Catalog Item Setup


  • Setup
    To add catalog items, you must:

  • Permissions
    To add catalog items, you need:

    • Minimum permissions for the FieldFX modules you are using

    • System permissions:

      • Customize Application

      • Manage Sharing

      • View Setup and Configuration


Catalog items represent items billed to customers.

How it Works

When you add a catalog item, you can add the following records:

Graphic of Catalog Item Relationships to other object records

Equipment Records

Stock Items

Price Book Items

Quote Items

Ticket Items

Invoice Items

Record Types

When you add a catalog item record type, you must also:

  • Add the record type to the Ticket Item Record Type picklist on the Catalog Item object.

  • Add the record type to the Price Book Item object.

  • Add the record type to the Quote Item object.

  • Add the record type to the Ticket Item object.

Adding a Catalog Item

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office

  2. Open the Catalog Items tab

  3. Click New

  4. Complete the following:

    1. In Item Code, enter an identifying code to use for the item

    2. In Description, enter a catalog description for the item

    3. In Sequence Number, enter a sequence number to use for the item

    4. In Ticket Item Record Type, select the type of item you are adding

    5. In Classification, select a classification for the item

    6. In UOM, select the unit of measurement used for the item

    7. In Breadcrumb, enter a unique identifier to categorize the item in catalog item lists

    8. In Cost, enter the cost of the item to your company

    9. Select Track Inventory if you are going to use the Inventory Tracking feature

  5. Click Save

  6. Configure sharing settings to grant access to the catalog item.