Preventative Maintenance


You can use a Preventative Maintenance Schedule feature to define when to generate Work Orders for an Equipment item.

Or you can use a Model type Work Order as the template for the Work Orders generated by the schedule.

You can also use the calendar, Meter, or event to schedule the Work Order.

An Equipment item can have as many preventative maintenance schedules as required.


Preventative maintenance schedules prompt the creation of a work order for an asset based on criteria defined on the schedule.

A Work order can be generated based on either the calendar, event (such as a status change), or a meter (hours run, miles, etc.).

The floating interval (the default) looks at the last work order’s completion date to trigger the next work order.

A fixed interval triggers the next work order based on the due date of the last work order, even if the work was not completed until later.

Schedules can consider both the floating calendar and a meter.

The schedule creates the work order based on whichever criteria is met first: calendar or meter.

Fixed calendar intervals cannot be used at the same time as a meter.

When generating a work order from a PM Schedule, custom fields on EAM objects also copy from the following objects:

  • FX5__WorkOrder__c

  • FX5__WorkTask__c

  • FX5__PlannedStock__c

  • FX5__WOMiscCost__c

  • FX5__WorkTaskStep__c


To setup and use the Preventative Maintenance feature, you need to:

Have these user licenses Have these permissions Complete these tasks
and review these topics
before continuing
  • Set up EAM

  • Set up the Preventative Maintenance feature

Step-by-Step Guides

You can:

Create a New Preventative Maintenance Schedule

  1. Go to the PM Schedules tab and click New.

  2. Make the following entries in Information:

    Field Description / Action

    Model Work Order

    Select the Model type Work Order to use for this schedule, or create a new one

    Asset ID

    Select the Equipment record to maintain, or create a new one.

    PM Status

    Select the status for this schedule.

    Status Description


    Schedule design in progress and not yet in use.


    Schedule currently in use to create Work Orders.


    Schedule no longer in use.


    Schedule temporarily paused.

    Only Active schedules generate Work Orders.

    A Custom Setting controls whether _Active PM Schedules can be modified.

    Default Work Order Owner

    User responsible for completing the generated Work Order.

    Consider assigning a Group instead of a User so that any member of the Group can select the Work Order.

    Default Account Assignment

    3rd party vendor expected to complete the work.


    Internal reference to track modifications to the schedule.

  3. If you are making a PM Schedule on a Work Order, make the following entries in PM Scheduling Information:

    Field Description / Action

    PM Due Date Override

    Enter a date to generate the next Work Order.

    FX EAM automatically clears this field when the next Work Order generates.

    Release Window

    Number of days in advance of the Work Order’s Due Date to release the Work Order.

    Leave this value blank to use the default Release Window defined in Custom Settings.

    New Work Order Status

    Select the status to use for the generated Work Order, either _In Planning or Ready to Schedule.

    Exclude Saturday

    Select to avoid Work Orders due on a Saturday; due date pushed to next available day.

    Exclude Sunday

    Select to avoid Work Orders due on a Sunday; due date pushed to the next Monday.

    Auto Release

    Select to include this PM Schedule in the batch scheduling process and have Work Orders automatically generate and release.

    End Date

    Date after which to mark this schedule Inactive.

  4. Complete these entries based on the type of PM Schedule:

  1. Make the following entries in Planned Workload & Costs:

    Field Description / Action

    Occurrences Per Year Override Estimate

    Replace the estimated number of occurrences calculated by FX EAM with a manually entered value.

  2. Click Save or Save & New.

Calendar-Based PM Schedule

  1. If you are making a PM schedule that is calendar based, make the following entries in PM Scheduling - Calendar Based:

    Complete entries in this section only for preventative maintenance that considers the calendar for scheduling.

    Field Description / Action

    Schedule by Calendar

    Select to use the calendar to schedule maintenance.

    Floating Interval

    Select to use the current work order’s completion date to calculate the next due date; otherwise, FX EAM uses the current Work Order’s due date instead.

    The Current Work Order is the most recently generated Work Order for this schedule.

    Calendar Interval

    Number of calendar intervals to wait between Work Orders.

    Calendar Interval UOM

    Select the calendar period, either Days, Weeks, or Months.

    • If the Work Order on the PM Schedule is set to the Closed status:
      Users shouldn’t move the WO status to Closed without completing the WO. If just the WO status is just set to Closed and not completed, the WO won’t reset the PM. To avoid this, put in a validation rule to enforce that workflow.

    • If the Work Order on the PM Schedule is set to Cancelled status:
      If a user cancels a WO, they must specify a Due Date Override on the PM Schedule. There is already a validation rule to prevent this.

  2. Continue with entries for Planned Workload & Costs.

Meter-Based PM Schedule

  1. If you are making a PM Schedule based on a meter, make the following entries in PM Scheduling - Meter Based:

    Complete entries in this section only for preventative maintenance that considers a Meter for scheduling.

    Field Description / Action

    Schedule by Meter

    Select to use a Meter to determine when to generate a Work Order

    Meter ID

    Select the Meter to use for scheduling, or create a new one

    Meter Schedule Interval

    Unit of Measure value to pass between Work Orders, based on the Meter ID’s Unit of Measure

    Initial Meter Reading Due Value

    Next meter value at which maintenance should be scheduled

    Reminder: A Floating Interval Calendar schedule can also consider a Meter.

