Document Template Editor


With the Document Template Editor, you create or modify XML templates that can be used in FieldFX Mobile. These Document Templates can used to generate PDF reports, a type of FX Report. You can attach the reports to records as PDFs, which are easier to print and email.

The Document Template Editor is used in FieldFX Back Office as a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. You can use repeating headers/footers, pagination, and many other advanced formatting options. You can drag design elements to the design canvas and build your report.


The Document Template Editor has these features:

  • Stricter enforcement of XML Syntax for greater predictability of report rendering success

  • Viewing reports that contain ServiceMax DataGuide Form elements

    ServiceMax DataGuide must be installed and configured in your org to use the DataGuide Form elements


To use the Document Template Editor,

Have these user licenses Have these permissions Before continuing
complete these tasks

Grant Access to Admin Tools

As an admin, only give access to users using Permission Sets. The user must have a Salesforce Platform license.
  1. From Setup, enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets.

  2. Click the link for the Permission Set Label you need to modify.

    1. To access the Admin Tools dashboard, grant the AdminTool_Portal permission.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select System Permissions.

  4. Click Edit Properties.

  5. Mark the Enabled checkbox for Customer Application.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat the steps for other permission sets as needed.

  8. For Admin Tools, the user needs these permissions just for the areas they will be working on:

    To use this Admin Tool…​ Grant this Permission…​

    Document Template Editor


    Conditional Pricing


    (must be installed to appear)


    FX Logs


    Mobile Field Updates


    Mobile Filters


    Mobile Help Builder


    Mobile Rollups


    Mobile Validations


    Price Book Rules


    Record Access Check


    Report Templates


    Status Workflow


    Sync Event Viewer


    Sync Profile Wizard


    User Share View


    User Wizard


Set up Permissions / Apex Classes / VisualForce Pages

To use the Document Template Editor within FieldFX, you need to specify the Custom Permissions, Apex Classes, Visualforce Pages.

If these already exist in the user profile and you still can’t access the Document Template Editor, contact your System Administrator.
  1. In your org, click Gear to access Setup.

  2. Custom Permissions for the profile:

    1. At Setup, enter permission in the Quick Find search box.

    2. Click Custom Permissions.

    3. Click New.

    4. At the New Custom Permission screen, add FX5.Admin Tool - Document Template Editor if not already added.


      Admin Tool - Document Template Editor




      Configure Document Template Editor features

    5. Click Save to finish and return to the list of custom permissions.

  3. For Apex Classes for the profile:

    1. At Setup, enter Apex in the Quick Find search box.

    2. Click Profiles.

    3. Find the profile you want and open it.

    4. Under Apps, scroll down to Apex Class Access and open it.

    5. Find and add FX5.OmnibusRestService in the list.

      FX5.OmnibusRestService may not be on the first page depending on the profile. Use the page tools to navigate to other pages.
    6. Click Save to finish and return to the list of APEX classes.

  4. For Visualforce Page access for the profile:

    1. At Setup, enter profile in the Quick Find search box.

    2. Click Profiles.

    3. Find the profile you want and open it.

    4. Under Apps, scroll down to Visualforce Page Access and open it.

    5. Find and add FX5.PDFTemplateEditor.Advanced.

    6. Click Save to finish and return to the list of Visualforce pages.

XML Templates

An XML template is a file containing XML markup that controls the design and content of a report template.

XML templates use:

You can create XML templates in a text editor.

The Document Template Editor should be handling any changes to the XML. Any manual changing in an XML editor outside of the Document Template Editor, if not done correctly, could present issues and cause the report template to not work properly.

If editing the XML is required, be sure that the individual editing has the skills to properly format the XML correctly.

PDF Metadata

  • Add PDF file metadata using a <info> tag in the Report Template.

  • Supported metadata attributes are:

    • title - You can also use this for the PDF filename.

    • author -

    • subject

    • keywords

  • Report designers can use Handlebars expressions to add dynamic content to the metadata fields.

  • If added manually (outside of the Document Template Editor using the XML Editor), the <info> tag must be a direct child of the <template> tag.

PDF Metadata Examples

Use the Job Safety Report as the Report Title Each Time a Report Generates

In the title field of the Report Template, enter Job Safety Report.

