FX EAM Module Setup


To set up the FX EAM module, you need the following permissions:

  • System Administrator permissions for Salesforce

Configure Basic Settings

  1. Go to https://login.salesforce.com/

  2. Log in as a user who has the System Administrator user profile.

  3. Switch to Salesforce Classic

  4. Select layout options:

    1. From Setup, enter "user interface" in the Quick Find box, then select User Interface

    2. Ignore the current selections and select the following:

      • Enable Inline Editing

      • Enable Enhanced Lists

      • Enable Enhanced Page Layout Editor

      • Enable Improved Setup User Interface

      • Enable Advanced Setup Search

    3. Click Save

  5. Ensure User Management Settings are enabled:

    1. From Setup, enter "user management" in the Quick Find box, then select User Management Settings

    2. If the Enhanced Profile List Views and Enhanced Profile User Interface settings are disabled, enable them.

  6. Enable Translation Workbench:

    1. From Setup, enter "translation" in the Quick Find box, then select Translation Settings

    2. Click Enable

  7. Enable Notes:

    1. From Setup, enter "Notes" in the Quick Find box, then select Notes Settings

    2. Click Enable Notes

    3. Click Save

  8. Select lookup options:

    1. From Setup, enter "search settings" in the Quick Find box, then select Search Settings

    2. Under Lookup Settings, select the following:

      • Enhanced Lookups

      • Lookup Auto-Completion

    3. Click Save

  9. In Field Service Settings, disable Work Orders

Install FieldFX

  1. Contact LiquidFrameworks Support to get an installation link and password for the FieldFX Base Package

  2. Open your email app

  3. Click the installation link you received

  4. Enter the password you received

  5. Select Install for Admins Only

  6. Click Install

    If the Approve Third-Party Access message displays, select Yes and click Continue.

  7. Click Done

    You will receive an email confirmation once the installation finishes.

Define Custom Settings (Optional)

LiquidFrameworks provides default settings, so no action is required.
However, these settings can be configured for the org or by profiles or users if required or desired.

  • Custom Settings are options you enter to configure a process or function specific to your business needs.

  • To learn more about Custom Settings, see the Salesforce Help.

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. From Setup, enter "Custom Settings" in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Settings

  2. Click the Manage Action link next to the Label you wish to define from below

  3. Click the top New to configure default org settings


    Click New in the gray area to configure settings for a Profile or User

  4. Enter the settings according to the information below for each EAM Custom Settings Label

  5. Click Save after entering each custom setting

  6. Repeat steps 1-4 for each Custom Setting described below

EAM Custom Setting Labels

PM Batch Scheduling Parameters

Define the default organization settings for Preventative Maintenance Schedule batches.

Other values can be defined on a per user basis if desired.

  1. Click Edit

  2. Enter the following values:

    1. Initial Meter Percent: Accept the default of 0

    2. Meter Percent: Accept the default of 90. This value is not currently used

    3. Release Window Default: Enter the value you wish to default to the PM Schedule Release Window field. The value can be overridden for an individual PM Schedule. This value must be entered for the Batch APEX jobs to successfully execute.

  3. Click Save

PMGroupSchedule Rev Tracking Parameters

This checkbox prevents users from editing attributes of active PM Group Schedules. The value is referenced by the Revision Tracking validation rules.

Click Edit to modify the default organization value if necessary.

LiquidFrameworks, Inc.# recommends enabling this as the default setting.

PMScheduling Revision Tracking Parameters

This checkbox prevents users from editing attributes of active PM Schedules.The value is referenced by the Revision Tracking validation rules.

Click Edit to modify the default organization value if necessary.

LiquidFrameworks, Inc. recommends enabling this as the default setting.

Purchase Order Parameters

This set of options determines default actions for the purchase order system in EAM.

  1. Click Edit

  2. Make the following entries:

    1. AutoCreateWOMiscCostFromPOMiscCost: Select to have the system automatically adds a miscellaneous cost to a work order when the work order is entered a PO Miscellaneous Cost line.The PO’s extended amount for the miscellaneous cost is added to the work order as the WO Misc Cost Planned Cost.When the purchase order is received, a transaction record is entered and the received amount is added to the work order as the WO Misc Cost Actual Cost Amount.
      Setting this option automates the cost entries for miscellaneous costs between a purchase order and an associated work order.

      LiquidFrameworks, Inc.# recommends selecting this option.

    2. AutoGenBatchSize: Sets the maximum limit of the number of parts the system should select during a Purchase Requisition Bath APEX job.

