edit (16)

  • Fields can be removed from the mobile Bulk Edit screen.

  • Add any Ticket Item fields that should not be bulk edited to the FX_Ticket_Item_Bulk_Edit_Exclusion field set.

  • To add the fields:

    1. Go to the Object Manager screen in Setup and select the Ticket Item object.

    2. Select Field Sets, then select the FX_Ticket_Item_Bulk_Edit_Exclusion label

      • If the label does not exist, click New to create it.

      • Set the Field Set Label to FX_Ticket_Item_Bulk_Edit_Exclusion

      • Tab through Field Set Name to let Salesforce autopopulate it.

      • Add a description for Where is this used?, such as "Fields excluded from Ticket Item Bulk Edit in Mobile".

      • Click Save.

    3. Drag the field(s) to exclude from the field list to the In the Field Set section.

    4. Click Save.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We resolved an issue that caused an error during incremental syncs if access to all price books was removed for a user.


Ticket Items

We corrected an issue that caused the selection count to not update correctly when switching between ticket item record types.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released February 27, 2020.


Reports (9714)

  • After navigating to the Reports tab, we now wrap report names so that the entire report name displays in the list. This helps users identify the desired report more quickly, especially when multiple reports share a similar name. Previously, the report name was limited to one line of text and longer report names were truncated with an ellipsis (…​) at the end.


Performance improvements (9687, 9718, 9737)

  • We have made improvements when working with Ticket Items, such as adding, deleting, copying, sorting, or updating records. (9687)

  • When a grid contains calculated fields, we improved the load times when switching between record type views. (9718)

  • When the grid contains bundled items, we improved the load times and performance when expanding or collapsing the bundled items and when applying or switching record type view filters to the grid. (9737)

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Ticket Items

We updated the display behavior when a user adds an Equipment type ticket item to a ticket. Now, the tab for the user’s assigned office is automatically selected and the user sees their Office’s Equipment items. If the user’s Office does not have any Equipment records, then the default view shows the All tab instead. The user can still select a different view filter to see other offices or the All view if needed.


Job Logs

We corrected an audit problem with datetime values in calculated RollUp Summary fields.



We fixed a bug that prevented formula fields from displaying correctly on the compact layouts used in the Ticket Tiles.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released January 28, 2020.


Ticket Item Performance Improvements (9658)

  • We continuously work to improve the end user experience of the FieldFX Mobile application.

  • This enhancement reduces memory usage, creating a faster and more responsive interface. Users see the performance improvements when:

    • Switching views

    • Changing record types

    • Loading lists of ticket items

Populate Report Signed Field (9692)

  • When a field user captures a signature, FieldFX now records the time stamp of a signature and stores the most recent time stamp to the ticket records.

  • If the FX5__ReportSigned__c field does not exist, no time stamp record is stored.

    Managed Package release 1.295 introduced the FX5__ReportSigned__c field to the FX5__Ticket__c object.

  • FieldFX records the last signature captured for any record that is part of the Ticket.

    FieldFX does not retain the date and time for all signature captures on a ticket, but only the most recent date and time a signature is captured for any record on the ticket.

Populate Stamp Captured Field (9705)

  • When a field user captures a stamp, FieldFX now records the time stamp of the stamp and stores the most recent time stamp to the ticket record.

  • If the FX5__StampCaptured__c field does not exist, no time stamp record is stored.

    Managed Package release 1.295 introduced the FX5__StampCaptured__c field to the FX5__Ticket__c object.

  • FieldFX records the last date and time a stamp is captured across any record that is part of the Ticket.

    FieldFX does not retain the date and times of all stamp captures, but only the most recent stamp capture for any record on the ticket.

FieldFX Mobile

Release Details

  • Released January 14, 2020.


Pending File Attachments (8706)

  • We have added a new Pending File Attachments section to the Sync screen to track Attachments created in mobile.

  • Attachments for new Jobs and Tickets created in the mobile app display in the Pending File Attachments section.

    Attachments to existing jobs and tickets do not display in the Pending File Attachments section. These attachments automatically sync to Back Office.

  • Images added to reports as attachments display in the Pending File Attachments section.

Pre-Sync Upload Audit Logs (9507, 9515)

With these enhancements, administrators have greater clarity and visibility into the sync process.

Specifically, these enhancements add the following to Pre-Sync Audit Logs:

  • Update Cleared status flag after a sync successfully processes

  • Track success or failure of syncs with the Originating Audit Log and New Audit Log fields on connected entries

If missing, add the Cleared field to the Audit Logs page layout for visibility into the status of the sync.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



Total number of reports on the sync page now only displays the number of reports available to the user according to sync assignments.



We corrected an issue with the createAttachment attribute for the imageCapture tags on XML reports.


Ticket Item Copy

We added visibility to items that cannot copy because a user does not have sufficient access. Now, a message displays if items cannot be copied and lists the item codes.



We corrected an issue that caused price books with a large number of items to only partially download during an Incremental Sync.



We fixed an issue that caused rounding errors for mobile users.



Validation rules were incorrectly highlighting fields with valid entries. This has been corrected.