Purchase Orders for Stock Items

You can use Purchase Orders in FieldFX EAM to purchase Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) Stock items for supply inventory in a Warehouse.

Key Features

  • Receive partial shipments using PO Receipts

  • Receive to inventory or automatically issue to a Work Order

How Stock Items Work

When PO Stock Items are on a Released Purchase Order, the On Order Qty is increased.

Received line items decrease On Order Qty and increase On Hand Qty.

Step-by-Step Guide

Add a Stock item to a Purchase Order

  1. Create or access a Purchase Order.

  2. From Quick Links or the Related tab, select PO Stock Items and click New.

  3. Enter the following in Information:

    Field Entry / Description

    Purchase Order

    Defaults, but can be changed.

    Stock Item

    Select the stock item to add to the order, or create a new Stock Item.

    Order Qty

    Enter number of items to order.

    Unit Cost

    Enter cost the vendor charges per item.

    Required Date

    Enter the date by which the items must be received.


    Additional information for the line item.

    Last Receipt Date
    (Read only)

    Displays last time this stock item on this purchase order was received.

    Receive to Work Order

    Select the checkbox to automatically issue the items to the specified Work Order when they are received.


    Leave deselected to receive the items into inventory and issue them to the work order manually at a later time.

    Work Order

    If items are for a work order, select the Work Order.

  4. Click Save or Save & New.