FX Schedule & Dispatch Module Setup


To set up the FX Schedule & Dispatch module, you need to:

Have these permissions Complete these tasks
and review these topics
before continuing
  • System Administrator permissions for Salesforce

Step-by-Step Guides

  1. Go to https://login.salesforce.com/.

  2. Log in as a user who has the System Administrator user profile.

  3. Switch to Salesforce Classic.

  4. Continue with one of these tasks:

Configure FX Settings

  1. Configure FX Settings:

    1. From Setup, enter custom setting in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Settings.

    2. Click Manage next to FX Settings.

    3. Click Edit.

    4. Complete one of the following:

      • Select AutoAddJobCreatorToCrew to make users who add jobs join the crew for those jobs automatically

      • Deselect AutoAddJobCreatorToCrew to make users who add jobs have to add themselves to job crews manually

    5. Click Save.

Configure Layouts

You need to configure these layouts:

Configure the Crew Planning search results layout

  1. From Setup, enter object in the Quick Find box, then select Objects.

  2. Click Crew Planning.

  3. Under Search Layouts, click Edit next to Search Results.

  4. In Available Fields, select the fields to display.

  5. Click Add.

  6. In Selected Fields, change the order.

  7. Select Override the search result column customizations for all users.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Continue with Configure the Equipment Planning search results layout.

Configure the Equipment Planning search results layout

  1. From Setup, enter object in the Quick Find box, then select Objects.

  2. Click Equipment Planning.

  3. Under Search Layouts, click Edit next to Search Results.

  4. In Available Fields, select the fields to display.

  5. Click Add.

  6. In Selected Fields, change the order.

  7. Select Override the search result column customizations for all users.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Continue with Delete the Quote lookup from the Job object.

Delete the Quote lookup from the Job object

You can delete the Quote (FX5__Quote__c) lookup from the Job object.

  1. From Setup, enter object in the Quick Find box, then select Objects.

  2. Click Job.

  3. Under Custom Fields & Relationships, click Del next to Quote (FX5__Quote__c).

  4. Select Yes, I want to delete the relationship.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Continue with Add Master Data.