

A Meter is a way to track use of an Equipment item.

Meters are used by a Preventative Maintenance Schedule to determine when to create the next meter-based Work Order.

Key Features

Continuous Meters can be used on Preventative Maintenance Schedules to track any accruing measurement. The values can always increase.

For example, hours, miles, gallons, or cycles.

Counter Meters can reset or go to a lower value than the previous reading. However, Counter Meters cannot be used for Preventative Maintenance Schedules.

How Meters Work

You can create a Meter for an Equipment item. Users enter Meter Readings for the item.

PM Schedules automatically generate some Work Orders based on Meter Readings.

Step-by-Step Guides

Add a New Meter

  1. Add a new Meter record and select either Continuous or Counter in the New Meter dialog.

  2. Make the following entries in Information:




    Up to 255 character label for the Meter.


    Select a Unit of Measure from the list.

    Estimated Annual Meter Usage

    Number of units that pass in a given year for PM Scheduling.

    Asset ID

    Select the Equipment item for the Meter.

  3. Make the following entries in Additional Details:

    Dates can’t be earlier than the install date for the meter.

    Meter revisions can’t be earlier than the initial revision date.

    Field Description

    External ID

    ID on another system

    For example, to pull readings from an API call.


    User entry to track meter revisions

    Install Date

    User defined date

  4. Click Save or Save & New.

Enter a Meter Reading

  1. Go to the Meter record.

  2. From Quick Links, hover over Meter Readings and select New.

  3. Make the following entries:

    Field Entry

    Meter ID

    Defaults to the selected Meter, but can be changed

    Reading Value

    Enter the reading

    Reading Date

    Select the Date and Time

    Meter readings can be entered in any order, as long as the resulting values increase through time for continuous meters.

    Dates can’t be earlier than the install date for the meter.

    Meter revisions can’t be earlier than the initial revision date.

  4. Click Save or Save & New.