      LiquidFrameworks, Inc.# recommends setting this to 1,000.

    3. Billing City, Billing Company, Billing Country, Billing State/Province, Billing Street, Billing ZIP Postal: Set the default billing address for the entire organization.The billing address information used for purchase orders populates from the values for the Storeroom.

    4. Disallow PO Part Over Receipts: Select this option to prevent users from receiving a quantity greater than the quantity ordered on the purchase order and control the receipt of overages.

      LiquidFrameworks, Inc.# recommends not selecting this option.

Serialized Inventory Parameters

Define options if you manage a serialized inventory (each item is tagged with a unique identifier). Serialized part is represented in the On Hand Qty on a part record and also has an Asset Tag record with a specific status.

LiquidFrameworks, Inc. recommends accepting the default entries.
The values you enter must match exactly the values used on the Status field on the Equipment object.
  1. Click New to set Default Organization Level Values.

  2. Make the following entries:

    1. Equipment Status At Issue: Defines the status set on an Equipment record when the serialized part is issued from inventory

    2. Asset Tag Status At Receipt: Defines the status set on an Equipment record when the serialized part comes in to inventory from a purchase order or returns to inventory by a Gain Type Inventory Transaction

    3. Asset Tag Status for Shrink: Defines the status set on an Equipment record when the serialized part is included on a Shrink Type Part Transaction. This same status must be selected for an Equipment record when performing a Gain Type Part Transaction

  3. Click Save

Work Assignment Parameters

This set of options determines defaults statuses when an action is taken on a work assignment.

  1. Click Edit to review or change the organizational default settings.

  2. Make the following entries:

    1. Status When Moved to Trash: The Work Assignment Status assigned to a work assignment when a user drags the work assignment from the Timeline view to the Trashcan while in the Dispatch Console.

    2. Status on Task Start: Work Assignment Status to use when a user selects the Start action on a Work Task. This must be an active Work Assignment Status value that accrues time entry value. Work Order Assignment Statuses that accrue time entry values are defined in Setup > Custom Metadata Types.

    3. Status on Task Stop: Work Assignment Status to use when a user selects Stop action on a Work Task. This cannot be a status that accrues time entry values.

    4. Status on Update from Current: When a user selects a new work assignment as their current working assignment, this entry defines the work assignment status to which to change the previous work assignment. A user can only have one current active work assignment that accrues time.
      The status to use for this option cannot be a status for which Time Entry accrues. If you use such a status, a recursive trigger results in an APEX timeout error.

Work Order Parameters

This set of options defines parameters for Work Orders.

  1. Click Edit to review or change the organizational default settings.

  2. Make the following entries:

    1. AutoID Standard Tasks: Select this option to override an entered WOrk Order Standard Task ID’s name value with an automatically generated numerical value in the format of ST-######.

      LiquidFrameworks, Inc.# recommends leaving this option deselected.

    2. Initial Est Hrs: The default value for Initial Est. Hours on a new Work Order Header. When a work order’s Default Initial Hours are greater than zero, a WO Task is automatically generated where the WO Task Planned Hours are set to equal the Inital Est. Hours and the Work Task Description is set to the Work Order Description. These values can be changed on the Work Order Task.

    3. Maximum Schedule Duration: Defines the upper limit of a Suggested WO Assignment Duration on a WO Task. This value determines the duration of a Work Order Assignment when dropped to the Timeline/Calendar for a Crew Member in the Dispatch Console.

      LiquidFrameworks, Inc.# recommends setting this to the largest assignment length, such as 8.0 hours, 10.0 hours, or 12.0 hours.

    4. Minimum Schedule Duration: Defines the lowest value allowed for a Suggested WO Assignment Duration on a WO Task. The value should be your lowest assignment length, in .25 hour increments (15 minutes). The smallest possible value is 0.25 hours.

    5. Schedule Duration Interval: Defines the fixed interval increment in which the Suggested WO Assignment Duration is calculated.

      LiquidFrameworks, Inc.# recommends setting this to the minimum Dispatch Console Timeline division of 0.25 hours (15 minutes). Higher values must be entered in increments of 0.25 hours.

    6. WO Task Default Rate: Labor rate to use for a WO Task if the Craft labor rate is blank.

Schedule APEX Classes


The Apex classes automate a number of asset management activities, saving you time.

Schedule all of the following Batch Apex classes listed in the table below. Detailed, step-by-step instructions for setting up Batch Apex classes follow after the table.

