Use these links to find reference information for FieldFX, Organizations, and common Salesforce terms and functions that are in FieldFX.
FieldFX Reference
FieldFX Managed Packages contains components you need to run FieldFX.
The FieldFX managed packages are:
FieldFX Base Package
FieldFX Timecards Package
FieldFX Lightning Package
FX Reports API provides a server based API that allows you to work with your report data in PDF format.
Supported External Devices contains the Electronic Signature Pads from Topaz Systems that can be used with FieldFX.
Webinars are offered by FieldFX on the new FieldFX Mobile Auto Sync features and from our expert panel on FieldFX Mobile Updates and the new FieldFX Back Office Admin Tool.
Org Reference
Production vs. Sandbox contains information on the differences between Production and Sandbox orgs.
Push Upgrades contains information on the quarterly upgrades that are automatic updates to FieldFX.
Release Channels describes the four release channels using Sync 4.0 hosting a version of FieldFX Mobile.
Salesforce Reference
API Limits describes the three APIs used: Batch API, REST API, and Chatter REST API.
Extended Amount Field describes the formula field on the Ticket Item object that displays the amount charged for a ticket item.
Field Sets are a grouping of fields that control how a feature works. FieldFX using a number of different fields sets.
Formulas are algorithms which derive their value from other fields, expressions, or values. Formulas can be used in a variety of ways.
Geolocation Fields can be used to identify a location by its latitude and longitude. You can use them to track the exact location of work completed in the field.
Global Variables insert information about the current user or user contact into formulas.
Keyword Searches work differently depending on what app and feature you are using. In FieldFX Back Office use the Global Search feature for records belonging to any object. In FieldFX Mobile, you can use keyword searches to search for jobs on the Job Search page.
Layouts control the look and feel of FieldFX. Many types of layouts can be used to customize how users see and use FieldFX.
Objects are tables in the FieldFX database that store records. Objects are either standard or custom.
Read-Only Records are records that have a read-only status. You can identify and configure read-only statuses in FieldFX Back Office and also select to make records read-only in both FieldFX Back Office or FieldFX Mobile.
Read-Only Statuses make a record read-only. As a FieldFX Back Office user, you can identify if a status is read-only or not using the read-only indicator. With System Administrator permissions, you can configure a read-only status.
Sequence Numbers control the order of items in lists and display in ascending numerical order, from lowest to highest.
Static Resources is a file containing code that enables advanced features in FieldFX. FieldFX uses a number of different static resources.
Times & Time Zones can help avoid confusing by adhering to the rules when setting them.