FX Mobile Field Updates Admin Tool


FX Mobile Field Updates is an Admin Tool enabling system administrators to define and maintain:

  • Default field values for when field users create new records using new record forms in FieldFX Mobile.

  • Field rules, including field values, for when field users create new records and/or edit existing records in FieldFX Mobile.

FX Mobile Field Updates can streamline data entry by field users and increase the consistency and accuracy of the data collected in FieldFX Mobile.

The paging limit has been extended to allow over 1,000 records.


To setup and use FX Mobile Field Updates, you need to:

Have these user licenses Have these permissions Complete these tasks
and review these topics
before continuing for the first time
  • To use FX Mobile Field Updates, system administrator users need:

    • System Administrator permissions for Salesforce

    • Read, create, edit, and delete permissions to the FX5__Field_Rule__c and FX5__Field_Action__c managed sObjects and their associated fields

  • To use FX Mobile Field Updates, field users require:

    • Read access to the FX5__Field_Rule__c and FX5__Field_Action__c managed sObjects and their associated fields.

How Mobile Field Updates Work

Mobile field updates only apply to the objects or forms active in FieldFX Mobile.

  • Objects and forms are collectively referred to as the object of a mobile field update.

  • Available objects are:

    • Custom sObjects (eForms)

    • Quote

    • Quote Item

    • Job

    • Ticket

    • Ticket Item

    • Ticket Log

    • Work Orders

    • Work Tasks

    • Work Task Steps

A mobile field update is comprised of a field rule with one or more field actions defined for it.

  • Each field rule applies to a single object in FieldFX Mobile.

  • Each field action applies to a single field on that object in FieldFX Mobile.

  • An object in FieldFX Mobile can have multiple field rules defined for it.

You configure field rules and field actions by defining or editing them in FX Mobile Field Updates.

You can use formulas to configure field rules and field actions.

Step-by-Step Guides

Complete these tasks in order:

Access the Object

Access the object in FX Mobile Field Updates to configure field rules for it.

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office.

  2. Switch to Salesforce Classic.

  3. Access https://login.fieldfx.com/apps/fieldupdates.

  4. Click Field Updates.

  5. Select the object for which you want to configure a field rule.

    Screenshot of the Select Objects field with arrow
    Figure 1. Click the Select Object dropdown to choose the object for the new rule
  6. Select one of the following tabs:

    Tab Name Description

    Default Value

    Sets default field values when opening new forms and creating new records.

    Update When Created or Editing

    Sets field values while editing records or when a record is created for the first time.

    While editing a record, fields will update every time the criteria transitions to true.

    Updated When Created

    Sets field values when a record is created for the first time.

    These updates are applied last when creating a new record.

  7. Click either:

    • Add Criteria to define a new field rule

    • Active to deactivate the sync of the field rule while you edit the criteria for it

      Screenshot of Add Criteria and Active toggles with arrows
      Figure 2. Select the Add Criteria button, then deactivate the rule while working on it
  8. If you deactivated an existing field rule, click the name of the object to edit the field rule criteria.

    Screenshot of the object field with an arrow
    Figure 3. Click the name of the object for an existing rule to modify it
  9. Configure the Field Rule.

Configure the Field Rule

Define or edit the criteria that tests the field rule for true.

  1. Access the Object in FX Mobile Field Updates.

  2. Define or edit the Description of the field rule.

  3. Define or edit when the field updates for this object apply by selecting either:

    • No criteria - always apply to field updates to set the field rule to always apply

    • Update fields when following formula evaluates to true to enter a formula to be more specific about when the field rule applies

  4. If you selected to be more specific about when the field rule applies, enter the formula.

  5. Click Save

    Screenshot of the Field Rule screen with arrows pointing to the fields to update
    Figure 4. Make entries in Description and formula fields, then click Save

    If you need to delete a field rule, access this form and click Delete.

  6. Continue with configure the Field Action(s).

Configure the Field Action(s)

Define or edit a field and the action to apply to it.

  1. Access the Object in FX Mobile Field Update.

  2. Click either:

    • Add Field to define the field and action for the first time

    • Active to deactivate the sync of the field rule while you are editing the field action

      Screenshot of the active and add field buttons
      Figure 5. Deactivate a rule while editing it
  3. If you deactivated the field rule, click the name of the field to edit the field action.

    Screenshot of a field name
    Figure 6. Click the name of the field to edit it
  4. Complete or edit the fields in Field Update:

    Field Entry


    Explanation of what the rule is doing

    {Object} Field (required):

    Field whose value should change by the update

    Only fields from the rule’s object are available for selection.


    Number, string or formula to use in the field

    If you select a field with a data type of geolocation, the Value field is set to true and cannot be changed.

    The field updates with the geolocation from the device when the action triggers.

  5. Click Save

    Screenshot of the Field Update with arrows pointing to the required fields and Save button
    Figure 7. Fill in at least the required fields (marked with an *) and then click Save

    If you need to delete a field action from the field rule, access this form and click Delete.

  6. Repeat steps 2–5 as necessary for additional fields

  7. Click the Active toggle so the field rule will sync to FieldFX Mobile.

    Screenshot with arrow pointing to the Active toggle in the off position
    Figure 8. Click the Active toggle to slide the button to the right and make the rule available for use


Set Driver for Ticket Items as Current Contact

  1. Access the Ticket Item object on the Default Value tab in FX Mobile Field Updates

  2. Configure the field rule as follows:

    Field Entry


    Always apply field updates

    No criteria - Always apply field updates:


    Unlabeled formula field:


    Screenshot with Description and rule values completed for example 1
    Figure 9. The completed fields should look like this rule screenshot
  3. Configure the field action as follows:

    Field Entry


    Set driver to current user

    Ticket Item Field:




    Screenshot of the field update actions for example 1
    Figure 10. The completed field action should look like this screenshot
  4. Confirm the Default Value tab displays the field rule and field action accurately and the field rule is Active.

    Screenshot of the example 1 rule on the Default Value tab
    Figure 11. The Default Value tab should show the criteria and field rule

Set Inspector for JSA Form as Current Contact

  1. Access the JSA form on the Default Value tab in FX Mobile Field Updates

  2. Configure the field rule as follows:

    Field Entry


    Set the Inspector based on the current user contact

    No criteria - always apply field updates:


    Screenshot of the JSA Default Value rule with entries
    Figure 12. The rule for the JSA has a description, and is set to always apply
  3. Configure the field action as follows:

    Field Entry



    JSA Field:

    Safety Inspector



    Screenshot of the JSA rule’s field action with entries
    Figure 13. The rule uses the Contact ID of the current user to set the Safety Inspector field
  4. Confirm the Default Value tab displays the field rule and field action accurately and the field rule is Active

    Screenshot of the JSA rule set to Active on the Default Value tab
    Figure 14. The JSA rule has criteria and fields, and it is set to active