Log Into FieldFX Back Office


To setup and use FieldFX Back Office, you need to:

Have these user licenses Have these permissions Complete these tasks
and review these topics
before continuing

Production vs. Sandbox

Production Sandbox
  • A Production org is where you use FieldFX to manage field operations.

  • A Sandbox org is where you test new features, experiment with configurations, and train users.

You need different URLs to access your Production and Sandbox orgs.

Access Production or Sandbox

  1. Open Google Chrome

  2. Use the URL to access Production or Sandbox:





  3. If logging into production, enter your login credentials.
    If logging into sandbox,

    • Enter your username followed by the name of the Sandbox.

      Example 1. A possible username for a Sandbox named s1.

      Enter asmith@isp.com.s1 if the name of your sandbox is s1.

    • Enter your login password.

  4. Click Login