PM Group Schedules


A Preventative Maintenance (PM) Group Schedule is a set of possible work orders for a single piece of Equipment. For calendar-based and in any given month, only one of the Work Orders is required.

The PM Details specify the work required in a given month. It is also arranged in a hierarchy so that higher-ordered PM Detail work takes priority in a month over lower-ordered PM Details.

PM Group Schedules consists of two objects:

  • PM Group Schedule - where you enter asset, time frame (month day or weekday, and starting month), and status

  • PM Group Details - a child record of the PM Group Schedule where you enter the Model Work Order, Monthly Interval, Release Window and either a default PM Work Order record or a default vendor assignment



These schedules are based on a calendar schedule when certain tasks should be performed. The timeframe can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

These schedules are when a certain level is reached for an asset and a series of tasks need to be performed. The level can be miles, run-time hours, or others units of measure.

When that milestone is reached, a work order is created containing a PM Group Schedule Detail that contains the individual tasks needing to be done.

The advantage with meter-based PM Group Schedules is you won’t have to generate multiple PM Schedules each with its own work order. The PM Schedules can be grouped together based on the milestone.

Key Features

FieldFX PM Group Schedules in the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) module can:

  • Works with a calendar schedule based on monthly periods. Work does not have to be done in every month.

  • Uses Model type Work Orders as the template for generated Work Orders.

  • Relies on the SchedulePMGroupDetailBatch and ScheduleCalcPMGroupScheduleDatesBatch Scheduled Apex Classes.

How PM Group Schedules Works

Flowchart showing how a group schedule decides on which PM Detail to use to create a work order

Once you activate a PM Group Schedule, Work Orders are automatically released via a batch APEX job scheduled to typically run at night. With every PM Group Detail that has Ready to Release set to true, a work order is generated and becomes the current work order. Typically an hour later after the first job, another batch APEX job recalculates the Next Due Date and Next Release Date considering the work orders just created. You only need to setup the PM Group Schedules and set them to Active. The releasing work orders and due dates are automatically recalculated.

Step-by-Step Guides

Before you create the PM Group Schedule, you must have an Equipment record defined and then Meter record that matches the Equipment record.

Create a Calendar-Based Example for a PM Group Schedule

Example: A truck is inspected monthly, has a oil change with inspection quarterly, has tires rotated with the oil change and inspection every 6 months, and requires an emission inspection with other work annually.

  1. From the PM Group Schedules tab, click New.

    For this example, it will titled Truck Maintenance.

  2. Within the PM Group Schedule, create four separate PM Detail schedules:

    Frequency Icon

    For the monthly inspection, set at 1 (for every month).

    Month Icon

    For the quarterly inspection and oil change, set at 3 (for every third month).

    3rd Month Icon

    For the semi-annual inspection, oil change, and tire rotation, set at 6 (for every sixth month]).

    6th Month Icon

    For the annual inspection, oil change, tire rotation, and emission inspection, set at 12 (for every twelfth month or once a year)

    yearly Icon

  3. Once activated, this PM Group Schedule results in the following Work Orders each month:

    Month Description


    Month Icon


    Month Icon


    Month Icon | 3rd Month Icon

    Month Description


    Month Icon


    Month Icon


    Month Icon | 3rd Month Icon | 6th_Month Icon

    Month Description


    Month Icon


    Month Icon


    Month Icon | 3rd Month Icon

    Month Description


    Month Icon


    Month Icon


    Month Icon | 3rd Month Icon | 6th_Month Icon | yearly Icon


    Month Icon

Create a Meter-Based Example of a PM Group Schedule

Example 1. Meter-based scenario

You have a fleet of trucks that need their oil changed every 5,000 miles. You can set up a PM schedule in FieldFX to generate a work order to automatically generate a work order when one or more of trucks hits 5,000 miles from the last oil change.

  1. In the FieldFX EAM section, click the PM Group Schedules tab.

    The list of PM Group Schedules appears, use the dropdown arrow to select between Recently Viewed (default), Active, All, Draft, or Inactive.

  2. To create a new PM Group Schedule, click New.

  3. Name the new schedule something like Truck Oil Change.

  4. Enter these entries in the Information section:

    Field Action

    Schedule By Meter


    Meter Id

    Choose a meter record.


    Set the Group Schedule status:

    Option Description


    Group Schedule design in progress and not yet in use.


    Group Schedule currently in use to create Work Orders.


    Group Schedule temporarily paused.


    Group Schedule no longer in use.

    Starting Month

    Month number for the next required Work Order.

    End Date

    Date after which FX EAM sets the PM Group Schedule to Inactive status.

    Asset ID

    Select the ID for the Equipment the Work Orders are for, or create a new Equipment record.

  5. Complete these fields in the Scheduling Interval section:

    Field Action

    Monthly Interval

    Enter the interval for the schedule.

    Meter Schedule Interval

    Enter the interval such as 400, 800, 1200, etc.

    Release Window

    Read to Release Meter

  6. Change the PM Group Schedule status from Draft to Active.

  7. Make the following entries in PM Work Order Due On:

    Field Action

    Day/Weekday of Month

    Select to set the due date as either a particular day of the month (the fifteenth) or a particular weekday (first Friday of the month)

    Day of the Month

    Numerical day of the month work is due, or Last for Day of Month schedules


    Select the week of the month for the work to be due for Weekday of Month schedules


    Select the weekday for work to be due for Weekday of Month schedules

  8. For this truck maintenance example, create 4 separate PM details records.

  9. Click Save or Save & New.

Create PM Detail

  1. From the PM Group Schedule record’s Related tab or Quick Links, select PM Group Details and click New

  2. Make the following entries in Information:

    Field Action

    PM Group Schedule

    Defaults, but can be changed

    Model Work Order

    Select the Model type work order to use for the Work Order, or create a new one

  3. Make the following entries in Schedule Interval:

    Field Action

    Monthly Interval

    How many months to wait between Work Orders of this detail

    Release Window

    Number of days in advance of the due date to release the Work Order

  4. Make the following entries in Work Order Assignment:

    Field Action

    Default Work Order

    Select the user to define as the record owner.

    Default Account

    3rd party vendor expected to complete the work.

    New Work Order

    Select the Status to use for the generated work order.

  5. Make the following entries in Next Work Order:

    Field Action

    Next Due Date


    System populated via Apex Code. Field security should be set to read only for all user profiles.

    Next Due Date represents the Date when the next Work Order for this PM Group Detail will be due.

    Next Release Date


    System populated via Apex Code. Field security should be set to read only for all user profiles.

    Next Release Date equals the Next Due Date minus the Release Window.

  6. Make the following entries in Planned Workload & Costs:

  7. Click Save or Save & New.