FX Customer Self-Service Module Setup


In 2021, Salesforce rebranded Communities to Experience Cloud and now refers to an instance of a community as a site.
Complete each setup section in order from top down. Some of the later instructions depend on the completion of earlier sections.

Enable Experience Cloud

  1. Go to https://login.salesforce.com

  2. Log in as a user who has the System Administrator user profile

  3. From Setup, enter "Digital Experiences" in the Quick Find box, then select Digital Experiences → Settings

  4. Complete the following:

    1. Select Enable Digital Experiences

    2. In Domain Name, enter a domain name to use for the portal

    3. Click Check Availability

      If the domain name is unavailable, repeat the prior two steps until you find an available domain name.
    4. Click Save

    5. Click OK

Grant Permission to Manage the Portal

  1. From Setup, enter "profile" in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles

  2. Complete the following:

    1. Open a user profile that needs to manage the portal

    2. Under System, click System Permissions

    3. Click Edit

    4. Select View Global Header

    5. Click Save

  3. Repeat step 2 as necessary for other users

Add a User Profile for Portal Users

  1. From Setup, enter "profiles" in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles

  2. Click Clone next to Partner Community User

  3. In Profile Name, enter a name for the user profile

  4. Click Save

Add a Permission Set for Portal Users

  1. From Setup, enter "permission" in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets

  2. Click New

  3. In Label, enter a name for the permission set

  4. Click Save

  5. Grant the minimum permissions for the portal

    Refer to the FX Customer Self-Service Minimum Permissions article to view the minimum permissions required to use the portal.

Enable Partner Accounts

  1. Open the Accounts tab

  2. Open a customer account that needs access to the portal

  3. Click the more options arrow button for the record, then select Enable As Partner

    Enable as partner cutout
  4. Click OK

  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for additional customer accounts as needed

Add Portal Users

  1. Add a contact for the user:

    1. Open the Contacts tab

    2. Click New

    3. In Record Type, select the record type you use for customer contacts

    4. Click Continue

    5. In Account, select the customer for whom the user works

    6. Enter the user’s name

    7. Enter other details as necessary

    8. Click Save

  2. Add a user record for the user:

    1. Click the more options drop down if needed, then select Enable Partner User

      Example of the Enable Partner User option
    2. Enter the user’s name and email address

    3. In User License, select "Partner Community"

    4. In Profile, select the user profile for portal users

    5. Scroll down to Locale Settings and select applicable options

    6. Under Approver Settings, deselect Generate new password and notify user immediately

      Portal users receive an email with instructions for setting their login password after you complete the setup.
    7. Click Save

    8. Under Permission Set Assignments, click Edit Assignments

    9. Add the permission set for portal users to Enabled Permission Sets

    10. Click Save

    11. Under Managed Packages, click Assign Licenses

    12. Select FieldFX Base Package

    13. Click Add

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as necessary for other contacts

Configure Sharing Settings

  1. From Setup, enter "sharing" in the Quick Find box, then select Sharing Settings

  2. Click Enable External Sharing Model

  3. Set the default level of access for accounts and jobs:

    1. Click Edit

    2. Complete the following under Default External Access:

      • Select "Private" next to Account, Contract and Asset

      • Select "Private" next to Job

    3. Click Save

    4. Click OK

  4. Add account sharing rules:

    1. Under Account Sharing Rules, click New

    2. Under Step 1, complete the following:

      • In Label, enter a name for the sharing rule

        For example, Cirrus Oil Rule

    3. Under Step 2, complete the following:

      • In Rule Type, select Based on Criteria

    4. Under Step 3, complete the following:

      • In Field, select "Account Name"

      • In Operator, select "equals".

      • In Value, enter the name of a customer that needs access to the portal.

    5. Under Step 4, complete the following:

      • In Share with, select "Portal Roles"

      • Select the applicable partner user for the customer

        For example, Cirrus Oil Partner User

    6. Under Step 5, complete the following:

      • In Default Account, Contract and Asset Access, select "Read Only"

    7. Click Save

    8. Click OK

      You will receive an email confirmation once the sharing rule is active

    9. Repeat steps a to h as necessary

  5. Add job sharing rules:

    1. Open the Accounts tab in a new tab in your web browser

    2. Open a customer account that needs access to the portal

    3. Copy the customer ID from the address bar in the browser (as shown below)

      Example of a customer ID in the browser address bar
    4. Move back to the Sharing Settings page on the other tab in the browser

    5. Under Job Sharing Rules, click New

    6. Under Step 1, complete the following:

      • In Label, enter a name for the sharing rule

        For example, Cirrus Oil Rule

    7. Under Step 2, complete the following:

      • In Rule Type, select Based on Criteria

    8. Under Step 3, complete the following:

      • In Field, select "Customer ID"

      • In Operator, select "equals"

      • In Value, paste the customer ID you copied in step c

    9. Under Step 4, complete the following:

      • In Share with, select "Portal Roles"

      • Select the applicable partner user for the customer

        For example, Cirrus Oil Partner user

    10. Under Step 5, complete the following:

      • In Default Access, select "Read/Write"

    11. Click Save

    12. Click OK

      Salesforce sends an email confirmation to you once the sharing rule is active.

