


A ticket records details about specific work completed on a job.

When you add a ticket, you can:

Completing a Ticket

  1. Add a ticket to a job

  2. Use the Ticket item Builder or Ticket Item Wizard to add price book items to the ticket

  3. Attach a ticket report to document the work completed and get the report signed by the company man


Adding a Ticket

FieldFX Back Office

FieldFX Mobile

Adding a Ticket for Quote Items

FieldFX Mobile

Copying a Ticket

FieldFX Mobile

Step-by-Step Guides

Adding a Ticket

FieldFX Back Office

  1. Open the Tickets tab

  2. Click New

  3. In Record Type, select a ticket type

  4. Click Continue

  5. Enter details

  6. Click Save

  7. Add ticket items

FieldFX Mobile

  1. Select Jobs on the sidebar

  2. Select the job

  3. Select Tickets on the sidebar

  4. Select Add

    Blue add button
  5. Select a ticket type

  6. Enter details

  7. Select Add

    Green add button
  8. Add ticket items

Copying a Ticket

FieldFX Mobile

  1. Select Jobs on the sidebar

  2. Select the job

  3. Select Tickets on the sidebar

  4. Select Copy on the ticket

    Copy button blue
  5. Enter details for the new ticket

  6. Select Add

    Green add button