Sync Wizard


You can use the Sync Wizard to create Sync Profiles to assign to field users. They determine the objects and fields that sync to assigned users' mobile devices. The profiles created in the Sync Wizard can manage what syncs for multiple users, similar to how User Profiles manage permissions to objects and fields.

  • As a general rule to improve sync speeds, follow these recommendations:

    • Use the SOQL filter option to segment data instead of using an AltSync flag, as the SOQL filter is more efficient

    • To archive no longer needed, use the Archive checkbox and then in the SOQL filter as a criteria for eliminating these records

    • Limit the records that users see in Mobile by choosing to sync only objects that are relevant to the user in Mobile

      • The objects a user needs to either create records for or select a record via a look-up

    • Use the job and price book sync assignment to limit the number of jobs and price books the user sync to mobile.

  • Limits:

    • The new app limits the number of synced records to 200 by object for the Job, Tickets and Parent eForm objects. Child records do not have a limit.


To setup and use the Sync Wizard Admin Portal Tool, you need to:

Have these user licenses Have these permissions for System Administrators Complete these tasks
and review these topics
before continuing
  • System Administrator permissions for Salesforce

Admin Tool Layout


This section helps the admin set up data sync, job dispatch, and pricing. It guides admins step by step to connect FieldFX with mobile devices.


This section provides a summary of system settings and configurations by individual sync profile.

The admin can set:

  • Select the Editable Objects that should be synced to Jobs, Tickets, Quotes, Work Orders and DataGuide

  • Whether a sync profile can download reports to their mobile devices only if they aren’t using the new FieldFX Mobile app.

Job and Price Book Dispatch

This section allows an admin to:

  • Use the sync assignment table to control the download jobs and tickets for the users within the profile. With this option checked, the Mobile app will only download jobs and price books that are assigned to the user either directly via the sync assignment object or indirectly by adding the user on the job’s crew.

  • Sync only quote records that are linked to sync- able jobs (instead of all quote records visible to the user).

Price Books

This section manages service, equipment, and material pricing. It ensures field teams have accurate and up to date job and invoice pricing. As a admin, you can update, organize, and sync price books.

Price Book Items

This section manages service, equipment, and material pricing but manages the access to the items within a price book.

The items are automatically segmented if a threshold number is reached:

If Price Book Items are
more than 10,0000,
If Price Book Items are
fewer than 10,000,

PBI are segmented
More than 10K

PBI aren’t segmented
Less than 10K

Synced Objects

This section allows an admin to define which objects need to sync to the Mobile device for the profile (for the user).

Transactional Objects

This section allows an admin to manage the syncable objects for which records can be created in Mobile.

The admin can determine:

  • which fields are visible to the Mobile user for these type of objects

  • which data is visible for these type of objects

Lookup Objects

This section allows an admin to manage the sync-able reference (look-up) objects in the Mobile app.

The admin can determine:

  • which fields are visible to the Mobile user for these type of objects *which data is visible for these type of objects

Sync Staged Data Setup

This section allows an admin to prepare the data that will be synced to the Mobile application for the sync profile (for the user).

From this screen, the admin can:

  • Schedule the batch job that will prepare the sync-able data for the user

  • Run the the batch job right away. This is useful during the implementation stage of the Mobile app as frequent adjustments are made to the data.

Raw Config

This section shows the detail of the configuration for the sync profile in a json format. This section will be removed in a future iteration of the administrative tool

How Sync Wizard Works

Use the Sync Wizard tool to create a Sync Profile.

You can assign a Sync Profile to field users.

Add the Mobile Sync Profile field to the User object’s page layout first.

If you are an Admin, you can use the Sync Reset Option in Setup > Object Manager > User > Fields & Relationships > Sync Reset Option with one of these options:

  • Force Logout - deletes any unsynced data and logs the user out

  • Upload and Logout - retrieve the users unsynced data and log the user out

  • Reset Data - clear the mobile storage begin a full sync

After assigning a sync profile to a user, the sync packet that downloads to FieldFX Mobile only includes the objects, fields, and attachments for syncable records specified in the user’s assigned Sync Profile.

Whether an individual record is syncable is determined by other factors and not only by the sync profile.

Those factors include:

Keep these factors in mind:

  • Permission sets and Profiles grant access for users to access any data in objects and fields. With no permission at this level, no data from the object or field is available to the user anywhere.

  • Sharing rules determine whether users have any access to a particular record in either FieldFX Back Office or FieldFX Mobile.

  • Sync and AltSync rules determine whether a particular record should be available on mobile devices for any user.

  • Sync Configuration records determine whether a particular user needs access to a record on their mobile device based on criteria specific to that user.

    • When all four of the above are true, the Sync Profile determines what subset of objects, fields, and attachments should download to the user’s mobile devices.

