PM Group Schedules
A Group Schedule is a set of possible work orders for a single piece of Equipment.
In any given month, only one of the Work Orders is required.
PM Details specify the work required in a given month.
PM Details are arranged in a hierarchy so that higher-ordered PM Detail work takes priority in a month over lower-ordered PM Details.
A truck is inspected monthly, has a oil change with inspection quarterly, has tires rotated with the oil change and inspection every 6 months, and requires an emission inspection with other work annually.
Create a PM Group Schedule for Truck Maintenance.
Within the PM Group Schedule, create four separate PM Detail schedules:
The monthly inspection, set at 1 for every month
The quarterly inspection and oil change, set at 3 for every third month
The semi-annual inspection, oil change, and tire rotation, set at 6 for every sixth month
The annual inspection, oil change, tire rotation, and emission inspection, set at 12 for every twelfth month
Once activated, this PM Group Schedule results in the following Work Orders each month:
At months 1 and 2, a single Work Order for just the inspection (but none of the other Work Orders).
At month 3, a single Work Order for both the monthly inspection and the quarterly oil change (but not the Work Order for just the inspection).
At months 4 and 5, a Work Order for just the inspection again.
At month 6, a single Work Order that includes the inspection, oil change, and tire rotation.
At month 12, a single Work Order that includes all of the other work plus the emission inspection.
At month 13, a single Work Order for just the inspection.
Key Features
Works with a calendar schedule based on monthly periods. Work does not have to be done in every month.
Uses Model type Work Orders as the template for generated Work Orders.
Relies on two Scheduled Apex Classes:
Step by Step
Create a PM Group Schedule
From the PM Group Schedules tab, click New
Make the following entries in Information:
Asset ID: Select the ID for the Equipment the Work Orders are for, or create a new Equipment record
Status: Set the Group Schedule status
Draft: Group Schedule design in progress and not yet in use
Active: Group Schedule currently in use to create Work Orders
Hold: Group Schedule temporarily paused
Inactive: Group Schedule no longer in use
Starting Month: Month number for the next required Work Order
End Date: Date after which FX EAM sets the PM Group Schedule to Inactive status
Make the following entries in PM Work Order Due On:
Day/Weekday of Month: Select to set the due date as either a particular day of the month (the fifteenth) or a particular weekday (first Friday of the month)
Day of the Month: Numerical day of the month work is due, or Last for Day of Month schedules
On: Select the week of the month for the work to be due for Weekday of Month schedules
Weekday: Select the weekday for work to be due for Weekday of Month schedules
Click Save or Save & New
Create PM Detail
From the PM Group Schedule record’s Related tab or Quick Links, select PM Group Details and click New
Make the following entries in Information:
PM Group Schedule: Defaults, but can be changed
Model Work Order: Select the Model type work order to use for the Work Order, or create a new one
Make the following entries in Schedule Interval:
Monthly Interval: How many months to wait between Work Orders of this detail
Release Window: Number of days in advance of the due date to release the Work Order
Make the following entries in Work Order Assignment:
Default Work Order Owner: select the user to define as the record owner
Default Account Assignment: 3rd party vendor expected to complete the work
New Work Order Status: select the Status to use for the generated work order
Make the following entries in Planned Workload & Costs:
Occurrences Per Year Override (Optional): Enter a number of work order occurrences to use for calculating costs to use instead of the system calculated number
Click Save or Save & New