Quote Items


A quote item is a price book item on a quote.

Use the Quote Item Builder or Quote Item Wizard to add quote items.

FieldFX has deprecated these items, for the same functionality, use the listed alternative.

Deprecated item Alternative
Configure the FX Item Picker Lightning Component


To use quote items, you need to:

Have these user licenses Have these permissions Complete these tasks
and review these topics
before continuing
For the Quote object For the Quote Item object

Ensure that these fields appear in the object:

  • FX5__eClosed_Date_c (Date)

  • FX5__eNext_Steps__c (Text)

  • FX5__eReason_for_Loss__c (Picklist)

To check the Quote object:

  1. In Setup, type Fields in the Quick Find search box.

  2. Select Object Manager in Objects and Fields.

  3. At the Setup > Object Manager list of objects, type in Quote in the Search box.

  4. Click Quote.

  5. In the Fields & Relationships menu, enter a keywork from the FIELD NAME in the Quick Find search box.

    The FIELD LABEL should have the used search term that is in the FIELD NAME.

If these fields don’t appear, your org may not be running the latest FieldFX Managed Package. Contact your administrator.

Ensure that these fields appear in the object:

  • FX5__eCost_Plus_Markup_Amount__c (Currency)

  • FX5__eCost_Plus_Markup_Percent__c (Percent)

To check the Quote item object:

  1. In Setup, type Fields in the Quick Find search box.

  2. Select Object Manager in Objects and Fields.

  3. At the Setup > Object Manager list of objects, type in Quote in the Search box.

  4. Click Quote Item.

  5. In the Fields & Relationships menu, enter a keywork from the FIELD NAME in the Quick Find search box.

    The FIELD LABEL should have the used search term that is in the FIELD NAME.

If these fields don’t appear, your org may not be running the latest FieldFX Managed Package. Contact your administrator.

Relationship with Price Book Items


You can add price book items to a quote from the:

Copying Data from Quote Items

When you add a price book item to a quote, data copies from the price book item to the quote item.

Data copies between the following managed fields by default:

Table 1. Price Book Items to Quote Items
Price Book Item Field Quote Item Field



To copy data from the FX5__Catalog_Cost__c field to quote items, add a custom field named Cost__c to the Quote Item object.


If you don’t make an entry in the FX5__Description_Override__c field, quote items inherit their description from the FX5__Catalog_Description__c field in the price book item.










































  • You can add custom fields to copy additional information between price book items and quote items.

    Make sure custom fields have the same name, data type, length, and decimal places on both the Price Book Item and Quote Item objects.
  • Fields that are prefixed with Locked_ prevent the editing of the related field (with the similar API name) when the locking field is True.

  • You can add your own Custom Locking Fields to the Quote Item

  • When a locked field on a Price Book Item is copied to the Quote, the Quote Item’s matching field is also locked.

Relationship with Jobs

You can now take data from an approved quote and turn it into a job in FX Back Office.

Copying Data from Approved Quotes to a Job

When you want to turn an approved quote into a job, data copies from the quote object to the job in FX Back Office.

Starting with v1.158 of the FX5 Managed Package, you can use these labels and API names in the Quote object:

Table 2. FX Quote Field to FX Job Field
Label API Name Label API Name

AFE Number

(Text - 255 characters max)

Site Country

(Text - 255 characters max)

Contact Name

(Text - 100 characters max)

Site Latitude

(Number - Latitude format: 000.000000)

Contact Phone

(Text - 5 characters max)

Site Longitude

(Number - Longitude format: 000.000000)

Customer PO

(Text - 50 characters max)

Site State

(Text - 255 characters max)

Projected Start Date


Site Zip

(Text - 20 characters max)

Projected End Date




Site Address1

(Text - 255 characters max)



Site Address2

(Text - 255 characters max)

Requested Start Date


Site City

(Text - 255 characters max)

Step-by-Step Guides

The FieldFX Mobile App only supports jobs and tickets. Quotes aren’t supported.

With quote items, you can:

Table 3. Quote Item Tasks (BO = Back Office, FXM = FX Mobile)

Add Quote Items

FieldFX Back Office

Click to expand, click again to collapse
The Quote Item Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
  1. To add quote items from a price book, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its setup.

