Static Resources

A static resource is a file containing code that enables advanced features in FieldFX.

FieldFX uses a number of different static resources, as indicated below.

Name the Language static resource files the same as the ISO language locale value (xx_XX).
Ensure the resource file is named en_US.js, not en_US with no file extension.

FieldFX Static Resources

Name Usage Downloads


Translate FieldFX Mobile and Classic Item Builder user interface text for English language users.

The Item Builders for Invoices, Price Books, Quotes, and Tickets have been deprecated. Configure FX Item Picker Lightning Component Options for adding invoice items to a ticket, price book items to a ticket, Quote Items to a ticket, or ticket items to a ticket in Back Office.

Latest version


Translate FieldFX Mobile and Classic Item Builder user interface text for Spanish language users

The Item Builders for Invoices, Price Books, Quotes, and Tickets have been deprecated. Configure FX Item Picker Lightning Component Options for adding invoice items to a ticket, price book items to a ticket, Quote Items to a ticket, or ticket items to a ticket in Back Office.

Latest version


Add lookup filters in FieldFX Mobile

Sample version


Enable roll-up summary fields in FieldFX Mobile

Sample version


Add validation rules in FieldFX Mobile

Sample version

Step-by-Step Guides

You can:

Setup the New Static Resource file

The Document Template Editor should be handling any changes to the XML. Any manual changing in an XML editor outside of the Document Template Editor, if not done correctly, could present issues and cause the report template to not work properly.

If editing the XML is required, be sure that the individual editing has the skills to properly format the XML correctly.

  1. Log into your org and access Setup.

  2. Enter static in the Quick Find box.

  3. Select Static Resources under Custom Code.

  4. Click New.

  5. Enter a unique name for the new static resource file in the Name field. This field is required.

  6. Enter a description in the Description field.

Set up the FXL Data Grid Conditional Cell Highlighting

In the FXL Data Grid, a user can define the cell background within the grid based on a condition. The user can define the color, when the cell is highlighted, and the condition when the background color changes.

Users can’t define multiple conditions for the same cell but can define a condition with multiple criteria and color values for the same cell.

Configure the Static Resource Conditions

The Document Template Editor should be handling any changes to the XML. Any manual changing in an XML editor outside of the Document Template Editor, if not done correctly, could present issues and cause the report template to not work properly.

If editing the XML is required, be sure that the individual editing has the skills to properly format the XML correctly.

  1. Using a text editor, enter the XML commands for the specific highlighting you want.

    Example 1. Sample formatting - Ticket Items conditional cell highlighting
    window.fx_Gridv2_ActionFields = {}
      TIBGRID: { (1)
        version: 2,
        onetestperfield: "true",
        actions: [
           setResultFromSource: true,
           targets: [
                type: "ISEMPTY",
                action: "bg_color",
                results: ["yellow", "lightgray"],
                fields: ["FX5_Contact_c"],
            sources: [
               field: "Check_Box_Test__c",
               test: {
                 type: "TF",
    1 Grid UID
    You can customize the above code to the specifics of the highlighting you want. The Grid UID may be different depending on the Unique ID field in the FXL Data Grid Configurable Fields.
  2. Save the file with the name fx_GridV2_ActionsFields.


The following examples show the types of conditional cell highlighting you could use.

You can customize the above code to the specifics of the highlighting you want. The Grid UID may be different depending on the Unique ID field in the FXL Data Grid Configurable Fields.
Example 2. Price Column Highlight

Use this code to highlight the Price column in light blue background and a red outline with price between 5 and 7. Values within the range of 5 to 7 have text in purple on a yellow background, outlined in red. Values outside the range of 5 to 7 are in blue text, have a light blue background, and are highlighted in red.

window. fx_GridV2_ActionFields = {
    version: 2,
    onetestperfield: "true",
    actions: [
        targets: [
            type: "BETWEEN",
            values: [5, 7],
            action: "style",
            results: [
                background: "lightblue",
                color: "blue",
                border: "2px solid red".
                background: "lightyellow",
                color: "purple",
                border: "2px solid brown",
            fields: ["FX5_Price_c"],

StatRes CellCondEx1

Example 3. Contact Column Highlight

Use this code if the CHECK BOX TEST column is checked, make the cell background lightgray, If unchecked, make the cell background in yellow.

window.fx_GridV2_ActionFields = {
    version: 2,
    onetestperfield: "true",
    actions: [
        setResultFromSource: true,
        targets: [
            type: "ISEMPTY",
            action: "bg_color",
            results: ["yellow", "lightgray"] ,
            fields: ["FX5_ Contact c"],
        sources: [
            field: "Check_Box Test__c",
            test: {
              type: "TF",

StatRes CellCondEx2

Example 4. Highlight if CHECK BOX TEST column is checked or not

This is an example of trying to attach multiple test conditions to the same column. An error is produced.

Use this code to show the status of the CHECK BOX TEST and whether its checked or not. If checked

window. fx_GridV2_ActionFields = {
    version: 2,
    onetestperfield: "true",
    actions: [
        setResultFromSource: false,
        targets: [
            type: "TF",
            action: "bg_color",
            results: ["yellow", "lightgray"],
            fields : ["Check_Box_Test	c" ],
        sources: [
            field: "Check_Box_Test_c",
            test: {
              type: "TF",
        setResultFromSource: false,
        targets: [
            type: "TF",
            action: "bg_color",
            results: ["red", "blue"],
            fields : ["Check_Box_Test	c" ],
        sources: {
            field: "Check_Box_Test_c",
            test: {
              type: "TF",

StatRes CellCondEx3