System Administration Guide for FieldFX Mobile App

This setup and configuration guide is for System Administrators to install and configure the FieldFX Mobile App for mobile users to work and exchange data with FieldFX Back Office.

Differences between FieldFX Mobile App and FX Mobile

There are key differences in capabilities in the new FieldFX Mobile App and the existing FX Mobile.

Feature Previous FieldFX Mobile
(called FX Mobile and FX Mobile Pro)
FieldFX Mobile App


  • Web-based App

  • Standalone Apps for iPad, Android tablet, Windows tablet


  • Internet browser (Chrome browser)

  • Dedicated App available on the platform’s app store
    (iPad (App Store) / Android (Google Play Store) / Windows (Microsoft Store)).

    • Search in the app store for "FieldFX Mobile"

Custom Forms
Data Collection

  • n/a

  • Child eForms records appear in an editable grid under the parent record

  • Custom Objects (previously known as eForms) show up in separate tabs

FieldFX objects

  • Jobs, Tickets, and Quotes

  • Jobs and Tickets

  • Work Orders are not supported

Contact support for a complete list of supported objects.

Page Layouts


  • Not Required

  • Required

  • The app automatically syncs when the user navigates away from the edit screen

Sync Profile
for each mobile

  • Not Required

DataGuide (DG)

  • Limited support

Prerequisites & Requirements

The following are requirements as you configure your org to work with the FieldFX Mobile App:

FieldFX Back Office FieldFX Mobile App
  • Minimum version: FieldFX Base Managed Package v1.591

    There are no customizations that require the FieldFX Lightning Managed Package. You should have your org running the latest version.
Test the hardware with your actual work load before making a purchase.
  • iOS/Android/Windows:

    Platform Current



    17 and greater



    14 and greater




Setup Steps Summary

This is a summary of the steps you need to complete. Where applicable, references to a section is given for more detailed steps.

  1. Assign required permissions to users.

  2. Enable Apex Classes in a Mobile User’s Sync Profile.

  3. Configuration of sync profiles.

  4. Correct configuration of FX Settings Custom Settings.

  5. Set Sync Packet Size for AutoSync.

  6. Contact FieldFX Support for guidance on how to set up Email Notifications using Salesforce Flow for Sync Failures.

Configuration Overview

Pages and Objects

When configuring the FieldFX Mobile App, an admin can use the Sync Profile Wizard Admin Tool in the FieldFX Back Office to set up the mobile user’s access to data and metadata. The configuration areas below are listed along with any special requirements:

Object Configuration

  • See Objects and Object Manager in the Setup section of your org.

  • Define the following:

    Object Permissions

    Specify which objects are available on the mobile app.

    Field-level permissions

    Determine and select the object fields are visible or editable on the mobile interface.

Page Layouts

  • In the FieldFX Mobile App, list views and grids (ticket items and eForm (Custom Objects)) are driven by compact layouts

  • You can:

  • Customize the objects and fields which appear on the user interface

  • Customize the order and grouping of fields for better usability

  • Specify actions or the buttons to be available to users

  • Types:

  • You can use Salesforce page layouts for a detailed view of the record. Any object in the new FieldFX Mobile App can use page layouts. Its driven by the SFDC page layout assignment for that object. It’s different by record type and is dependent on what fields the user has access using their sync profile.

  • The search layout is used for look-ups in the FieldFX Mobile App. Clicking on a look-up field, the first three fields appear on the search layout. Clicking on the information bubble, all the fields in the search layout appears.

  • The compact layout is used for all list views in the FieldFX Mobile App. When you see a list (in jobs, tickets, ticket items, and eForm records) in the FieldFX Mobile App, the FieldFX object has been set up to use compact layout.

  • Assign these layouts
    in Back Office

  • You can assign different page layouts to different user profiles (not sync profiles). Only that profile will see the specific fields and objects that are relevant.

Mobile Profile

  • You can create special configurations for the FieldFX Mobile app using the [Sync Profile Wizard] Admin Tool in the FieldFX Admin Tools Dashboard.

  • The sync profiles determine which objects synced to the FieldFX Mobile App

Special Requirements

  • Validation

Server-side validation rules work the same in FieldFX Mobile App as they did in FX Mobile

  • Object

If using large objects or datasets, use an SOQL filter and not an AltSync filter to prevent sync delays


  • Before you deploy, test the configuration in a sandbox environment for a smooth user experience and syncing is working as expected