    The Rule Engine also adds price book items to the quote automatically if required by a rule.
  2. Click <strong>Expand</strong> icon on the right side of the page.

    The Expand button only appears when using the Price Book Builder, Ticket Items Builder or the Quotes Item Builder. These builders have deprecated and are no longer supported. Use the FX
  3. Select price book items.

  4. Click Add Selected.

    Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item.
  5. Click Collapse icon on the left side of the Item picker.

FieldFX Mobile

These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
Click to expand, click again to collapse
  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar.

  2. Select the quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select Blue add button.

  5. Select a record type.

    Selecting a Quote Item’s record type in FieldFX Mobile

  6. Select items.

    Quote item list in FieldFX Mobile

  7. Select Green add button.

Add Quote Items from a Hierarchical Price Book

FieldFX Back Office

Click to expand, click again to collapse
The Quote Item Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
  1. To add quote items from a price book, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its setup.

    The Rule Engine also adds price book items to the quote automatically if required by a rule.
  2. Click Expand on the right side of the page.

    Expand icon
  3. Click Extended Price Book Items.

    Screenshot of FieldFX Back Office Extended Price Book Items panel
  4. Select price book items.

  5. Click Add Selected.

    Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item.
  6. Click Close on the left side of the Item picker.

    Collapse icon

FieldFX Mobile

The FieldFX Mobile App only supports jobs and tickets. Quotes aren’t supported.
These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
Click to expand, click again to collapse
  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar.

  2. Select the quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select Blue add button.

  5. Perform a keyword search to locate the items and select Show More from Extended Price Book.

    Extended search in FieldFX Mobile

  6. Select items.

  7. Select Green add button.

Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item.

Add Child Quote Items

FieldFX Back Office

Click to expand, click again to collapse
The Quote Item Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
  1. To add quote items from a price book, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its setup.

    The Rule Engine also adds price book items to the quote automatically if required by a rule.
  2. Click Add Child Items next to a dynamic parent item.

    Add child items button in the Configure Your Items panel

    The Item picker opens.

  3. Select child items.

  4. Click Add Selected.

    The child items display indented under their parent item.

  5. Click Close Collapse icon on the left side of the Item picker.

  6. Click Add Child Items.

    Add child items button - red

    Add Child Items mode is now disabled.

FieldFX Mobile

These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
Click to expand, click again to collapse
  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar.

  2. Select the quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select a dynamic parent item.

  5. Select Update icon.

  6. Select Add Child Items.

  7. Select child items.

  8. Select Green add button.

    The child items display below the parent item.

    Quote item example with parent and children

Add Quote Items to a Ticket

FieldFX Back Office

Click to expand, click again to collapse
The Ticket Items Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
  1. To add quote items to a ticket, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its setup

  2. Click Expand on the right side of the page.

    Expand icon
    The Expand button only appears when using the Price Book Builder, Ticket Items Builder or the Quotes Item Builder.
  3. Click the Quote Item Picker tab.

  4. Select quote items.

  5. Click Add Selected.

    Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item.
  6. Click Close Collapse icon on the left side of the Item picker.

FieldFX Mobile

These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
Click to expand, click again to collapse
  1. Select Tickets on the sidebar.

  2. Select a ticket for a job created from a quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select Add button.

  5. Select the Quotes Item type.

    When adding quote items, the other item types can’t be selected to add to the ticket.

    And when adding price book items to a quote, only items from the quote list can be selected.

  6. Select Quote item.

  7. Select Green Add button.

    Child items get added automatically when you add their parent item.
  8. You can also add the details before saving.

Copy Quote Items

FieldFX Back Office

Click to expand, click again to collapse
The Quote Item Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
  1. To copy quote items, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its set up.

  2. Move down to the Item grid.

  3. Select items.

  4. Click Copy Selected.

  5. Click OK.

FieldFX Mobile

These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
Click to expand, click again to collapse
  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar.

  2. Select the quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select the items.

  5. Select Update button.

  6. Select the item or items to copy from the grid.

  7. Select Update icon.

    If there is a number in the corner of the icon, it is the number of selected items to copy.

  8. From the menu that appears, select Copy Action.

    The number of items you selected is shown below the actions.

    The new copied items appear on the grid already selected. You can edit them if needed.

