Stage Pricing



The Stage Pricing feature applies a fixed price to a collection of quote items or ticket items.

Use the Stage Pricing feature if you bill customers separately for each stage of a job.

Example 1. Using Stage Pricing to bill for different stages of a Job.

$2,000 for Stage 1 and $5,000 for Stage 2.

How it Works

  • You can apply stage pricing to any number of quote items or ticket items.

    You can’t apply stage pricing to items that have Locked Discount selected.
  • When you apply stage pricing, the discount percentage of each item changes to make the total Extended Amount for all items equal to the stage price.


    • If you have 10 items priced at $1200, you can apply a stage price of $1000 to the items.

    • This increases the discount percentage of each item to make the total Extended Amount for all items equal to $1000.

  • If you change the Qty of an item included in a stage, the discount percentage for that item doesn’t change.

    In this scenario, reapply stage pricing to the items in the stage.


Applying Stage Pricing to Ticket ITems in FieldFX Mobile

Step-by-Step Guides

Applying Stage Pricing to Quote Items

FieldFX Back Office

  1. Open the Quote Item Builder

  2. Move down to the Item grid

  3. Select items

    You can’t apply stage pricing to items that have Locked Discount selected.
  4. Click Apply Stage Pricing

  5. In Total Staging Price, enter the price to charge for the items

  6. Click Apply

    • The total price for the items is now the specified stage price.

    • The discount percentage of each item also updates.

    • To remove stage pricing, delete the items and then re-add them.

FieldFX Mobile

  1. Select Quotes on the sidebar

  2. Select the quote

  3. Select Items on the sidebar

  4. Select items

    You can’t apply stage pricing to items that have Locked Discount selected.
  5. Select Stage Price

    Blue pricing button
  6. In Total Stage Pricing, enter the price to charge for the items

  7. Select Save

    Green save button
    • The total price for the items is now the specified stage price.

    • The discount percentage of each item also updates.

    • To remove stage pricing, delete the items and then re-add them.

Applying Stage Pricing to Ticket Items

FieldFX Back Office

  1. Open the Ticket Item Builder

  2. Move down to the Item grid

  3. Select items

    You can’t apply stage pricing to items that have Locked Discount selected.
  4. Click Apply Stage Pricing

  5. In Total Staging Price, enter the price to charge for the items

  6. Click Apply

    • The total price for the items is now the specified stage price.

    • The discount percentage of each item also updates.

    • To remove stage pricing, delete the items and then re-add them.

FieldFX Mobile

  1. Select Ticket on the sidebar

  2. Select the ticket

  3. Select Items on the sidebar

  4. Select items

    You can’t apply stage pricing to items that have Locked Discount selected.
  5. Select Stage Price

    Blue pricing button
  6. In Total Stage Pricing, enter the price to charge for the items

  7. Select Save

    Green save button
    • The total price for the items is now the specified stage price.

    • The discount percentage of each item also updates.

    • To remove stage pricing, delete the items and then re-add them.