FieldFX Lightning Managed Package 2021 Updates

FieldFX Lightning Package 1.154 (Latest Package)

  • Released September 1, 2021

  • Latest version

Expand the Main Section to Full Screen (#447)

  • Users can now focus on the main page contents in a Lightning Page Template by clicking the Fullscreen button to expand the main panel on the page.

    Page Template Panel Expand Button
    Page Template Expand Panel Button Hilighted
  • When selected, the main panel fills the entire browser window.

    Salesforce navigation, the Salesforce Global Search box, app tabs, and other panels on the page are hidden after expanding the main panel.
    Page Template Expanded Panel
  • Select the Page Template Close Fullscreen Close Fullscreen button to return to the normal page view.

FieldFX Lightning Package 1.151

  • Released August 3, 2021

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Data Grid v2

We fixed a bug that prevented values from saving when a user pressed TAB to move to the next cell.


Data Grid v2

We fixed a bug that caused the Data Grid to only display 2-4 rows on the screen.

FieldFX Lightning Package 1.148

  • Released July 1, 2021


Option to Remember Selected Items in Data Grid After Refresh (#528)

  • We have added a new checkbox option to the FXL Data Grid v2 component configuration, Remember selected items after refresh.

  • When selected, FieldFX retains the items selected in the grid after an action on the grid causes the data to refresh.

  • When deselected, the selected items clear when the grid refreshes.

    For example, when selecting tickets to add to an invoice, some users may wish the selected tickets to still be selected after generating the invoice.

    Other users may need the selected tickets to clear to prevent duplicating invoicing.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Item Picker

We corrected an issue that could cause errors to result when the Column for setting insert sequence order Lightning component configuration setting was left blank.

FieldFX Lightning Package 1.145

Release Details

  • Released June 8, 2021

Bug Fixes

# Area Description



We fixed a bug that caused validation error messages to not display correctly when adding bundles to a Ticket.



We clarified the error message that displays when a user tries to edit a record on an object where they do not have Edit permissions.


Item Picker

We corrected a cosmetic issue that caused the checkboxes to not align correctly.


Bulk Edit

We fixed a problem that prevented the bulk editor from updating to read only until the page was refreshed.


Stage Pricing

We fixed an issue that allowed stage pricing to remain editable when the record was in read only status.


Item Picker

We fixed a bug that caused items to not sort correctly when a date column was used for sorting.


Grid V2

The Select All checkbox for the grid now clears if the user adds additional items or loads more items to the grid to reflect that the added items are not yet selected.


Grid V2

We fixed a cosmetic issue affecting collapsed bundles when displayed on a Windows device.


Bulk Edit

After applying a Bulk Edit, the value used for the edit continued to populate the Set field to this value field. Now the field clears as expected.


Grid V2

We fixed a bug that caused child items in bundles to be deselected after taking an action from another component (such as a bulk edit or copy item). However, the parent item remained selected. Now the children remain selected in the Data Grid with the parent.

FieldFX Lightning Package 1.141 (Last Sandbox and Production push)

Release Details

  • Released May 12, 2021

  • Pushed to Sandbox orgs on May 31, 2021

  • Pushed to Production orgs on July 14-21, 2021


Customize Sequence Order of Selected Items on the FX Item Picker (#444)

This functionality is intended specifically to address a scenario where the FX Item Picker is used to add Ticket Items to an Invoice.

  • We have enhanced the FX Item Picker to support allowing a user to define the sequence numbers used when adding the selected items to the grid.

    • When set up, the user can define the order in which selected items should be added to the FXL Data Grid.

      • Items are added to the Selected Items tab of the FX Item Picker in the order in which the user selects them.

      • The user can use the arrows in the Order column of the Selected Items tab to reorder the selected items before adding them to the FXL Data Grid.


    • Child items are added immediately after their parent item, but can be reordered within the limits of the parent item’s sequence.

  • Sequence numbers can be controlled by two additional fields in the FX Item Picker component’s settings:

    • Column for setting insert sequence order: A number field on the target object to use for sequencing items

      Leaving this field blank prevents the user from customizing the sequence order of selected items.

      This can be the Sequence Number field. However, if so, the price book’s FX5__AddTktItemsByPBSeqNum__c field must be set to False.

    • Target’s Parent Field (For bundles, when setting sequence): Field on the target object that defines the parent for child items

      For example, for the FX Item Picker used to add Invoice Items, FX5__Parent_Invoice_Item__c.

      The parent field on the source object must also be defined in the FX Item Picker’s Parent Field (For Bundles) setting.

  • The assignment of sequence numbers by selection order applies only to FieldFX Back Office.

    Sequence number assignments from items added in FieldFX Mobile continue to behave as they always have.

  • If the organization also has FX CPQ and utilizes the Rule Engine, the sequence numbers for items added by the Rule Engine are determined by the Rule Engine and do not follow the settings from the FX Item Picker.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Grid V2

We updated number fields to disallow entering characters other than numbers or a single decimal separator, which can be either a comma or a period.


Bulk Edit

We fixed a bug that allowed the bulk edit to be editable when a ticket was in a read only status.


Item Picker

We fixed a bug that prevented matching tickets from displaying in a search when a ticket filter was applied to the Item Picker.


Copy Items

We fixed an error that could result if users did not have create and edit access to the FX DataGuide Form object.


Grid V2

We fixed date/time fields to display appropriately based on the time zone setting defined in the user’s profile.


