

Expressions insert data on FX Reports.

You use expressions when creating templates to build FX Reports.

The following explains how to use expressions.

Inserting Field Data

Example: PDF Report

Use the following code to insert a table on a PDF report.

<table style="text" margin="36 40 36 40" columnWidths="* * * * * *" layout="noBorders">
      <cell bold="true">TICKET</cell>
      <cell bold="true">JOB</cell>
      <cell bold="true">CUSTOMER</cell>
      <cell bold="true">LOCATION</cell>
      <cell bold="true">WORK START</cell>
      <cell bold="true">WORK END</cell>
      <cell>{{formatDateTime FX5__Work_Start_Date__c format="MM/DD/YY h:mm A"}}</cell>
      <cell>{{formatDateTime FX5__Work_End_Date__c format="MM/DD/YY h:mm A"}}</cell>
  • To insert field data, add a Handlebars expression inside double curly brackets {{ }}.

  • To insert data from lookups, add __r.Name after the lookup’s name in the expression.

  • To insert data from fields on a parent object, reference the parent object in the expression.

  • To insert data from a rich text area field, add a Handlebars expression inside triple curly brackets {{{ }}}.

Inserting Images

Example: PDF Report

Use the following code to insert an image on a PDF report.

  <image width="150"><image>

You must encode the image to a base64 string and enter the string in the <image> element. Replace ENTERBASE64STRINGHERE with the base64 string for your image.

Report Helpers

You can also use expressions inside report helpers.

Refer to the Report Helpers article for examples.

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