Attachments (Deprecated)

The Attachments feature in FieldFX has been deprecated and replaced with the Files API. To upload files to tickets or jobs, make sure the FXL File Viewer Lightning Components is added to the ticket or job record page.


Attachments are reports, images, and other files added to a record. The reports always go to Notes and Attachments. Images and other files can be set to sync or not sync to mobile devices. These files can sync over either the Chatter API or the Files API.

Syncing to Mobile using the Files API requires enabling Lightning Experience for the Back Office.

By default, images and other files sync from mobile using Chatter API. Orgs with Lightning Experience enabled can continue to use Chatter API, but you should consider switching to use the Files API for file attachments instead.


To setup and use the Attachments feature, you need to:

Have these user licenses Have these permissions Complete these tasks
and review these topics
before continuing

How it Works

FieldFX Back Office

  • You can attach files to records for any object.

  • There are four options for attaching files:

    Option Usage Files sync?

    Chatter feed

    Attach files for use system-wide

    Only job/ticket attachments

    Attachments sync from the Chatter feed when you tag them on the Chatter feed with the SyncToMobile topic.

    FieldFX Attachments related list

    Attach files for use system-wide

    Only job/ticket attachments

    Attachments sync from the FIeldFX Attachments related list when you attach them as Chatter files and tag them on the Chatter feed with the SyncToMobile topic.

    Notes & Attachments related list

    Attach files for use in FieldFX Back Office


    Files List

    Attach files for use system-wide

    Only job-ticket attachments

    Attachments sync from the Files related list when you edit the details and select the checkbox for Sync to Mobile. This can only be done in Lightning Experience.

FieldFX Mobile

Files sync to back office by the Chatter API by default.

If the Use_FileAPI custom setting is added and enabled, then files sync from mobile to back office via the Files API to the Files List.

Reports always sync to the Notes & Attachments list.

You can attach files to jobs or tickets only.

  • You can’t attach files to read-only records.

  • Keep the file size of each attachment below 15 MB.

There are two options for attaching files:

Option Usage Files Sync?

Job page → Files tab

Attach files for use in FieldFX Back Office


Files no longer display in FieldFX Mobile once you sync twice after attaching them.

Ticket page → Files tab

Attach files for use in FieldFX Back Office


Files no longer display in FieldFX Mobile once you sync twice after attaching them.

Files List

Review files in the Files List if using the Files API.

Step-by-Step Guides

  1. Switch to Lightning Experience.

  2. Access the record.

  3. Select the Related tab.

    Screenshot of a Ticket record in FieldFX Back Office with the Related tab highlighted
    Figure 1. The Related tab displays on a Ticket record in FieldFX Back Office
  4. From the Files list, click Upload Files.

    You can either upload new files or attach an existing Salesforce file.

  5. To add a new file, click Upload Files.

    Screenshot of the Upload Files button in the Select Files dialog
    Figure 2. In the Select Files dialog, click Upload Files to add a new file
  6. Browse for the file, then click Open.

    Salesforce uploads the file and attaches it to the record.

  7. (Optional) Mark the file to sync to mobile devices:

    1. Click the item file name from the Files Related List.

    2. Hover your cursor over the image and click the Show More down arrow next to Public Link.

    3. Click Edit File Details.

      Screenshot of the Show More menu list
      Figure 3. Find Edit Details under the Show More dropdown with additional options
    4. Click Sync to Mobile, then click Save.

      Screenshot showing the Sync to Mobile flag option

Chatter Feed

Review files in the Chatter Feed if not using the Files API.


The Chatter feed displays at the top of a record in FieldFX Back Office.

Click Show Feed if the Chatter feed doesn’t display.

Example of the Chatter feed
Figure 4. The Chatter feed hides or displays at the user’s option with a toggle button

Use the Chatter feed to attach files for use in FieldFX Back Office and FieldFX Mobile.

Step-by-Step Guides

Attach a File

  1. Click File on the Chatter feed

    Chatter feed
    Figure 5. In the Chatter feed, select the File option to add an attachment
  2. Select the file

  3. Click Share

  4. Select Click to add topics

    Screenshot pointing out the Chatter Sync to Add Topics option
    Figure 6. Add a topic to the file to mark it for syncing to mobile devices
  5. Enter "SyncToMobile"

    The topic name is case-sensitive, so make sure you enter SyncToMobile.

    Entering SyncToMobile as the Chatter topic
    Figure 7. The Topic name is case sensitive, so add SyncToMobile exactly
  6. Click Done

Delete an Attachment

  1. Display the Chatter post for the file

  2. Open the Actions menu and select Delete

    Delete function in the Chatter feed Actions menu

FieldFX Attachments List


  • The FieldFX Attachments list displays in a record in FieldFX Back Office.

    You must set up the Attachments feature for an object to get this section to display.

    Screenshot of the FieldFX Back Office Attachments section
  • Use the FieldFX Attachments list to attach files for use in FieldFX Back Office and/or FieldFX Mobile.

  • The FieldFX Attachments list also displays the FX Reports attached to a record.

Attachment Details

The following displays for each attachment:

  • Type: type of attachment:

    • Attachment: File attached through the FieldFX Attachments or Notes & Attachments list

      You can’t sync these files to FieldFX Mobile.
    • Feed Item: File attached through the Chatter feed or in FieldFX Mobile.

      You can sync these files to FieldFX Mobile if you tag them with the SyncToMobile topic.
  • Title: file name

  • Last Modified: date and time the file was last updated

  • Created By: user who attached the file

Step-by-Step Guides

Attach a File for Use in FieldFX Back Office

  1. Click Attach File

  2. Select the file

Attach a File for Use System-wide

  1. Click New Chatter File

  2. Select the file

  3. Move up to the Chatter feed

  4. On the Chatter post for the file, select Click to add topics

    Highlighting of the FieldFX Back Office Click to Add Topics option
  5. Enter SyncToMobile

    The topic name is case-sensitive, so make sure you enter SyncToMobile.

    Entering SyncToMobile as the Chatter topic
    Figure 8. The Topic name is case sensitive, so add SyncToMobile exactly
  6. Click Done

Delete an Attachment

  1. Click Del next to the attachment

Notes & Attachments List


  • The Notes & Attachments list displays in a record in FieldFX Back Office.

    After you set up the Attachments feature, the Notes & Attachments list should no longer display.

    Screenshot of a Notes & Attachments section in FieldFX Back Office
  • Use the Notes & Attachments list to attach files for use in FieldFX Back Office only.

    If you attach files using the Notes & Attachments list, you can’t sync them to FieldFX Mobile.
  • The Notes & Attachments list also displays the FX Reports attached to a record.

Step-by-Step Guides

Attach a File

  1. Click Attach File

  2. Select the file

Delete an Attachment

  1. Click Del next to the attachment

Mobile Files Tab


  • The Files tab displays on the Job page and Ticket page in FieldFX Mobile.

    Example 1. The Files tab is available after selecting a Job in FieldFX Mobile

    Following is the Files tab on the Job page.

    Screenshot of a job in FieldFX Mobile on the Files tab
  • Use the Files tab to attach files for reference later in FieldFX Back Office.

Step-by-Step Guides

These steps are for the older FieldFX Mobile and not the newer FieldFX Mobile App.

Attach a File in FX Mobile

  1. Select Add

    Blue add button from FieldFX Mobile
  2. Select the file

View an Attachment

  1. Select the file in the list

    Files you attach in FieldFX Mobile no longer display in FieldFX Mobile after you sync twice.

Delete an Attachment

You can’t delete attachments in FieldFX Mobile