Work Orders


Work orders record details about Equipment maintenance.

Users can manually create Work Orders, or FX EAM creates Work Orders based on a Preventative Maintenance Schedule and a _Model type Work Order.

You can create six types of Work Orders.

  • Corrective

  • Model Work Order

  • Preventative

  • Route

  • Route Step

Work Orders go through a life cycle.

Track Task Labor on the related Work Tasks when present or directly on the Work Order.


To setup and use work orders, you need to:

Have these user licenses Have these permissions Complete these tasks
and review these topics
before continuing

How Work Orders Works

In FieldFX, Work Orders are used to track the repair and maintenance records of Equipment.

Work Tasks can be used to track the kind of labor required to complete the work. Each task ties to either a specific Craft or uses the default labor rate as defined in Custom Settings. Tasks can be detailed into Work Task Steps.

A Work Task can automatically be added at Work Order creation if the Work Order Parameter Initial Est Hrs value in Custom Settings is set to something greater than zero.

Model type Work Orders serve as the templates for preventative maintenance schedules.

The Work Order (WO) object contains header level details for the Work Order.

Use the Related tab to add additional details for the Work Order, including:

As work is completed and inventory is issued, use the Related tab to view inventory transactions or compare planned vs. actual costs.

Work Order Statuses

Work Order statues determine whether demand is placed on unissued Stock Items in Planned Stock reports.

Preventative maintenance (PM) schedules can have work orders attached to them and either be Calendar-Based, Meter-based, or Event-based.

Table 1. Example of Statuses for Calendar-Based or Meter-based PM Schedules
PM Schedule Type Status Description

Calendar-Based PM Schedules


Users shouldn’t move the WO status to Closed without completing the WO. If just the WO status is just set to Closed and not completed, the WO won’t reset the PM. To avoid this, put in a validation rule to enforce that workflow.


If a user cancels a WO, they must specify a Due Date Override on the PM Schedule. There is already a validation rule to prevent this.

Meter-based PM Schedules

Closed & Cancelled

Users will need to change WO status to Completed first, in order reset the PM. Afterwards, the user can move the status to Closed or Canceled. To mitigate this, users can put a validation rule in place to enforce that workflow.

Step-by-Step Guides

You can either create or issue stock to work orders.

Create a Work Order

  1. Select Work Orders tab, then click New.

  2. Select the type of work order to add:

    Record Type Description


    Repair work

    Model Work Order

    Template to use on Preventative Maintenance Schedules

    Work Request

    Record of work that needs to be done, such as a bulb replacement or paint touch up

    Each Record Type has its own Status sequence and fields.
  3. Complete entries in each section. Required entries are indicated.

    Many values populate automatically via workflows.

    Category Fields Description / Action


    Work Order

    Automatically assigned


    Defaults to logged in user




    Asset ID

    Equipment on which to perform the work.


    Account record for whom the work is done.


    Specific location of the equipment.


    The Space record that requires work or the Space location from the selected Asset ID.

    Space is the Lowest level of the Building → Floor → Space hierarchy.


    Current status of the work order.

    Accept the default, as the Status is updated automatically.


    Category for the work order within its Record Type.


    User defined


    Assign the work order to a case.

    Detailed Comments

    Problem Description / Scope of Work

    Overview of the requirements for the work.


    Rich Text field for including details of work to be done.

    Planning & Scheduling

    Due Date

    Original planned or scheduled date work expected to be completed

    Assigned Vendor

    The Account ID for the Vendor doing the work.
    The Account must be defined as a Vendor.


    User planning the work

    Service Region

    Area for the work.Used for Crews.

    Scheduled Start Date

    Original date work planned to begin

    Actual Start Date

    Date work actually stared

    Scheduled Completion Date

    Planned date of work completion

    Completion Date

    Actual work completion date

    Close Date

    Date work is finalized

    Completion Date typically indicates work is done, but a final inspection has not occurred.

    Close Date means no additional labor or parts can be added to the Work Order and is typically after a final inspection.

    Labor Hours

    Initial Est Hours

    Number of hours planned for the job

    Entering more than 0 in Initial Est Hours prompts EAM to automatically add a Work Task for the Work Order.

    The default value for this field is defined in the Work Order Parameters Custom Settings.

    Actual Reg Labor Hours

    Regular rate hours automatically calculated based on work tasks for the work order

    Actual OT Labor Hours

    Overtime rate hours automatically calculated based on work tasks for the work order

    Actual DT Labor Hours

    Double time rate hours automatically calculated based on work tasks for the work order

    Accounting Details

    Expense GL Account

    Populated from Equipment item, but can be overridden by the user. Main G/L account to use for expenses for this work order.

    GL Variable 1
    GL Variable 2
    GL Variable 3
    GL Variable 4

    Sub-ledger segment for assigning costs to a cost center

    These variables are customizable to the business. See G/L Variables.

    Failure Analysis

    Downtime Hours

    Hours Equipment item is unavailable due to work order




  4. After creating the Work Order, use the Related tab from the Work Order to add:

  5. Use the Related tab from the Work Order to review either of the following:

    • Approval History

    • Work Order History

Issue Stock to a Work Order

  1. Access the Work Order record.

  2. From Quick Links or the Related tab go to Inventory Transactions and click New.

  3. Make the following entries:

    Field Action

    Stock Item

    Select the Stock Item to issue to the Work Order

    Transaction Type

    Defaults to Issue

    Transaction Qty

    Amount issued from on hand quantity

    To return items to the Warehouse, enter a negative quantity.

    Bin Location

    Select the Bin to take quantity from

    If left blank, the Stock Item’s Primary Bin location is used.

    Work Order

    Select the Work Order to issue the inventory to

    Transaction Date

    Defaults the current date, but can be changed

  4. Click Save.