Advantages of the FieldFX Mobile App

The FieldFX Mobile App is the new version of accessing FieldFX on a mobile device, such as an iPad, Windows tablet, or Android tablet.

This new version has distinct and better features and capabilities over the previous version of FieldFX Mobile.

Feature Previous FieldFX Mobile
(called FX Mobile and FX Mobile Pro)
FieldFX Mobile App


  • Web-based App

  • Apps for iPad, Android tablet, Windows tablet


  • Internet browser (Chrome browser)

  • Dedicated App available on the platform’s app store
    (iPad (App Store) /Android (Google Play Store) / Windows (Microsoft Store)).

    • Search in the app store for "FieldFX Mobile"

Job Scheduling & Dispatch

  • Excels in seamless job scheduling and real-time dispatching

  • Allows users to adjust schedules on the go and optimize resource allocation

Mobile Accessibility

  • Offline capabilities (Only sync when near a WiFi network for updates)

  • Users can access and input critical data with or without an internet connection

Custom Forms and Data Collection

  • Child eForms records appear in an editable grid under the parent record

  • eForms show up in separate tabs

For more information, see:

FieldFX Documentation Salesforce Documentation
  • n/a