This adds the following to the XML for the report template:

xml code
  <info title="Job Safety Report" />

Dynamically Use the Customer and a Timestamp for the Report’s Title

If you create multiple PDF reports, you can add the customer and timestamp to the report title to set them apart. In the title field of the Report Template, enter the following Handlebars expression:

{{FX5__Customer_Account__r.Name}}-{{formatDate (formula "NOW()") format="MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss"}}

The Document Template Editor adds the following to the XML for the report template:

  <info title="{{FX5__Customer_Account__r.Name}}-{{formatDate (formula "NOW()") format="MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss"}}"/>

The resulting report might display as follows:

List of Report Titles in FX Mobile
Figure 1. In FX Mobile
List of Report Titles in FX Back Office
Figure 2. In FieldFX Back Office Notes List also shown in the Files related list (as the name of PDF)
Microsoft Windows File Properties
Figure 3. In a Microsoft Windows File Properties displayed by right clicking the file

How Report Templates Work

Use the Report Templates Editor tool to add new reports for Quotes, Jobs, Tickets, Invoices and any other object.

  • You can only generate reports for jobs, tickets, quotes, and eForms in FieldFX Mobile.

  • In the new FieldFX Mobile App, you can only generated reports for jobs, tickets, and eForms.

  • Before creating a new version of the same report, the admin must add the respective fields in the report title. The PDF filenames have the date and time in the filename.

Use the wizard to create or change an XML template for the report.

Start from a preloaded format or create a new report from a blank template.

After creating the report, advanced users can modify the XML directly.

Document Template Editor Interface

We fixed an issue where the bold, italic, and underline formatting for a Report PDF wasn’t working. Those formatting controls now work when the report is made into PDF and rendered.

You can use the document template editor in FieldFX Admin Tools and, if installed, in ServiceMax Dataguide.

If using ServiceMax DataGuide, you must be an admin to use the Document Template Editor.

FieldFX created the Document Template Editor for a non-technical person to build a document (report) template. No coding is required, just the ability to drag-and-drop elements onto a canvas and configure the necessary parameters for each element.

The editor is a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) drag and drop interface where you can design a document template based on a FieldFX object.

You can create report templates for any object in FieldFX with a few exceptions. As you create templates for different objects, they appear in the Main Template List section.

In FieldFX, you can set up a custom button to convert a report HTML to a PDF.

For more information, see the Document Template Editor Admin Tool Release Notes.

Main Screen

Main Advanced Report Template Editor Interface
Figure 4. Main Advanced Report Template Editor Interface

The main screen of the Editor has options to do the following:

Table 1. Main Interface Callouts
Callout Name Description



Click this button to return to the main Admin Tools list.



Click this button to bring in the XML code for another report template created outside of the Advanced Report Template Editor. See Import XML of a Template.


+ New Template

Click this button to create a new report template. You can link this template to any FieldFX object.

The editor opens up a new canvas and the Report Canvas appear.



Click this menu to see:


  • The current user name

  • The org name

  • The version number in use.


FieldFX Object Categories

The categories shown depend on the FieldFX object that used as a basis for the template. If this is a new org, no report templates exist and the list is blank.


Author Filter

Use this dropdown to filter the list of templates by the user who created them.



Use this dropdown to narrow the report templates that have an advanced filter. Filters can have multiple criteria which can take into account any of the fields available on the report template object.


Action icons

Each report template entry has icons to perform tasks on that template.

Action Icons

Click Edit Icon

to open the template in the editor or in the XML editor to edit it.

You can only edit reports initially created in the WYSIWYG report editor.

Click Copy Icon

to copy the template. At the copy window, click Copy to make a copy of the template. The copy appears in the list window with "(1)" after the name.

Click Download Icon

to download the XML of the template. A message appears that the XML is generating and saved to your browser’s default download location.

Click Trash Icon

to remove the template. At the confirmation window, click Delete.


Template List

The created templates appears in a table with these columns:

  • Template Name - Name of the template

  • Created - The template’s creation date

  • Created By - Name of the user who created the template

  • Modified - The template’s last modified date

  • Modified By - The user who last changed the template

Design Interface

Once you create a new template, a blank Template Canvas appears.

Template Design Canvas callouts

Template Design Canvas callouts

Table 2. Main Design Canvas Callouts
Callout Name Description



Click the FX logo to return to the FieldFX Admin Portal.


Template Functions

Use this menu to complete common template tasks such as:

Menu Option Description / Action

< Templates

Click to return to the list of templates.


Click to save the current template.


Click to generate a preview of the report. See Preview a Template.


Click to review or change the following properties of the template.

This opens the report template editor record page so you can set the different values, such as Account, Office, Segment, etc.

Advanced Filtering

Click to create or edit an advanced filter to use in the template.

You can build custom visibility criteria for the report template.

