Planned Stock
Planned Stock reports Stock Items that are expected to be needed.
An inventory manager uses planned stock for replenishing the Warehouse.
Key Features
Planned stock quantities are items on Work Orders in the following statuses:
Ready to Schedule
In Process
Items on Work Orders in any other status and items already issued to a Work Order do not affect Planned Stock.
How Planned Stock Works
An inventory manager should check their current stock levels against the Planned Stock and On Order quantities to make sure there is sufficient availability for expected demand.
Planned stock is a simple calculation. It does not consider seasonality, demand history, inter-warehouse demand, or other more complicated inventory management calculation methods. |
Step by Step
In Reports, create a Stock Items with Planned Stock and Work Orders report type.
In Filter,
Add a Warehouse filter for the appropriate Warehouse or Warehouses.
Adjust the Show Me filter to show All Stock Items.
In Outline,
Add an On Hand Qty column.
Add an On Order Qty column.
Run the report to test results, then Save or Save & Run.