Edit a Quote Item

FieldFX Back Office

Quote Item Builder has been deprecated. Configure FX Item Picker Lightning Component Options for adding Quote Items to a ticket in Back Office.

Click to expand, click again to collapse
The Quote Item Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
  1. To edit a quote item, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its set up.

  2. Move down to the Item grid.

  3. Click the arrow next to the item.

    Rounded arrow button
  4. Click Edit.

  5. Make edits.

    IMPORTANT: You can’t edit the discount for items that have Locked Discount selected or edit the price for items that have Locked Price/Markup selected.

  6. Click Save.

FieldFX Mobile

These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
Click to expand, click again to collapse
  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar.

  2. Select the quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select the item.

  5. Make edits.

    You can’t edit the discount for items that have Locked Discount selected or edit the price of items that have Locked Price/Markup selected.
  6. Select Blue check save button.

Edit Multiple Quote Items

FieldFX Back Office

Click to expand, click again to collapse

NOTE: The Quote Item Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.

  1. To edit a quote item, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its set up.

  2. Move down to the Item grid.

  3. Select items.

  4. Click Bulk Update.

  5. Make edits on the Updated Selected Items panel.

    Update Selected Items panel in FieldFX Back Office

    IMPORTANT: You can’t edit the discount for items that have Locked Discount selected or the price for items that have Locked Price/Markup selected.

  6. Click Update.

FieldFX Mobile

Click to expand for FieldFX Mobile steps
These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar.

  2. Select the quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select the items to edit.

  5. Select Update button.

  6. Select Bulk Edit.

  7. Select the field to edit.

You can’t edit the discount for items that have Locked Discount selected or edit the price of items that have Locked Price/Markup selected.

  1. Enter new information.

  2. Select Green Check.

Click to expand, click again to collapse
These steps are for the FieldFX Mobile App.
  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar.

  2. Select the quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select the items to edit.

  5. Select Update button.

  6. Select Bulk Edit.

  7. Select the field to edit.

You can’t edit the discount for items that have Locked Discount selected or edit the price of items that have Locked Price/Markup selected.

  1. Enter new information.

  2. Select Green Check.

Apply Stage Pricing to Quote Items

FieldFX Back Office

Quote Item Builder has been deprecated. Configure FX Item Picker Lightning Component Options for adding Quote Items to a ticket in Back Office.

Click to expand, click again to collapse
The Quote Item Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
  1. To apply stage pricing to quote items, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its setup.

  2. Move down to the Item grid.

  3. Select items.

    You can’t apply stage pricing to items that have Locked Discount selected.
  4. Click Apply Stage Pricing.

  5. In Total Staging Price, enter the price to charge for the items.

  6. Click Apply.

    • The total price for the items is now the specified stage price.

    • The discount percentage of each item also updates.

    • To remove stage pricing, delete the items and then re-add them.

FieldFX Mobile

These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
Click to expand, click again to collapse
  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar.

  2. Select the quote.

  3. Select Items on the sidebar.

  4. Select items.

    You can’t apply stage pricing to items that have Locked Discount selected.
  5. Select Update button.

  6. Select Stage Price.

  7. In Total Stage Pricing, enter the price to charge for the items.

  8. Select Green save button.

    • The total price for the items is now the specified stage price.

    • The discount percentage of each item also updates.

    • To remove stage pricing, delete the items and then re-add them.

Delete Quote Items

FieldFX Back Office

Quote Item Builder has been deprecated. Configure FX Item Picker Lightning Component Options for adding Quote Items to a ticket in Back Office.

Click to expand, click again to collapse
The Quote Item Builder has been deprecated and is no longer supported.

To edit a quote item, use the FX Item Picker Lightning Component once its set up.

FieldFX Mobile

Click to expand for steps in the old FieldFX Mobile
These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile. The newer FieldFX Mobile App doesn’t support Quotes.
  1. Select the quote.

  2. Select Items on the sidebar.

  3. Select the items to delete.

    You can’t delete a quote item if the linked price book item is required by a rule or the linked price book item has Required Item selected.
    Child items get deleted automatically when you delete their parent item.
  4. Select Update button.

    If there is a number in the corner of the icon, it is the number of selected items to delete.

  5. Select Delete.

  6. Select DELETE.

For more information, see:

FieldFX Documentation Salesforce Documentation
  • n/a