Example 1. Displaying a Template for a Country value on the Ticket object

You can display a template for Canada if the Country value set on the ticket object is "Canada".

Defining an advanced filter overwrites the default filter. You can prevent this by adding a value on the Account, Office, Job Type and Segment values via the Properties tab.




Design Panels

The editor has collapsible options to add different elements to the template. You can collapse these panels by clicking the > icon.

Panel Name Description


You can add these menu elements to the report canvas such as Layout, Data Table, DataGuide Form, and Signature box.


The image picker which shows the images you have uploaded or add an Image.

Layout Information

Set the page dimensions, page orientation, and page margins.

File Properties

You can set the report title, author, subject and add keywords to help classify and search for the report.


Report Canvas

To start designing a report, begin the Create New Template process and use the Report Canvas to drag and drop elements.

You can drag multiple elements, but not all, into the header, footer, and body.


Text Formatting Bar

This bar stays open at the top of the canvas. When using a text element, you can change the format and font size, plus apply Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, font color and alignment. See Text Formatting Bar for more information.

You can also use the </> Insert button to insert a data field value (dependent on the report object).

The field value context depends on:

  • The report template’s SObject

  • A child object when inserting a field with a Data Table element

You can also add a language to the report generation by using the dropdown and selecting + Add language.



To help build your report, you can type a text, drag a layout table, data table, a signature, or a image placeholder onto the report canvas.

If you have the ServiceMax DataGuide package installed, there is an additional element available: DataGuide Form.


You can click anywhere in the report canvas and start typing to:

  • In the header for the company address

  • In the body for a section title

  • In the footer for a confidentiality statement

You can add different text blocks or blank lines within a text block.

  • To add a different text block, press Shift + Enter.

  • To add a new line to the current text block, press Enter.

See Add Text.

Text Formatting Bar

You can add text to the Header, Body, and Footer.

Back to Elements

Layout Table

Use this element to insert a blank row table onto the canvas. By default, the table has 3 columns by 3 rows. You can add or remove rows and columns if needed and arrange different elements side by side. You can use layout tables to improve the readability of the template. By using this layout trick, the different elements are arranged side by side and won’t be displayed below each other down the page. Another benefit could be a reduced page count if you print the template.

Example 2. Use of Layout Tables
  • You can configure a report header with logo, report title, and account number in a 3 column, 1 row layout table

    In the Report Template Editor Preview of Report

    Report Header Example

    Report Preview Header Example

  • Or to have the tech name and signature name next to each other, use a 2 column, 1 row layout table

You can’t place a table in a cell of another table.

Use the table format toolbar (it appears above the table) to customize the table. Most of these icons are available to customize the Data Table, while others can’t be used.

Active Table format toolbar

Clicking outside the table to another area on the Report Canvas hides the toolbar.
Table 3. Table formatting toolbar
Icon Function


Click to adjust the cell margins. Enter the value for Left, Top, Right, or Bottom.
Table cell margins

Borders Icon

Click the sub icon to turn off the border for the selected cell.
Cell Borders

Fill icon

Use to change the background of the selected cells.
Cell Background Color

To change the cell color either:

  • Click a color square

  • Double-click on the string after # and enter a Hex Code

  • Enter the individual numbers for R, G, and B values

Add Row or Column Icon

In Layout Tables and depending on the location of the cursor, you can add a column before or after and also add a row before or after.

Add row or columns

In Data Tables and depending on the location of the cursor, you can insert a column before or after the cursor location.

You can only add a Summary row to a data table using the Summary Row function.

Delete Row or Column Icon

Click to remove the selected row, or column, depending on the cursor’s location.

Remove Row or Column Icon

Merge cell icon

Click to merge the selected cells into one cell

In a Data table, this is disabled.

Split cell icon

Click to split the selected cell into two cells.

In a Data table, this is disabled.

Delete table

Click to remove the table.

You can use the layout table in either the Header, Body, and Footer.

Back to Elements

Data Table

Use this element to add a Data Table to the report. A Data Table displays the child records in the current report’s root object.

You can use data tables to show:

Example 3. Data Table Uses

You can use Data Tables to show child record collections for:

  • Ticket Items for a Ticket Report

  • Tickets or Ticket Items on a Job Report

You can add multiple data tables can be added.

To configure the table, see Add and Configure a Data Table.

The formatting toolbar is similar to that for the Layout Table but has more functions.

