Planned Stock


Planned Stock refers to materials or inventory items designated in advance or a specific job. These are items that need to be reserved, ordered, or brought on-site to ensure a job can be completed without interruption.

Planned Stock reports Stock Items that are expected to be needed.

An inventory manager uses planned stock for replenishing the Warehouse.

Key Features

Planned Stock features include:

  • Material Reservation

Users can reserve materials in advance for specific jobs or projects. Using this help prevents stock being out and inventory is available for high-priority tasks.

  • Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Current stock levels can be monitored for real-time including reserved, in transit and pending restock. With this visibility, teams are updated on critical item availability.

  • Automated Reordering

FieldFX can trigger reorder requests to suppliers when Planned Stock items fall below predefined thresholds. This reduces the risk of material shortages and ensuring stock availability stays in line with project timelines.

  • Job Integration with Scheduling

Planned Stock can integrate directly with Job Scheduling & Dispatch (JSD) FieldFX module. With the integration, the job schedules consider material availability.

  • Cost Allocation and Tracking

Costs are tracked associated with reserved materials. With this, precise budget tracking can be performed on a per-job basis. Project accounting is improved and any deviations can be identified early.

  • Alerts and Notifications

Automated alerts can be sent to users when Planned Stock items are delayed, running low, or having arrived. With these alerts, teams can respond quickly to changes and avoid field disruptions.

  • Supplier Coordination

Communication with suppliers can be created with FieldFX by integrating Planned Stock data into procurement processes. This helps streamline ordering and material tracking no currently available in inventory.

  • Detailed Reporting and Analytics

Reports can be used to show insights showing current stock items, usage trends, cost breakdowns, and availability for future projects. Users can use these reports to make data-driven decisions on inventory management.

  • Compliance and Documentation

In industries that have strict regulatory requirements, you can use audit trails and compliance documentation to track and verify inventory usage. This ensures that stock usage is in compliance with standards.

  • Flexibility in Stock Assignment

Planned Stock call be allocated at various stages, either at job creation, during project planning or as a last-minute adjustment. This ensures flexibility to respond to changing project needs.

Planned stock quantities are items on Work Orders in the following statuses:

  • Ready to Schedule

  • Scheduled

  • In Process

Items on Work Orders in any other status and items already issued to a Work Order do not affect Planned Stock.

How Planned Stock Works

Simply put, Planned Stock helps ensure your jobs have the materials they need.

When a job is created, the required materials are listed as Planned Stock. Those items are reserved specifically for that job and aren’t available for use elsewhere.

Planned Stock flags the material that aren’t available and indicates that they need to be ordered.

When the items are ordered and once they arrive, FieldFX updates the job status. Teams now know when everything is ready to start the job.

Costs can be tracked and alerts can be sent if the materials are delayed. Teams can readjust the schedule if necessary.

Planned Stock is FieldFX’s inventory manager and checks the current stock levels against the Planned Stock and On Order quantities. This ensures there is sufficient availability for expected demand.

Planned stock is a simple calculation and doesn’t consider seasonality, demand history, inter-warehouse demand, or other more complicated inventory management calculation methods.

When a user in FX Mobile created an inventory transaction in FX Mobile and once its synced to Back Office, the Planned Stock item is created for a relevant work order. Also, if the inventory transaction is created in Back Office, the Planned Stock item is created as well.

Step-by-Step Guides

You can create Planned Stock Items in

Add in FieldFX Back Office Create Planned Stock Reports in FieldFX Mobile.

Add a Planned Stock Item in Back Office

You can add a new Planned Stock Item within Back Office.

  1. Log into FieldFX Back Office.

  2. Access the SMFX EAM FieldFX module.

    1. Locate and Click on the Inventory or Planned Stock section.

  3. To create a new Planned Stock Record, click on New (or Add Planned Stock or Create Planned Item).

  4. Enter the required details:

    The fields shown may differ depending on the configuration of stock items. The field turns yellow once a value has been entered.
    Field Description


    Stock ID

    Enter the stock ID.


    Click to select the warehouse from the dropdown list. If there is no warehouse, select the + New Warehouse to create a warehouse.


    Enter a description of the item.


    Select an option in the dropdown list for the item’s status.


    Enter up to 255 characters of information about the part using separate lines.


    Select a catalog item from the dropdown list. If there is not catalog, use the + New Catalog option to create a catalog.

    A Serialized Stock Item requires a reference to a Catalog Item record.

    Serialized Component Setup


    Select either the Yes or No option.


    Select the condition from the dropdown list.


    This defines the point in the Inventory Control Process. If the Inventory Issue is On Hand Quantity, the item is treated as bulk stock and the Equipment is created at issue. If the Inventory Receipt, On Hand Quantity is serialized and Equipment records are created at PO Receipts.