    FX EAM generates the Work Order when either measure is reached.

    If the WO Status is Closed & Cancelled:
    Users will need to change WO status to Completed first, in order reset the PM. Afterwards, the user can move the status to Closed or Canceled. To mitigate, a validation rule could be put in place to enforce that workflow.
  2. Continue with entries for Planned Workload & Costs.

Event-Based PM Schedule

  1. If you making a PM schedule that is event based on a work order, make the following entries in PM Scheduling - Event Based:

    Complete entries in this section only for preventative maintenance that considers an Event for scheduling.

    If you do not see this section, have your system administrator modify the page layout to add it.

    Field Description / Action

    Event Based

    Select the checkbox to indicate this is an event-based schedule

    Event Type

    Select what kind of event indicates the work order should generate

    Status Changed is provided.

    You can define your own Event Types as needed. See below.

    Event Value (Optional)

    The particular value of the Event Type that indicates the work order is necessary

    If Event Value is left blank, a work order generates any time the event type occurs.

    For example, if an inspection work order should generate when Equipment enters a Status of Returned, make the following entries:

    Event Based


    Event Type

    Status Changed

    Event Value


  2. If making a PM schedule based on a meter, make the following entries in PM Scheduling - Meter Based:

    Field Description / Action

    Schedule by Meter

    Select to use a Meter to determine when to generate a Work Order.

    Meter ID

    Select the Meter to use for scheduling, or create a new one.

    Meter Schedule Interval

    Unit of Measure value to pass between Work Orders, based on the Meter ID’s Unit of Measure.

    Initial Meter Reading Due Value

    Next meter value at which maintenance should be scheduled.

    Complete entries in this section only for preventative maintenance that considers a Meter for scheduling.

    Reminder: A Floating Interval Calendar schedule can also consider a Meter.

    FX EAM generates the Work Order when either measure is reached.

  3. Continue with entries for Planned Workload & Costs.

Manually Generate a Work Order from a PM Schedule

  1. Go to the PM Schedule for which to generate a Work Order.

    Use the PM Schedules Due Next 30 Days Report to review and access PM Schedules due soon.

  2. For schedules set to Auto Release, enter a date in the PM Due Date Override field, then click Save.

    FX EAM creates the Work Order at the next Apex run based on the entered PM Due Date Override and Release Window fields.

    Blank Release Window fields use the default Release Window defined in Custom Settings.

  3. For schedules not set for Auto Release, click the New PM Work Order action button.

  4. Review the new Work Order number, select Continue, then click Next.

    FX EAM creates the new Work Order.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Use the PM Schedule’s Related tab or Quick Links to quickly access the generated Work Order.

FX EAM updates the information in the Last & Current Work Order section of the PM Schedule detail.
The FX EAM lookup on the work task populates with the model work order record and not the parent work order record. A reporting metric was created to determine labor cost vs. parts per work task and integration.

Create a Custom Event Type

Custom event types allow you to generate a work order based on your own reasons for needing a work order.

Equipment Status Change is provided. Use these steps to add your own.

For example, an Equipment item returns to a particular office or location.

Add the Event Type Option

  1. From Setup, select Object Manager.

  2. Select the PM Schedule Object.

  3. Select Fields & Relationships.

  4. Select Event Type.

  5. In the Values section, click New.

  6. Enter the Event Type value.

    You can add multiple new Event Types, one per line.

  7. Select Save.

Add the Event Type Process

This uses Process Builder and assumes familiarity with that tool.

  1. From Setup, enter Process Builder in the Quick Find box, then click Process Builder.

  2. If you already have a process for the object triggering the event, select it and skip to step 2.g Otherwise, select New and continue to the next step.

  3. Make the following entries in New Process:

    Field Action

    Process Name

    Create a name for the process

    API Name

    Accept the defaulted entry


    Enter what the process is for

    The process starts when

    Select A record changes.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click + Add Object, then make the following entries:

    Field Action


    Object whose record causes the work order to generate.

    Any object can also be used to trigger an event and generate a work order.

    Start the process

    Select when a record is created or edited.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click + Add Criteria, then make the following entries:

    Field Action

    Criteria Name

    Enter a label for the process builder box.

    Make the label a question the process is seeking to answer.

    Criteria for Executing Actions

    Select how to determine whether the Equipment needs a work order.

    The rest of the options change depending on entry selected.

    Enter the criteria or formula to use.

  8. Click Save

  9. Click + Add Action, then make the following entries:

    Field Action

    Action Type

    Select Create a Record

    Action Name

    Enter Create Equipment Event

    Record Type

    Select Equipment Event

  10. Set Field Value - Equipment ID:

    Define options so that the work order is generated for the correct Equipment item.

    Field Action


    Field Reference


    Equipment ID Field from the object

    From the Equipment object, it is the Record ID.

  11. Set Field Value - Type:

    Field Action




    The Event Type added in step 1

  12. Set Field Value - Value:

    Field Action

    Type Field Reference

    Value Select the field that changes and indicates the work order should generate

  13. Click Save.

  14. Click Activate to begin using the process.