FX Timecards Updates

Release Table

Version Release Date Notes

FX Timecards Managed Package





Bug Fixes

FFX-913 and FFX-1047





Bug Fixes

376, 733



New Features

38, 42



Bug Fixes

43, 44

iOS / Android App

2.0.6 (Android)


This version of the Android app has been updated to confirm with the current Google requirements. There has been no functionality changes.



Starting with this version, the iOS and Android versions will be identical and have the same version number.

Bug Fix

FFX-279, FFX-491, FFX-462. FFX-493, and FFX-913

1.2 (iOS) /
1.28 (Android)

Bug Fixes

30, 29, 26, 19, 17, and 16

Release Notes

Version 2.0.6 (8/27/24)

This version of the Android app has been updated to confirm with the current Google requirements. There has been no functionality changes.

Version 2.0.0 (2/13/24)

This is for the FX Timecards App for iOS and Android.

Starting with this version, the iOS and Android versions will be identical and have the same version number.
Type Issue Summary

Bug Fix


We fixed an issue when a user tries to login to the timecard app and gets an error message enabling them not to be able to do anything.

duplicate value found: FXT2_UniqueKey_c duplicates value on record with id: a2D7V000004X440


We fixed an issue when a timesheet is locked because of the approval process and a user updates the Start or End Date fields in a Ticket item record, the Total Hours field on the associated Timesheet doesn’t get updated.


We fixed an issue where if a user goes to a previous timesheet on the app, they are redirected to the current timesheet.


We fixed an issue where if there wasn’t a timesheet for the current week, the app would crash with no error message.


We fixed an issue where a user had to update the end time to another time other than the default 7pm before the record could be saved to the database. This version fixes it so if the start time is before the end time, the validation doesn’t occur.

See How to Work with Timecards.

Version 1.42 (1/22/24)

Based on recent feedback and starting with this version, the way the table to communicate the changes for the version has changed. Issues for the version will be grouped by Type.

The Issue number will still be visible but now provide more context on the issue type. There won’t be separate sections for New Features, Enhancements, and Bug Fixes. They are all grouped into the one table.

Type Issue Summary



We made an enhanced for a user to make changes to the contact look-up, input quantity, and either the start or end time on a labor ticket item. They can do this even if the ticket item is associated to a locked timesheet/timecard.

Bug Fixes


We fixed an issue when a field user updates the labor item but doesn’t have access to the timesheet.


We fixed an issue where a user had to update the end time to another time other than the default 7pm before the record could be saved to the database. This version fixes it so if the start time is before the end time, the validation doesn’t occur.

Version 1.39 (8/12/2022)

This version is for the FX Timecards Managed Package.

Type Issue Summary



We have added the ability to not allow new Timecards when a Timesheet is already approved.

For more information, see these sections in the Timecards topic:

FX Timecards App FieldFX Back Office

Bug Fixes


We fixed an issue where if a user updates a ticket item and the Timesheet record is locked, a message appears that the ticket item can’t be updated because the specific Timesheet is locked.


We fixed an issue where when ticket items are deep copied, there aren’t copying over if the user has made labor items to ticket items on a Timesheet that is locked.

For more information, see FXL Deep Copy Setup Best Practices.

Version 1.2 (iOS) / 1.28 (Android)

These are for the FX Timecards iOS and Android App.

Bug Fixes

These bug fixes apply to iOS version 1.2 and Android version 1.28

Issue # OS Description



Fixed that if no data is available in a lookup field, the phrase "No Data Available" appears and is not NULL



Fixed issue so the date and time portions of the formula field are locked for editing



Fixed issue where checkbox appears as read only mode; user with edit permissions can edit checkbox.



Fixed issue by adding an 'OK' button where before there was no way to exit the Request Time Off screen.



Fixed issue so hours show correctly in whole numbers instead of decimals



Fixed issue so calendar scrolls smoothly when adding a Time Off entry

Version 1.29 (5/20/21)

New Features

Issue # Summary

38, 42

  • When a user is included as part of a labor ticket item, a trigger automatically checks if the user has an existing timesheet for the correct period.

  • If a timesheet does not exist for the correct period, one is automatically created for the user as long as a Pay Period exists that is active and not expired.

  • The Pay Period’s Week Start Day is used to compute a timesheet’s start date

  • The user must be licensed for Timecards, even if they do not use the Timecards app.


Issue # Summary


Timecards from Ticket Items

  • Timecards are already automatically generated for labor ticket items.

    • Timecards use the Ticket Item’s start date as the Timecard date.

    • If the Ticket Item does not have a start date, the Ticket’s date is used for the Timecard date.

  • Now, generated timecards are modified to match changes made to the ticket items.

    • If the ticket item’s duration is modified, the timecard automatically updates.

    • If the user for the ticket item changes, the created timecard for the old user is deleted and a new timecard generates for the updated user.

    • If the labor ticket item is deleted from the ticket, the timecard is also removed.

Bug Fixes

Issue # Description


We fixed a bug that caused mobile sync to fail if no pay period existed.


We corrected an issue that caused Total Hours on a timesheet to not update if a Labor Ticket Item was deleted.