FX EAM Reports


The EAM module in FieldFX provides a number of pre-built custom reports out of the box.

To access any of the reports:

  1. Go to the Reports tab in Back Office.

  2. From the left navigation bar, select All Folders.

  3. Select the Folder containing the desired report.

  4. Click the report Name to display.

You can customize or favorite the reports as you can with any other Salesforce report.

For help customizing or using reports in Salesforce, see Salesforce documentation.

Available Reports

Reports in FX EAM have the following reports available:

Report Category Report
Reports Available


  • All Equipment

  • All Equipment by Asset Group

  • All Equipment by Recordtype

  • All Meters

  • Work Order Costs by Equipment

FX Dashboard Reports

  • New Work Orders Created Today

  • Open PM Work Orders

  • Open Work Orders by Status

  • Past Due Work Orders by Owner

  • Stock Items to Reorder by Warehouse

GL Reports

  • All GL Accounts

  • All GL Variables

  • All GL Details

  • GL Details Last Month

  • GL Details Current Month

Inventory Reports

  • All Active Products

  • All Products

  • All Products by Family

  • All Stock Items

  • All Stock Items by Warehouse

  • All Stock Items to Reorder by Warehouse

  • All Stock Items to Reorder by Vendor

  • All Warehouses

PM Reports

  • All Active PM Group Schedules

  • All Active PM Schedules

  • All Draft PM Group Schedules

  • All Draft PM Schedules

  • All Inactive PM Group Schedules

  • All Inactive PM Schedules

  • All PM Group Schedules by Equipment

  • All PM Schedules by Equipment

  • All PM Schedules Calendar Fixed

  • All PM Schedules Calendar Floating

  • All PM Schedules Meter Based

  • PM Group Schedules Master List

  • PM Schedules Due Next 30 Days

  • PM Schedule Master List

Purchasing Reports

  • All Closed Transfer Orders

  • All Closed Transfer Orders by Warehouse

  • All Completed Purchase Orders

  • All Open Purchase Orders by Buyer

  • All Open Purchase Orders by Vendor

  • All Open Transfer Orders

  • All Open Transfer Orders by Warehouse

  • All Purchase Orders

  • All Purchase Requisitions

  • All Purchase Requisitions Waiting Approval

  • All Transfer Orders by Status

Work Mgmt


  • All Crafts

All Model Work Orders

  • All Model Work Orders

  • All Model Work Orders by Asset Group

All Open Work Orders

  • All Open Work Orders

  • All Open Work Orders by Status

  • All Open Work Orders by Work Order Route
    (WO RT)

  • All Open Work Requests

  • All Open WO Tasks Planned Hours by Craft

  • All Open WO Tasks Est Hours to Complete

All WO Standard Tasks

  • All WO Standard Tasks

  • All WO Standard Tasks by Asset Group

All Work Orders

  • All Work Orders Past Due

  • All Work Orders Past Due by Owner

  • All Work Orders Past Due by Type

  • All Work Orders Scheduled Next Week

  • All Work Orders Scheduled This Week

  • All Work Orders Scheduled Today

Completed WO Costs by Asset

  • Completed WO Costs by Asset by QTR Current Year (CY)

  • Completed WO Costs by Asset by QTR Last Year (LY)

My Completed Work Orders

  • My Completed Work Orders

  • My Completed Work Orders by WO Type

  • My Completed Work Orders Last Week

  • My Completed Work Orders This Week

  • My On Hold Work Orders

My Work Orders

  • My Open Work Orders

  • My Open Work Orders by WO Route (RT)

  • My Work Order Assignments

  • My Work Orders

  • My Work Orders Scheduled Today

  • My Work Orders Scheduled This Week

  • My Work Orders Scheduled Next Week

  • My Work Submitted

Work Orders

  • Open WOs by Due Date

  • Open WOs by Planner

  • Open WOs by Status

  • WO Tasks Active Backlog

  • WO Task Backlog Hrs Matrix

Work Orders Approved and Completed

  • Work Orders Approved

  • Work Orders Completed Current Month

  • Work Orders Completed Current Quarter

  • Work Orders Completed Last Month

  • Work Orders Completed Last Quarter

  • Work Orders Completed Last Week

  • Work Orders Completed This Week

Work Mgmt Reports

  • Work Orders Due Next Month

  • Work Orders Due Next Week

  • Work Orders Due This Month

  • Work Orders Due This Quarter

  • Work Orders Due This Week

  • Work Orders On Hold

  • Work Orders Past Due