    If you want to edit the dependencies, click View all dependencies.


    Select the record type in the Equipment Record Type dropdown for serialized inventory records.

    If you want to edit the dependencies, click View all dependencies.

    Stocking Information

    On Hand Qty
    (Read Only)

    This is measured in the Stock’s Unit of Measure (UOM). Its populated by the system and workflow.

    The security for this field should be set to read-only for all profiles.

    Stock UOM

    This is also the Primary UOM and must be the lowest level of UOM. All "Part Transactions" occur in the Stock/Primary UOM. The values are from ANSI X12.3 Code List 355 Unit of Measure.

    Work Order
    Open Commit
    (Read Only)

    This quantity is the value of all open quantities on work orders beyond the "In Planning" status and not "Completed".

    This field is calculated on save.

    Cycle Count

    A user defined picklist for categorizing parts for cycle count selection.

    (Read Only)

    This is a calculated value of On Hand Qty minus Work Order Open Commit Qty - Sales Order Open Commit Qty.

    ABC Code

    User specified.

    Low Quantity

    Set a minimum number when the item should be reordered.


    User defined code that is user defined.

    Select from the dropdown menu a priority.

    Inventory Location Information


    Show the internal tracking location of the item.

    Primary LOC
    OH Quantity
    (Read Only)

    On Hand Quantity is contained in the Primary Location.

    This field is calculated on save.

    Auto Delete

    Check this box so a Secondary Bin Location is automatically deleted if the Bin Location On Hand Quantity is zero.

    Secondary LOC
    OH Quantity
    (Read Only)

    On Hand Quantity is contained ALL Secondary Locations.

    This field is calculated on save.

    Ordering Information

    Auto Order

    Check this box so the item is available for the Batch Purchase Order creation Process.

    Sourcing Type

    Choose the sourcing type between Purchase Order and Work Order.


    This is calculated from the Qty to Order of a part.

    Don’t edit the available values in this list. OP-OQ is the only valid default value.



    Click in the field to open up a calendar picker. You can set the date when the price was last updated.

    Lead Time

    Enter the lead time in days.

    Cost & Usage

    Last Issue

    Click in the field to open up a calendar picker. You can set the date when the item was last issued.


    Choose either Last In, Weighted Average, or Standard from the dropdown list.

    On Hand
    Qty Value
    (Read Only)

    This field is calculated on save.

    Back Office Details


    Read-only field of who created and modified the planned stock item.

  5. Click either Save & New or Save.

    If any of the required fields aren’t completed, an error message appears saying "We hit a snag." with the fields to review. Click the field link to jump to the field and correct it.

    A summary page of the new stock item appears.

  6. Confirm the information such as quantities, item codes and other details in the Planned Stock entry.

  7. You can also add notes and files to the entry, if your org workflow requires documentation.

  8. If applicable, assign approvals or notifications.

    If you org requires it, you may need to send the item for approval or notify relevant stakeholders.

Edit Serialized Control Point Dependencies

  1. Change the Serialized field from No to Yes.

    Once Yes is selected, the next fields can be edited.

  2. Select the Equipment Record Type from the dropdown list to set the equipment record type for inventory serialized records.

    The record types may be different, depending on the org’s configuration.
  3. Select either At Inventory Issue or At Inventory Receipt the Serialization Control Point from the dropdown list to set the Inventory Control Process point.

    • If the Inventory Issue has On Hand Quantities, the item is treated as bulk stock and Equipment records are created for the issue.

    • If the Inventory Receipt has On Hand Quantities, the item is serialized and the Equipment records are created as PO Receipts.

  4. Click Apply to save the dependency.

Edit Equipment Record Type Dependencies

  1. Change the Serialized field from No to Yes.

    Once Yes is selected, the next fields can be edited.

  2. Select the Equipment Record Type from the dropdown list to set the equipment record type for inventory serialized records.

    The record types may be different, depending on the org’s configuration.
  3. Select either At Inventory Issue or At Inventory Receipt the Serialization Control Point from the dropdown list to set the Inventory Control Process point.

    • If the Inventory Issue has On Hand Quantities, the item is treated as bulk stock and Equipment records are created for the issue.

    • If the Inventory Receipt has On Hand Quantities, the item is serialized and the Equipment records are created as PO Receipts.

  4. Click Apply to save the dependency.

Create Planned Stock Reports in FX Mobile

  1. In Reports, create a Stock Items with Planned Stock and Work Orders report type.

  2. In Filter,

    1. Add a Warehouse filter for the appropriate Warehouse or Warehouses.

    2. Adjust the Show Me filter to show All Stock Items.

  3. In Outline,

    1. Add an On Hand Qty column.

    2. Add an On Order Qty column.

  4. Run the report to test results, then Save or Save & Run.