    13. Repeat steps a to l as necessary

Add Page Layouts

  1. Add a page layout for the Job object:

    1. From Setup, enter "object" in the Quick Find box, then select Objects

    2. Click Job

    3. Under Page Layouts, click New

    4. In Existing Page Layout, select a page layout for FieldFX Back Office

    5. In Page Layout Name, enter "Portal Layout"

    6. Click Save

    7. Remove buttons, fields, and related lists you don’t want portal users to view

    8. Click Save on the toolbar

    9. Under Page Layouts, click Page Layout Assignment

    10. Click Edit Assignment

    11. Select the record types next to the user profile for portal users

    12. In Page Layout To Use, select "Portal Layout"

    13. Repeat steps k and l until you assign the layout to every applicable record type

    14. Click Save

  2. Add a page layout for the Ticket object:

    1. From Setup, enter "object" in the Quick Find box, then select Objects

    2. Click Ticket

    3. Under Page Layouts, click New

    4. In Existing Page Layout, select a page layout for FieldFX Back Office

    5. In Page Layout Name, enter "Portal Layout"

    6. Click Save

    7. Remove buttons, fields, and related lists you don’t want portal users to view

    8. Click Save on the toolbar

    9. Under Page Layouts, click Page Layout Assignment

    10. Click Edit Assignment

    11. Select the record types next to the user profile for portal users

    12. In Page Layout To Use, select "Portal Layout"

    13. Repeat steps k and l until you assign the layout to every applicable record type

    14. Click Save

Add the Portal

You must have completed Step 1 above to enable Digital Experiences and establish a Domain Name for the portal.
  1. From Setup, enter "Sites" in the Quick Find box, then select All Sites

  2. Add the portal:

    1. Click New

    2. Select the Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce template

      You may have to scroll on the page to see this template option.
    3. Click Get Started

    4. In Name, enter a name for the portal

    5. In URL, "customers"

    6. Click Create

      A preview of the site displays once the process completes.

  3. Add members to the portal:

    1. Select the Administration button under My Workspaces

      Or, click on the Workspaces tab at the top of the page, then select Administration from the menu.

    2. Select Members

    3. In Search, select "All"

    4. Add the user profile for portal users to Selected Profiles

    5. Add the permission set for portal users to Selected Permission Sets

    6. Click Save

      Salesforce sends an email confirmation to you once the process completes.

  4. Select the tabs to display in the portal:

    1. Select AdministrationTabs

    2. Add "Jobs" and "Tickets" to Selected Tabs

    3. Click Save

  5. Customize the portal’s appearance:

    1. Select Branding

      • You must upload images for the header and footer of portal pages using the Documents tab

      • The header can be .html, .gif, .jpg, or .png

      • The footer must be an .html file

      • The maximum file size for .html files is 100 KB combined

      • The maximum file size for .gif, .jpg, or .png files is 20 KB

    2. In Header, select the header to use for portal pages

      The header you choose replaces the Salesforce logo below the global header.
    3. In Footer, select the footer to use for portal pages

      The footer you choose replaces the standard Salesforce copyright and privacy footer.
    4. Under Colors, select the color scheme to use for portal pages

    5. Click Save

  6. Customize the Login page for the portal:

    1. On the sidebar, select Login & Registration

    2. In Logo Type, select whether the logo is a file or a URL

    3. In Logo File, select the previously uploaded logo

      A preview of the image diplays.

    4. Make other entries for the Logo branding as desired for color scheme

    5. In Footer Text, enter the text to display in the Login page footer

    6. In Login Page Type, select "Visualforce Page" then select "CommunitiesLogin"

    7. Select the remaining options as necessary

    8. Click Save

  7. Configure email settings:

    1. Select Emails

    2. Under Sender, select the from name and email address to use for emails to portal users

    3. Under Chatter Email Branding, select the logo and text to include in the footer of emails to portal users

    4. Under Email Templates, select Send welcome email and select the email templates to use for emails to portal users

    5. Click Save

  8. Configure page settings:

    1. Select Pages

    2. In Home Page, select "Visualforce Page" then select "CommunitiesLanding"

    3. Click Save

  9. Under Advance Customizations, select Go to Force.com

Test Portal Users

  1. Open the Contacts tab

  2. Open the contact for a portal user

  3. Click the dropdown arrow for more options for the record if necessary, then select Log in to Experience as User

    Screenshot of the Login as Experience User option

    The customer portal opens.

  4. Open the Jobs tab

  5. Open a job and verify necessary information displays

  6. Open the Tickets tab

  7. Open a ticket and verify necessary information displays

  8. Adjust the permission set and page layouts for the portal as necessary

  9. Repeat steps 1 to 8 for portal users linked to other partner accounts

Publish the Portal

  1. From Setup, enter "Digital Experience" in the Quick Find box, then select All Sites

  2. Click Manage next to the portal

  3. Select Administration

  4. Click Activate Site

  5. Click OK