PM Group Schedules


  • A Group Schedule is a set of possible work orders for a single piece of Equipment.

  • In any given month, only one of the Work Orders is required.

  • PM Details specify the work required in a given month.

  • PM Details are arranged in a hierarchy so that higher-ordered PM Detail work takes priority in a month over lower-ordered PM Details.


A truck is inspected monthly, has a oil change with inspection quarterly, has tires rotated with the oil change and inspection every 6 months, and requires an emission inspection with other work annually.

  • Create a PM Group Schedule for Truck Maintenance.

  • Within the PM Group Schedule, create four separate PM Detail schedules:

    1. The monthly inspection, set at 1 for every month

    2. The quarterly inspection and oil change, set at 3 for every third month

    3. The semi-annual inspection, oil change, and tire rotation, set at 6 for every sixth month

    4. The annual inspection, oil change, tire rotation, and emission inspection, set at 12 for every twelfth month

  • Once activated, this PM Group Schedule results in the following Work Orders each month:

    • At months 1 and 2, a single Work Order for just the inspection (but none of the other Work Orders).

    • At month 3, a single Work Order for both the monthly inspection and the quarterly oil change (but not the Work Order for just the inspection).

    • At months 4 and 5, a Work Order for just the inspection again.

    • At month 6, a single Work Order that includes the inspection, oil change, and tire rotation.

    • At month 12, a single Work Order that includes all of the other work plus the emission inspection.

    • At month 13, a single Work Order for just the inspection.

Key Features

  • Works with a calendar schedule based on monthly periods. Work does not have to be done in every month.

  • Uses Model type Work Orders as the template for generated Work Orders.

  • Relies on two Scheduled Apex Classes:

    • SchedulePMGroupDetailBatch

    • ScheduleCalcPMGroupScheduleDatesBatch

How It Works

Flowchart showing how a group schedule decides on which PM Detail to use to create a work order

Step by Step

Create a PM Group Schedule

  1. From the PM Group Schedules tab, click New

  2. Make the following entries in Information:

    • Asset ID: Select the ID for the Equipment the Work Orders are for, or create a new Equipment record

    • Status: Set the Group Schedule status

      • Draft: Group Schedule design in progress and not yet in use

      • Active: Group Schedule currently in use to create Work Orders

      • Hold: Group Schedule temporarily paused

      • Inactive: Group Schedule no longer in use

    • Starting Month: Month number for the next required Work Order

    • End Date: Date after which FX EAM sets the PM Group Schedule to Inactive status

  3. Make the following entries in PM Work Order Due On:

    • Day/Weekday of Month: Select to set the due date as either a particular day of the month (the fifteenth) or a particular weekday (first Friday of the month)

    • Day of the Month: Numerical day of the month work is due, or Last for Day of Month schedules

    • On: Select the week of the month for the work to be due for Weekday of Month schedules

    • Weekday: Select the weekday for work to be due for Weekday of Month schedules

  4. Click Save or Save & New

Create PM Detail

  1. From the PM Group Schedule record’s Related tab or Quick Links, select PM Group Details and click New

  2. Make the following entries in Information:

    • PM Group Schedule: Defaults, but can be changed

    • Model Work Order: Select the Model type work order to use for the Work Order, or create a new one

  3. Make the following entries in Schedule Interval:

    • Monthly Interval: How many months to wait between Work Orders of this detail

    • Release Window: Number of days in advance of the due date to release the Work Order

  4. Make the following entries in Work Order Assignment:

    • Default Work Order Owner: select the user to define as the record owner

    • Default Account Assignment: 3rd party vendor expected to complete the work

    • New Work Order Status: select the Status to use for the generated work order

  5. Make the following entries in Planned Workload & Costs:

    • Occurrences Per Year Override (Optional): Enter a number of work order occurrences to use for calculating costs to use instead of the system calculated number

  6. Click Save or Save & New