2023 Releases


This page contains the versions of the FieldFX Lightning Packages that were released in 2023.

Release Table

Use this table for the individual releases. Click the version link to jump to that version and click the "Back to Release table" link to return to this table. For older releases, click here.

Version Release Date Notes



Functional Areas Impacted:

CreateJob, Grid, Item Picker and QuotetoJob



Functional Areas Impacted:

File Viewer, Grid, Item Picker, and Item Picker / Grid



Based on recent feedback and starting with this version, the way the table to communicate the changes for the version has changed. Issues for the version will be grouped by Functional Area.

The Issue number will still be visible but now provide more context for the functional area on how it affects the version. There won’t be separate sections for New Features, Enhancements, and Bug Fixes. They are all grouped into the one table.

Functional Areas Impacted:

Grid, Item Picker



Bug Fixes 1661




905, 1410, and 904




1410 and 1275

Bug Fixes

1009, 1374, 1428, 1354



Bug Fixes

1306, 1308, 1343, 1272, 1284, and 1372

For more information on Sandbox and Production org pushes, see the 2023 Push Upgrade Schedule.





Bug Fixes


Release Notes

Version 1.232 (12/22/23)

Type Issue Summary

Create Job

Bug Fix


We fixed an issue related to Quote to Job that is triggered in with other custom triggers causing a Salesforce limit exceeded error. We also added new checkbox options for the Quote to Job Components:




We have improved the vertical display of the Data Grid to show as many items on the grid as possible without scrolling whether the grid is maximized or in a regular record layout. We added a new dropdown control on the grid’s header that controls the number of visible rows.

Bug Fix


A redundancy issue was addressed when both the quick add feature on the item picker and the change data capture (CDC) on the data grid was enabled.

Now, if the quick add is enabled on the item picker, the user doesn’t have refresh the grid to clear the green highlighted cells.

Before, the data grid showed all added items highlighted in green and the user would manually refresh the grid to clear the highlight.


We fixed an issue where the Component Window couldn’t be closed without the name.

If a Grid View has the name removed and the user attempts to close the view, an error is shown.


We fixed an overlay issue causing cells not to be highlighted as users clicked with the sticky columns section of the data grid


We fixed an issue in the Data Grid so the grid doesn’t overlay the Salesforce Header Component.

Item Picker

Bug Fix


We fixed an issue where the items in the Data Grid were flickering every time an item was either inserted manually or the quick add option was used.


We fixed an issue where duplicate items were created when using the Quick Add option on the item picker and Enter was clicked twice.


Bug Fix


We fixed an issue when trying to create a job from a quote producing this error:

Version 1.227 (10/25/23)

Type Issue Summary


New Feature


We added a new feature to the Data Grid which allows users to create their own grid views. A user can configure the grid to display only columns relevant to them. The views are saved for each user, allowing them to retain the grid views after logging out and back in.

For more information. see Set and Use a Custom Data Grid View.

Bug Fix


We fixed an issue in the Data Grid where the grid headers weren’t scrolling with the rest of the grid when a filter was applied and scrolling horizontally.


We fixed an issue in the Data Grid where two different users see the default view created by the other user.

Item Picker



We made an enhancement to the item picker to improve the speed for picking items. If configured for quick add, the picker will allow the user to enter a part number and click the return key to add the item into the target object. Once the action is complete, the cursor is returned to the item picker search to allow the user to enter the next part number.

Item Picker /

Bug Fix


We have fixed an issue that was causing the first row in the grid to be un-selectable in certain scenarios.


We have fixed an issue which would prevent the grid from refreshing when the status of the parent object changes. This fix will allow the grid to be read-only when the parent has a read-only status and to be in edit mode if the parent’s status is not a read-only status.


We have added a spinner animation to the Item Picker and the Data Grid to notify the user that the component is loading, if the load time is not instantaneous.


We fixed an issue where scrolling horizontally with or without sticky columns caused an error.

File Viewer

Bug Fixes


We fixed an issue where the Sync checkbox was grayed out and couldn’t be selected. Not being able to check the Sync checkbox caused report files not to sync with FieldFX Mobile.

The Sync checkbox can now be selected.

For more information, see Select Items in the FXL Data Grid.

Version 1.214 (8/7/23)

Based on recent feedback and starting with this version, the way the table to communicate the changes for the version has changed. Issues for the version will be grouped by Functional Area.

The Issue number will still be visible but now provide more context on how it affects the version. There won’t be separate sections for New Features, Enhancements, and Bug Fixes. They are all grouped into the one table.

Type Issue Summary


Bug Fixes


We have fixed an issue in the FXL Data Grid when changing the time in a cell. Before you could only enter the time in 5 minute increments and using Bksp doesn’t erase the time entered.

This issue fixes the issue so now the user can manually enter a time in the cell.

See Edit a FXL Data Grid Cell for more information.


We have fixed an issue where the SOQL filter setting isn’t interpreting the SOQL correctly all the time.

With this version you can use these filters:

  • Multiple $source

  • Multiple $user

  • $source and $user together

  • $User or $user

  • $Source or $source


We fixed an issue where the Date Time calendar disappears prematurely when clicking a date-time field not allowing a time to be selected. If the user tries to enter the time first, the calendar still vanishes.