Step-by-Step Guides

With the Sync Wizard, you can:

Create the Default Sync Profile

  1. In the org’s Back Office, select Setup.

  2. Click App launcher.

  3. Type Admin and select Admin Dashboard.

  4. Select Sync Profile Wizard.

  5. Select Start Wizard.

    The first time you use the Sync Wizard, you must first create a Default Sync Profile.

    After creating the Default Sync Profile, you can create additional profiles and are prompted to customize the profile’s name.

  6. Select Let’s Get Started.

  7. In Sync Mode, select the types of devices for this group of users, then click Next.

    Dedicated Mode:

    Users each have their own device that is not shared by other users.

    FieldFX recommends dedicated devices for field users.

    Shared Mode:

    A device may be used by multiple users, such as between shifts.


  8. Select the type(s) of records (objects) users either add or modify on their devices, then click Next.

    Be sure to only select the type(s) the set of users for this Profile add or modify on their devices.

    If they only view the records, do not select the checkbox.

    Example 1. Appropriate Types by Job Function

    Field technicians do not add or modify quotes while sales people likely do not add or modify tickets or work orders.


  9. Select whether members of Job Crews should only sync the crew’s jobs and related price books, then click Next.

  10. In Synced Objects, review the objects the wizard determined should sync for these users and make any desired adjustments by selecting or deselecting objects.

    Data from objects that are not selected do not sync to mobile devices for users assigned to this Sync Profile.

    The selected options do not change any user’s permissions to the object or access to individual records or fields in the object.

    Users must also have permission to the object from their User Profile or at least one Permission Set for data from the object to sync!

    To display each object’s API name, select the Show Details checkbox.

  11. After making the selections for Synced Objects, the Sync Wizard runs a query to search for required fields, then presents a series of screens to determine what fields to sync for specific objects.

    Master data objects display first, then transactional objects.

    To see the API names for fields, select the Show Details checkbox.

    Recommended fields are pre-selected, but can be removed if not needed on mobile devices.

    Fields required for syncing display in a separate group at the bottom of the page and cannot be deselected.

    The selected options do not change any user’s permissions to fields on the object. Users must have permissions to the selected fields from a User Profile or at least one Permission Set to sync data for the field.

  12. Make any desired changes to the selected fields for the displayed object, then click Next. Repeat for each additional object.

    Not all objects display.

    The query that runs after selecting the objects to sync also tests the size of the fields and number of records on an object.

    The Sync Wizard doesn’t have a selection screen for an object if syncing the fields from that object doesn’t add significant size to the sync packet.

  13. Click Finish to exit the wizard.


Create an Additional Sync Profile

  1. From the Sync Wizard’s Sync Configuration screen, select Create config.


  2. Enter a Config Name, then select Create.

  3. Select Let’s get started! and complete the wizard as described from step 5 in Create The Default Sync Profile above.

Allow Sync Profile to Delete Files

You can enable users with a specific Sync Profile to delete files. This can only be enabled manually by editing the file.

  1. In Setup of your org’s Back Office, use the Quick Find box and enter static.

  2. Select Static Resources.

  3. Find the specific static resource you want to have File Deletion capability and click Edit.

  4. Under Size, click View File.

    The static resource file opens in a browser tab.

  5. Right-click on the tab and save the file to your PC.

  6. Open the downloaded file in a text editor.

  7. Edit the file to add “enableFileDeletion”: true.

  8. Save the file with a .json extension.

  9. In the static resource entry, click Edit.

  10. Click Choose File under File.

  11. Navigate to the .json file and click Open.

    The file is now attached to the static resource.

  12. Click Save.

Create Staged Data in the Sync Profile Wizard

  1. In your org, use the App Finder to select SMFX E-Ticketing.

  2. Use the App Finder to select Admin Dashboard.

    If you use the Admin Dashboard frequently, you can add that entry to the nav bar for one-click access.


    If you use the Admin Dashboard frequently, you can add that entry to the nav bar for one-click access:

    1. Click Edit icon.

    2. At the Edit <name of module> App Navigation Items, click Add More Items.

    3. Under Available Items, click All.

    4. For example, to add the Admin Dashboard, click Admin Dashboard.

      The Add to Selected.

    5. Click Add x Nav Item(s).

      x is the number of nav items.

      The Admin Dashboard item (or the item you chose) is in italics appears at the bottom of the list.

    6. Use the Selected Menu Item to move the added items to the desired position on the nav bar.

    7. Click Save.

      The new items appear on the nav bar.

  3. Click Sync Profile Wizard.

  4. After you’ve made changes to the sync profile, click Sync Staged Data Setup.

  5. Click Prepare Sync Data which starts the SyncStagedData job.

    Anytime you change a profile, update the sync data files.

    The sync data starts processing:

    FXM SyncProfileWiz ProcessingSyncData1of19

    Once finished, the sync data can be viewed in Back Office. See Access Staged Data in FieldFX Back Office.

Access Staged Data in FieldFX Back Office

You can see the staged data once its created in the Sync Profile Wizard.