Job Name Batch APEX Class Additional Comments Description

PM Calendar Fixed


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates Work Orders for fixed interval preventative maintenance schedules

PM Calendar Floating


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates Work Orders for floating interval preventative maintenance schedules

PM Meter


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates Work Orders for Meter based preventative maintenance schedules

PM Meter Initial


Schedule at Hour “N”

Create the first work order for meter based preventative maintenance schedules (which sets the initial meter reading value for the schedule)

PM Cal or Meter


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates work orders for preventative maintenance schedules that are based on the earlier of either a meter reading or a floating interval schedule.

PM Group WO


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates work orders for Preventative Maintenance Group Schedules. This batch job should run before the PM Group Dates job.

PM Group Dates


Schedule at Hour “N+1”

Calculates the Next Work Order Due Date for Preventative Maintenance Group Schedules. Schedule this job to run daily, one hour after the Preventative Maintenance Group Work Orders batch job.

Delete Bin Locations


Schedule at Hour “N”

Deletes Secondary Part Bin Location Records where the Stock Item’s On Hand Qty value = 0 and the Auto Delete Bins attribute is set to True.

Std Task Updates


Schedule at Hour “N”

Updates Work Tasks related to a Standard Work Task if the Standard Work Task has been modified.

PM Routes Fixed


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates routes and route stop Work Orders for Fixed Interval Preventative Maintenance Routes.

PM Routes Floating


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates routes and route stop Work Orders for Floating Interval Preventative Maintenance Routes. [1]

Purchase Requests


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates Requisition type Purchase Orders to replenish Stock Item inventory where the sourcing type is set to Purchase Order. A separate purchase order is created for each Warehouse/Primary Vendor combination. Schedule this job to run consistently with your normal procurement schedule. The record owner is the Default Buyer for the Warehouse, unless that field is blank, in which case the purchase order owner is the Warehouse record owner. If these users are inactive, the user running the APEX job is the owner. [2]

Transfer Orders


Schedule at Hour “N”

Creates a Transfer In type Transfer Order to replenish Stock Item inventory where the sourcing type is set to Transfer Order. A separate transfer order is created for each Warehouse/Source Warehouse combination. Schedule this job to run consistently with your normal procurement schedule. The record owner is the Default Buyer for the Warehouse, unless that field is blank, in which case the purchase order owner is the Warehouse record owner. If these users are inactive, the user running the APEX job is the owner.

Warning: You must enter values for the PM Schedule Batch Parameters Custom Setting in order for batch jobs to execute successfully.

Without the Custom Settings defined, an error occurs when the APEX job runs.

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. From Setup, enter "apex class" in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Classes

  2. Click Schedule Apex

  3. Complete the following:

    1. In Job Name, enter the appropriate job name from the table above

    2. In Apex Class, enter the appropriate APEX class name from the table above or search for the class

    3. Select how often you want the Apex class to run

  4. Click Save

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each APEX job in the table above

To delete a scheduled Apex class, from Setup, enter "scheduled" in the Quick Find box, then select Scheduled Jobs.

You cannot directly edit the schedule, but you can delete it and then reschedule the class.

Define Picklist Values

  • Inventory Location object Fields
    These picklist values are available for assigning an inventory location to stock items. All warehouses use the same values for defining an inventory location in a Row > Section > Level > Bin hierarchy. Modify the available values for each according to your Warehouse stocking scheme.

    • Row

      Default values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10

    • Section

      Default values: letters A - Z

    • Level

      Default values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10

    • Bin

      Default values: letters A - Z

With the default values, an inventory location at a Warehouse could be 03-C-08-E

This is interpreted as Row 03, Section C, Level 8, Bin E.

Set Up Custom List Views

Create list views per business requirements.

Set Up Dashboards and Reports

Assign or build dashboards and reports per business requirements.

FX EAM includes a number of reports and several Dashboards to use or customize.

1. If the owner of the Default Work Order and the PM Schedule record are inactive, then the work order record owner defaults to the user running the batch APEX job. Consider this when defining record level security. You might enable queues for the PM Schedule, PM Group Schedule, and Work Order objects. Once enabled, then set record owners for PM Schedule and PM Group Schedule records to the queue. This allows the Work Order record to be owned by a queue instead of a user that might become inactive.
2. Consider enabling queues for the Purchase Order and Warehouse objects, leaving the Default Buyer field blank, and setting the Warehouse record owner to the queue.