Grid V2

We fixed an error that could result when a custom filter referenced a field where the API name shared a substring with another field, such as Job__c and Currency_for_Job__c.


Grid V2

We fixed a recently introduced bug that caused selected items to automatically reset to being deselected after performing a group action, such as copying the items.


Item Picker

We corrected the way date, time, and datetime fields display in the Item Picker.

FieldFX Lightning Package 1.135

Release Details

  • Released March 15, 2021


FX Item Picker Select All (#372)

  • The FX Item Picker supports the ability to select or deselect all items at once.

  • A new configuration setting has been added to limit the number of items users can add to the FXL Data Grid at the same time.

  • Max number of items that can be inserted at once: enter the number of items users can select from the Item Picker to add to the FXL Data Grid

    Default value when blank is 6.

    If users select more items than the allowed value, they are not able to add the items to the FXL Data Grid. The button is grayed out. When the user hovers over the button, a message displays informing the user of the maximum number of selected items.


    This option does not apply if the selected items go to an FX Item Cart.

Single Select Mode Option for FX Data Grid V2 (#481)

  • We added a new configuration option for the FX Data Grid v2 component.

  • Disable multi-select and use single select: When this attribute is selected, the grid displays radio buttons instead of checkboxes next to items. Users can only select one item from the grid to act on and the option to select all items is not available.

    When multi-select is disabled, selecting a parent item does not select its children unless the parent item is deleted, in which case the children are also deleted.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Item Picker

When performing sequential searches in the FX Item Picker that show the same parent/child group, the picker now remembers whether the group was expanded or collapsed in the previous search. Previously, all results returned to the FX Item Picker’s default expand/collapse setting.


Item Picker

We fixed some visual inconsistencies in how the expand and collapse all arrow icons displayed on screen.

FieldFX Lightning Package 1.132

Release Details

  • Released February 17, 2021


To install this release, the org must also be on Managed Package 1.378 or later.


Expanding and Collapsing Child Items (#472)

  • We have improved the behavior of expanding or collapsing of bundled items in the FXL Data Grid v2, FX Item Picker, or FXL Item Cart lightning components

  • Each component type now includes an option to Expand Children by Default

    • FXL Data Grid v2 already had this option

    • This option has been added as a new selectable checkbox when configuring the FX Item Picker and FXL Item Cart components

  • A button to expand or collapse all bundles appears on the left most side of the header row for the component’s grid

    • Select the right pointing triangle to expand all bundles

    • Select the down pointing triangle to collapse all bundles

    • The button alternates between the two triangles

    • Whether bundles are expanded or collapsed depends on the component’s Expand Children by Default setting

  • FieldFX remembers the state of a bundle across components on the same page

    For example, a bundle expanded in the FX Item Picker remains expanded when added to the FXL Item Cart. A bundle collapsed in the FXL Item Cart remains collapsed when added to the FXL Data Grid v2.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Workflow Component

We cleaned up the error message that displays if a validation error is encountered. Now only the validation error displays without the Salesforce exception message.


Item Picker

We corrected an issue that kept the Item Picker enabled when a record was in a read-only status.


Data Grid v2

We fixed an issue that prevented the lookup link button from displaying on required lookup fields.


Item Picker

When selecting a parent item, the Item Picker’s item count summary now includes the item’s children.


Item Cart

When adding multiples of the same bundle, only the child items were being added the additional multiples. This has been corrected.


Item Cart

We fixed an issue that caused child items to not display if the Item Cart was not the active page component.


Workflow Component

The component no longer requires that the user have create permission to the Job object.


Page Templates

Custom Page templates now display the Salesforce Highlights panel buttons. Previously, the buttons were hidden on the custom page templates.


Ticket Scheduling Component

Contact information now populates to planning records for Labor type ticket items.

FieldFX Lightning Package 1.129

Release Details

  • Released January 20, 2021


To install this release, the org must also be on Managed Package 1.378 or later.


View Child Items in the FXL Item Cart (#452)

  • If the FX Item Picker that the FXL Item Cart is tied to has a Parent Field (for Bundles) specified, then bundled items display as follows:

    • Children of parent items display nested under their parent item

    • The parent item has an arrow that can be used to expand or collapse the child item(s)

    • Child items cannot be selected or modified in the FXL Item Cart, only the Parent Item can be selected or modified

  • If the Parent Field (for Bundles) is not set on the linked FX Item Picker, child items do not display in either the FX Item Picker or the FXL Item Cart

Refresh FX Item Picker After Addition or Deletion (#465)

  • When using the FX Item Picker to add items to a Data Grid, the results in the FX Item Picker now automatically refresh so that the results already added no longer display in the FX Item Picker.

  • The FX Item Grid refreshes as necessary if an item for the FX Item Picker is removed from the FX Data Grid.

    For example, an FX Item Picker is set up for Invoicing and has a filter in place to not display items already on an invoice.

    When a biller adds an item from the FX Item Picker to the invoice item Data Grid, the FX Item Picker refreshes to no longer show the item, since it is added to an invoice. If the biller than removes the item from the Data Grid for invoice items, the FX Item Picker refreshes again and shows the item as a selectable option.

Bug Fixes

# Area Description


Bulk Edit

We corrected an issue that caused the Bulk Editor to unexpectedly give the option to clear values after using the Bulk Edit function to clear values on the Data Grid and then switching to different fields in the Data Grid.