  1. Use the App Launcher and type stage.

  2. Select Staged Data.

  3. To see all the staged data records, select the dropdown and choose All.

    All the records for the staged data appears in a list.

Manage Existing Sync Profiles

  1. From the Sync Wizard’s Sync Configuration screen, select the desired Active Config from the dropdown.


  2. Enter a Config Name, then select Create.

  3. Select the option to modify from the menu on the left.

    The menu lists synced master data objects, then groups Transactional and Lookup Objects.
    Option Action


    Make changes by repeating the configuration wizard


    Modify the Sync Mode, Editable Objects, and whether users Download Reports

    Job and Pricebook Dispatch

    Manage whether to use sync configurations to filter what syncs and review existing sync configurations


    Price Books

    Manage the fields that sync for Price Books

    Price Book Items

    Manage the fields that sync for Price Book Items

    Synced Objects

    Change which objects sync to mobile devices

    Transactional Objects

    Display the list of transactional objects that sync and manage the fields for those objects

    Click the Back option in the next menu to return.

    Lookup Objects

    Display a list of lookup objects that sync and manage the fields for those objects

    Click the Back option in the next menu to return.

    Raw Config

    View the contents of the static resource file for the sync configuration profile

  4. Make changes and review any Sync Issues alerts by hovering over the red button.


  5. Select Save before navigating to a different option.

Add Sync Profile

Once you have created the new Sync Profile, it needs to be made available for selection. The process involves adding the new sync profile to the Mobile Sync Profile Custom Metadata Type and then select the sync profile to the user’s record.

Add the Mobile Sync Profile Value to the Mobile Sync Profile Value in the User Object

  1. In your org’s Setup, enter Object in the Quick Find box.

  2. Select Object Manager.

  3. In the Quick Find box, enter User.

  4. Select User and then Fields & Relationships.

  5. In the Quick Find box, enter mobile.

  6. Select Mobile Sync Profile.

  7. In Mobile Sync Profile (Managed), scroll down to the Values section.

  8. Select New and then add the name of the sync profile you created as a picklist value.

    For the name, use underscores instead of spaces.

    Example: Sync Profile Name must be Sync_Profile_Name

    Click Save.

    Each value should be on its own line and it is used for both a value’s label and API name. If a value matches an inactive value’s API name, that value is reactivated with its previous label. If a value matches an inactive value’s label but not the API name, a new value is created.
  9. Continue with adding the sync profile to the user.

Add Sync Profile to User

  1. In your org’s setup, type user in the Quick Find box.

  2. Select Users.

  3. In Users, click Edit next to the profile that needs access to the sync profile.

  4. In the user’s record, scroll down to the FieldFX section.

  5. Click in the Mobile Sync Profile dropdown and select the sync profile.

  6. Click Save.

    Now that user can log into the FieldFX Mobile App.

Manage Filters

You can add filters to objects as an additional layer to manage what syncs to mobile devices.

Filters use the AltSync flag on objects, which must be True for a record to sync.

Filters must be changed from the Default Config Sync Profile, as the filter is an object-level setting that applies to everyone.
  1. Access the Sync Configuration Wizard Admin Portal tool.

  2. Select Default Config from the Active Config dropdown.

    The filter options selected for the Default Config Sync Profile apply to all Sync Profiles.

If you are using the new FieldFX Mobile App, the AltSync filter and AltSync checkbox shouldn’t be used. Also, when using the Sync Profile Wizard and filters, the AltSync filter shouldn’t be used.
  1. Select the desired object from the menu.

  2. If necessary, select the image arrow to expand the Filter records section.

  3. Select one of the following options:

    Option Object

    No filter

    Do not use AltSync for this object

    Filter rows by activity

    Master Data
    and Lookup

    Let FieldFX automatically select or deselect the AltSync flag on records

    Filter rows manually


    Use the AltSync flag, but a person selects and deselects the flag on records as needed

    Filter rows by formula:

    Enter a SOQL statement in the AltSync Formula field that must evaluate to True for the record to sync.

    Many objects have a recommended SOQL formula to use.

    Alerts display if the recommended setting is not entered, and the recommended formula displays in the Recommended AltSync Formula field that can be copied into the AltSync Formula field.

  4. Select Save, then repeat for other objects as needed.


Add an SQL Filter to an Object

  1. Access the Sync Profile Wizard from the Admin Portal in Back Office.

  2. At the Welcome to Sync Profile Wizard main screen, choose the Sync Profile you want to Ticket Transaction SQL Filter in the Active Profile dropdown.

  3. Click on the object on the side menu to have the SOQL filter.

  4. Under Filter Records, click the SOQL Filter tab.

  5. In the SOQL Filter input box, enter the SOQL text for the filter.

    Make sure you have an understanding of SOQL and constructing SOQL statements.
    For performance reasons, don’t use the AltSync field in the SOQL filter if the AltSync field is a formula field.
  6. Click Validate to ensure the SOQL is correct.

  7. If the SOQL is validated, click Save to save the filter.