Inventory Overview

FX EAM tracks records of the Maintenance, Repair, and Operational (MRO) inventory available at one or more locations.

Item Records

Use these links to get more information about Item Records:

Record of MRO inventory items stored at any warehouse.

Additional custom descriptions added to Catalog Item records.

Means of classifying Catalog Items.

Tracking specific stock items by unique identification number, such as a vehicle’s VIN.

United Nations standard for segmentation and classification of products and services.


Use these links to get more information about Locations:

A location that houses Catalog Items.

Instance of a Catalog Item at a particular Warehouse.

Row → Section → Level → Bin hierarchy for locating items within a warehouse.


Use these links to get more information about Transactions:

Tracking movement of inventory in and out of warehouses and quantity on hand amounts.

Record increases and decreases in on hand quantity.


Use these links to get more information about Replenishment:

The beginning of the replenishment ordering process can be automated.

Determine how much inventory is required for upcoming work orders.

Generate requests to purchase stock items from vendors.

Generate requests to move items from one warehouse to another.