Data Table formatting bar

Table 4. Data Table formatting toolbar
Icon Function


Click to adjust the cell margins. Enter the value for Left, Top, Right, or Bottom.
Table cell margins

Borders Icon

Click the sub icon to turn off the border for the selected cell.
Cell Borders

Fill icon

Use to change the background of the selected cells.
Cell Background Color

To change the cell color either:

  • Click a color square

  • Double-click on the string after # and enter a Hex Code

  • Enter the individual numbers for R, G, and B values

Add Row or Column Icon

Depending on the location of the cursor, you can insert a column before or after the cursor location.

Add columns

Delete Row or Column Icon

Click to remove the title or selected row, depending on what you have selected.

Remove Row or Column Icon

Merge cell icon

Click to merge the selected cells into one cell

Split cell icon

Click to split the selected cell into two cells.

Sort Table icon

Click to sort the data table by an SObject Field and select the order as Ascending or Descending.

Sort Data Table Options

Filter Table icon

Use this icon to add or edit an additional filter to limit shown records.

Filter Data Table Options

Data Table Summary Row Icon

Use this icon to insert a Summary Row in a Data Table.

A new row appears at the end of the Data Table with a Sum reference field pill. The Summary Row stays selected if there is a summary row in the data table.

When creating a summary, you must choose the field to summarize. The summary function doesn’t automatically assume that you are trying to summarize the field above.

Delete table icon

Confirmation to remove the table.

This Data Table menu only appears at the top of the Data Table when your cursor is in the Data Table. If you have another Data Table in the report, and move the cursor to it, the Data Table menu appears above it.

Back to Elements

DataGuide Form

Drag this element to the report canvas to insert a DataGuide Form into the report.

For more information, see ServiceMax Documentation: DataGuide Forms.

You must have the ServiceMax DataGuide package installed and at least one DataGuide Form created.

To use the DataGuide Form element, see Add a DataGuide Form.


Drag this element to the report canvas to insert a signature block in the report.

To edit the block, click the gear icon. You can:

  • Set a caption (required)

  • Enter watermark text which appears behind the signature line. The watermark can also be a date, formula, or a Salesforce field reference.

    Table 5. Signature Block options


    Enter the caption that appears underneath the signature line.


    Choose the type of watermark you want:


    Enter the text that appears in the signature line.


    Displays the report’s creation date.


    Enter the name of the SObject field you want to appear here. Usually you can use this to show the job number, ticket number, or invoice number.

    Salesforce Field

    Select the standard Salesforce SObject.

    Select Size: Width, Height

    Enter the width and height in inches of the signature block.

  • Change the size by entering a width and height in inches

  • Remove the signature block from the report canvas
    At the Remove Signature confirmation, click Yes to confirm the removal.

See Add and Configure the Signature Block to configure the signature block.

You can add more than one signature element to the report canvas.

You can also add a signature block to the Header, Body, or Footer.

Image Placeholder

Drag this element to add an image to the report canvas. You can reposition the image placeholder within the report canvas.

Use it for capturing an image and appending it to the report when the report is generated in Mobile or Back Office.

The Document Template Editor supports these image formats:

  • JPEG / JPG

  • PNG

Only a single image can be added in an image placeholder.


Images Panel

This panel shows the graphics already uploaded where you can use it. There is a search field where you can search for an image if you have multiple images.

A suggested use could be including Logo or watermark on the report template.

You can only use images that you’ve already added to the Editor. The Editor automatically scales the images to fit if they are larger than the page size. Images must be static, no animated GIFS.

The Document Template Editor supports these image formats:

  • JPEG / JPG

  • PNG

You can use the search field of available images to find images you can add to the report canvas. You can see a list of the recently added images for quick access.

If you double-click on the image, you can resize it by dragging the handles at the corners or use the window that appears and entering the width and height size in inches.

You can add images to the Header, Body, and Footer.

Layout Information

You can select the page dimensions by common paper size types. Choose between portrait or landscape orientation. You can also specify the page margins on the left, right, top, and bottom by using drop down menus.

You can collapse the Layout Properties panel by clicking the > icon.

Layout Information Panel

Element Name Description and Use

Default Page Font

The default font for all text that is on the page. Click the font name and select another font from the list.

Paper Size

You can either set the paper size to 8 1/2 in x 11 in (US Letter), 8 1/2 in x 14 in (US Legal), or A4 (International Letter)

Page Orientation

Portrait or Landscape


Click Add watermark image to add an image that appears behind the text and graphics of the report.

Select the image listed, if any, or click + Upload Image to add a new image.

The watermark image doesn’t appear in the canvas and only appears when you use the Preview button.

