Ticket Item Wizard for FX Mobile
Use the Ticket Item Wizard to add ticket items in FieldFX FX Mobile or FieldFX Mobile App.
These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile and not the newer FieldFX Mobile App. |
To use the Ticket Item Wizard, you need to:
Have these user licenses | Have these permissions | Complete these tasks and review these topics before continuing |
Getting There
Open a ticket in FieldFX Mobile, select Items on the sidebar, and select Add.
Item Type Filters
Use the Item Type filters to filter records by type.
Here are the default filters:
Filter Description Quote
When you add price book items to a quote, you can only select them from the Quote list. Quote items from the quote used to create the job
Price Book
Price book items in the job’s price book
Contacts linked to labor catalog items in the job’s price book
Equipment linked to equipment catalog items in the job’s price book
Scheduled Crew
Crew dispatched to the job
Scheduled Equipment
Equipment dispatched to the job
Filter tabs display if there is a result to show to the user.
If the filter list is empty or the user does not have permission to the result list, the tab does not display.
Record Type Filters
Use the Record Type filters to filter items by record type.
The Record Type filters change based on the Item Type filter you select.
Items List
The Items list displays the items you can add to the ticket.
The Items list changes based on the Item Type and Record Type filters you select.
Price Book Item Type
Change sort to any displayed column
Use the Sort control button on the top right to change the column used for sorting:
Select the field label to display a list and select a different column to use for sorting.
Select the arrow on the control to toggle between ascending and descending order.
Searching for Items
Use the Search field to do a keyword search for specific items.
When you do a keyword search and only one item displays in the results, select the Quick Add button to add the item to the ticket.
System administrators can disable the Quick Add button using an FX Setting.
Step-by-Step Guides
You can:
Add Ticket Items in FX Mobile or in the FieldFX Mobile App
Add Ticket Items from a Hierarchical Price Book within FX Mobile or in the FieldFX Mobile App
Add Ticket Items
Add Ticket Items in FX Mobile - Click to expand, click again to collapse
These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile and not the newer FieldFX Mobile App. |
To open a ticket, select Tickets.
Select the ticket.
Select Items on the sidebar.
If any items exist on the ticket, they would appear in a grid.
If no items exist on the ticket,
No Ticket Items
appears on the screen.-
The Ticket Item Wizard adds price book items to the to the ticket automatically if they have Required Item selected.
The Rule Engine adds price book items to the ticket automatically if required by a rule
The Ticket Item Wizard displays.
Select from the category to see the list of ticket items matching that category.
The filters along the top display the available ticket items.
Choose from the filters for the item type you can add.
The categories shown may be different depending on how tickets are set up in FieldFX Back Office. Table 1. Ticket categories Item Type Description Price Book
Filter to view price book items records in the job’s price book.
Use the All, Equipment, Labor, Services, or Supplies entry on the side to further filter the price book items by record type.
Filter to view contact records linked to the labor catalog items in the job’s price book.
The contacts can be organized by their location which appears on the side.
Filter to view the equipment records in the job’s price book.
The equipment records can further be filtered and grouped by category on the side.
Scheduled Crew
Filter to view the crew records scheduled to work on the job.
Scheduled Equipment
Filter to view the equipment scheduled for the job.
To quickly locate an item, use the keyword search bar.
As you type in characters, tickets that match appear in the list.
Select an item type.
The item types shown may be different depending on how tickets are set up in FieldFX Back Office. -
Select a record type.
The record types shown may be different depending on how tickets are set up in FieldFX Back Office. -
Select the desired item or items.
The item has a selected icon
to finish.
Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item. -
Select Yes or No to add details for the item before its saved.
If Yes, add the ticket item details.
The Ticket Item grid shows the item you have added.
Add Ticket Items in the FieldFX Mobile App - Click to expand, click again to collapse
To open a ticket, select Tickets.
Select the ticket.
Select Items on the top nav bar.
If any items exist on the ticket, they would appear in a grid.
If no items exist on the ticket,
No Ticket Items
appears on the screen. -
Tap + Add.
A list of available catalog items appears.
Tap on checkbox next to the desired ticket item.
Select from the category to see the list of ticket items matching that category.
The filters appear in the dropdown at the top of the window.
Choose from the filter to select the type for the new ticket item.
The categories shown may be different depending on how tickets are set up in FieldFX Back Office. Table 2. Ticket categories Item Type Description Price Book
Filter to view price book items records in the job’s price book.
Use the All, Equipment, Labor, Services, or Supplies entry on the side to further filter the price book items by record type.
Filter to view contact records linked to the labor catalog items in the job’s price book.
The contacts can be organized by their location which appears on the side.
Filter to view the equipment records in the job’s price book.
The equipment records can further be filtered and grouped by category on the side.
Scheduled Equipment
Filter to view the equipment scheduled for the job.
Scheduled Crew
Filter to view the crew records scheduled to work on the job.
To quickly locate an item, use the keyword search bar.
As you type in characters, tickets that match appear in the list.
Use the item type dropdown to select which list to pull from.
If records of a type don’t exist, you see No results found
. Add that type of record as a ticket item to the Ticket in Back Office.The record types shown may be different depending on how tickets are set up in FieldFX Back Office. -
Select the desired item or items.
The checkbox is filled in.
Tap + Add Selected at the bottom of the screen.
Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item. -
Complete the fields for the new ticket item. If Yes, add the ticket item details.
The fields shown may be different depending on how tickets items are set up in FieldFX Back Office. -
When finished, tap ✓ Finish.
The Ticket Item grid shows the item you have added.
Add Ticket Items from a Hierarchical Price Book within FX Mobile
Click to expand, click again to collapse
Select Tickets on the sidebar.
Select the ticket.
Select Items on the sidebar.
The Ticket Item Wizard adds price book items to the ticket automatically if they have Required Item selected
The Rule Engine adds price book items to the ticket automatically if required by a rule
Perform a keyword search to locate the items and select Show More from Extended Price Book.
Select items.
Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item.
Add Quote Items to a Ticket in FX Mobile
The FieldFX Mobile App only supports jobs and tickets. Quotes aren’t supported. |
Click to expand, click again to collapse
Select Tickets on the sidebar.
Select a ticket for a job created from a quote.
Select Items on the sidebar.
The Ticket Item Wizard adds price book items to the ticket automatically if they have Required Item selected.
The Rule Engine adds price book items to the ticket automatically if required by a rule.
Select the Quotes Item type.
When adding quote items, the other item types can’t be selected to add to the ticket. And when adding price book items to a quote, only items from the quote list can be selected.
Select Quote item.
Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item. -
You can also add the details before saving.
Add Child Ticket Items in FX Mobile
Click to expand, click again to collapse
These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile and not the newer FieldFX Mobile App. |
Select Tickets on the sidebar.
Select the ticket.
Select Items on the sidebar.
Select a dynamic parent item.
Enable Dynamic Parenting must be selected in the linked Price Book. -
Select Add Child Items.
Select child items.
At the confirmation to add details before saving each ticket item, select YES (to add the details) or NO (to continue adding them).
The ticket grid appears showing the ticket items as a child item underneath the parent item.
You can also enter details before saving.
The child items display below the parent item.
Recommended Reading
For more information, see:
FieldFX Documentation | Salesforce Documentation |