Item Picker

Bug Fix


We fixed an issue where a duplicate item is added to the grid when adding items from the Lightning Item builders (ticket item, price book item).

Now when selecting the original item and adding it to the Grid, it’s no longer selected in the item builder Lightning component.

xref:FXLCRelTable[Back to Release Table

Version 1.209 (7/5/23)

Type Issue Summary


Bug Fix


We fixed an issue with updates to the grid where the grid loses focus and the user needs to mouse click in the next cell to continue updating.

The user can update values in different cells without interruption.

For more information, see FieldFX Lightning Data Grid

Version 1.208 (6/13/23)

Type Issue Summary



We have enhanced working in the FXL Data Grid to allow working in large data sets. Users can now update multiple data rows in quick succession. They won’t have to wait for the grid to refresh. Neither will they encounter row lock errors due to various background processes triggered by the edit.

For more information, see FieldFX Lightning Data Grid


We have enhanced the refresh of the Data Grid and updated the visible fields.

If there are pending updates, a Updates Pending button appears. Clicking on the button will update the grid but stay in edit mode. The updates are highlighted in green for 10 seconds. If there are updates, those cells are highlighted in blue.

If the updated field is the same as the edited field, the user’s edits overwrite the last external edit. When the user finishes their edit session, they can click the Updates Pending button to see all the updates they have just made.

For more information, see FieldFX Lightning Data Grid

Version 1.205 (4/5/2023)


Issue # Summary


We have made an enhancement to the column widths in the FXL Data Grid. With this release, the minimum column width must be at least 4 px, except for the last column in the grid, where the minimum is 20 px. The initial column width is 210 px.

If the number of columns in the grid is not enough to fill the width of the grid, the column widths are increased to fill the extra space in the grid.

Also, for more information on Column Widths, click the link.


We have enhanced the Item Picker Setup page so the maximum number of items shown in the Item Picker is now configurable. If there is no number set in the field, the default of 100 items ends up being shown in the Item Picker.

Even though setting a maximum number to 500, a high number like that can impact performance and cause a degradation in grid display. Start with 100 at first. If there is a degradation, have your admin lower the number.

For more information, see the Maximum Number of Items to Display row in the Settings table in the FX Item Picker Setup topic.

Bug Fixes

Issue # Summary


We fixed an issue where the user couldn’t upload a file larger than 4 MB. With this version, the user can now upload files, up to a limit of 2 GB.


We fixed an issue where some customers experienced the highlight cell not saying selected when scrolling up on the FXL Data Grid. With this release, the highlighted cell stays selected when moving up or down using the arrow keys.


We fixed an issue where the following error occurs when processing action responses:

Uncaught Error happened when processing action responses [Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'init') Callback failed: apex://FXLC.fxl_controller_reactGrid/ACTION$getSessionld]


We fixed an issue in the FXL Data Grid where the time incorrectly displays if the date is prior to daylight savings time.

With this release, the new date/time picker has corrected the issue. The time appears correctly. Additionally, for the time picker, if you type on an empty cell, the time defaults to now. In a cell already with a value, the cell opens to that value.

For more information, see New FXL Data Grid Field Control Behaviors.

Also, for more information on Date/Time Pickers, click the link.

Version 1.196 (2/22/2023)

Bug Fixes

Issue # Summary


We fixed an issue when clicking on a parent-child node in the Data Grid causes the arrow buttons to disappear.


We fixed an issue that occurred when clicking on a multi-select picklist item, the default value doesn’t display on the grid when adding new items.

This version fixes that issue so when a multi-select picklist item is clicked, the default value displays on the the grid when adding new items.


We fixed an issue that when a user finishes editing a cell and they click outside the grid, the grid is disabled and the change isn’t saved.

The change to the cell is saved correctly when the user clicks off the cell.


We fixed an issue where a user who clicked or double-clicked on a drop down list fields now selects the value. Before the user would have to click off the cell to save the selection.


We fixed an issue where the columns weren’t kept after resizing them and then refreshing the view.

Now, the column minimums and maximums are:

Min Max

Number of Columns



If greater than 20, grid still displays correctly.

Column Width


greater than 150px

Grid values can be added, edited, or deleted. Bulk edit or copy of items or bundles doesn’t affect how grid is displayed.


We fixed an issue with the behavior of the arrow keys when editing Data Grid cells.

Arrow key Behavior

< >

Moves the cursor to the next left or right character.

Moves the cell’s cursor to the beginning of the cell’s text.

Moves the cell’s cursor to the end of the cell’s text.


Exits the cell’s Edit mode and reverts the changes.


Exits the cell’s Edit mode, saves any changes, and moves the focus to the cell to the right.


Exits the cell’s Edit mode and saves any changes.

See Grid and Edit Mode in the FXL Data Grid for more information.

Version 1.193 (1/19/2023)


Issue # Summary


We changed how the arrow keys operate in the cells of the FXL Data Grid.

If a user highlights a cell, using the , , , or arrow keys can move around to a different cell.

If you double-clicking in the cell, you enable the editing mode for the cell. Using the or moves to the beginning text or end of the text in the cell.

Clicking out of the cell exits the cell and confirms the what is in the cell.

Bug Fixes

Issue # Summary


We fixed a customer reported issue where in the top of the Data Grid, Back Office users were unable to open items. The issue would occur randomly