Header, Footer

Use the checkboxes to show or hide the header and footer


Use the drop down menu to set the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margin.

File Properties

You can set the report title, author, subject and add keywords to help classify and search for the report.

File Properties Panel

Property Name Description and Use


Enter the title for the report. FieldFX Dataguide uses this title to set it apart from other reports.


The name of the report’s author.
When viewing the Template Metadata panel in the Report Template Editor, you see the Author field populated by the Profile.UserName reference field.


Enter a brief subject of the report.


Enter the keywords each on their own lines to help find the report later if you have a lot of reports.

Report Canvas

The canvas has three areas: header, body, and footer.

Section Options


  • Show or hide the header

  • Set the height of the header, in inches

  • Set the space below the header, in inches

To edit the header, see Set the Header and Footer Properties.

The header can’t have formulas.


The body section automatically fills space between the header and footer, taking in account the spacing set in the header and footer properties.


  • Show or hide the footer

  • Set the height of the footer, in inches

  • Set the space above the footer, in inches

To edit the footer, see Set the Header and Footer Properties.

The footer can’t have formulas.

Text Formatting Bar

Text Formatting Bar

Along the top of the report canvas is the common rich text editing toolbar. You can set the font, font size, and apply text formatting such as bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough. You can also set the alignment of the text element to left justified, center justified, or right justified.

View FX Reports Attached to Records

FieldFX Back Office

  1. Open the record.

  2. Locate the report in the attachments list.

    The Attachments feature in FieldFX has been deprecated and replaced with the Files API. To upload files to tickets or jobs, make sure the FXL File Viewer Lightning Components is added to the ticket or job record page.

  3. Click View.

  4. Continue with setting the ReportAsFiles checkbox.

Set the ReportAsFiles App Setting Active Checkbox to Active

  1. From Setup, enter Custom Metadata in the Quick Find box.

  2. Select Custom Metadata Types.

  3. In the AppSetting row, click Manage Records.

  4. In the AppSetting section, click Edit in the ReportAsFiles row.

  5. In AppSetting (Managed), click Edit.

    Only certain attributes can be edited. Since it is managed, you can only edit the Protected Component, Active, and Value fields. All other fields locked.
  6. In AppSetting Edit,

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the Active checkbox.

      If the Active checkbox isn’t present, you will have to edit the layout and add it. You only have to do this once.
      • In AppSetting (Managed), click Edit Layout.

      • Find the Active button.

      • Click and drag it down to the AppSetting Sample section to just above the Value field.

        Active with a checkmark appears.

      • Click Save.

      • For the Value, select True.

  7. Click Save.

FieldFX Mobile

Click to expand
  1. Open the record.

  2. Select Reports on the sidebar.

  3. Select the Show Existing Reports button.

    Example of the show existing reports button
    Figure 5. Tap the blue circle with the white bullet list so show existing reports
  4. Select the report.


Existing reports continue to work as designed, but you can’t edit them with the wizard tool.

You can edit the code for existing HTML report templates and XML report templates with the built-in code editor.

You can create new reports as XML templates.

HTML reports have been deprecated and will not receive enhancements or new features.

Best Practices

Be aware of the objects used for the report. Consider creating a diagram or writing down the objects and their relationships.

If defining the XML manually, you can use margins for increased readability and accessibility of the report. Keep spaces at the edges of the report and between sections.

Margins are always set clockwise: Left, Top, Right, Bottom.
<table margin="36 40 36 40"> sets the left margin at 36, then the top margin at 40, then the right margin at 36, then the bottom margin at 40.

Consider the content of the report data and whether the width of a landscape orientation is better than the height of a portrait orientation.

If there is any chance of ever printing the report, always print an example.


To display forms in the browser, you must disable the Google Chrome setting whether the browser displays or downloads PDF files.

Google Chrome is a 3rd party application, and the instructions for how to disable this option may change at any time without warning.
  1. In Google Chrome, go to chrome://settings/content/pdfDocuments.

    (Enter that path directly in the browser’s address bar.)

  2. Verify the toggle for Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome is disabled.


  1. Access Google Chrome’s settings.

    There are multiple ways to do this, but one is to select the vertical dot Customize and Control button in the top right corner of the browser, then select Settings.
  2. Select Privacy and security in the left navigation bar.

  3. Select Site Settings.

  4. Select PDF documents.

    You may need to expand the Additional content settings group of options first.
  5. Verify the toggle for Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome is disabled.

Sample PDF Report

  • Advanced users can take advantage of the Handlebars template library.