Login Settings
You can configure the following login settings:
To configure Login settings, you need the following:
System permissions:
Customize Application
View Setup and Configuration
Enable Administrators to Log In as Users
From Setup, enter
login access
in the Quick Find box, then select Login Access Policies. -
Select Administrators Can Log In as Any User.
Click Save.
Set Security Policies for Login Passwords
From Setup, enter
in the Quick Find box, then select Password Policies. -
Make the following entries:
Entry Action User passwords expire in
Select the number of days after creating a password that users must create a new password
Enforce password history
Select the number of new passwords that users must create before they can reuse a previous password
Minimum password length
Select the minimum number of characters allowed for passwords
Password complexity requirement
Select the types of characters that users must include in passwords
Password question requirement
Select whether users can enter their password in the answers to password hint questions
Maximum invalid login attempts
Select the number of login failures at which to lock users out
Lockout effective period
Select how long to lock out users after they reach the maximum number of invalid login attempts.
Click Save.
Set Trusted Networks
When you set trusted networks, users can access FieldFX from those networks without having to activate their devices and enter verification codes.
From Setup, enter
in the Quick Find box, then select Network Access. -
Click New.
Enter the IP address(es) for the trusted network.
In Description, enter details to identify the network.
Click Save.
Set Content Security Policy Trusted Sites
Your Salesforce org Lightning Component framework uses the the Content Security Policy (CSP), a W3C standard, in controlling the source of content that can be loaded on a page.
To update and set the trusted sites in your Content Security Policy, see Salesforce Documentation: Update the Content Security Policy (CSP) Trusted Site Settings.