Ticket Workflows
To use ticket workflows, you need the following licenses:
To use ticket workflows, you must:
To use ticket workflows, you need:
A ticket workflow tracks the status of tickets.
For example, a simple ticket workflow might use the following statuses in sequence.
Other statuses could be available, including multiple approval steps. Work with your implementation team or support to customize the flows for your tickets. |
A ticket workflow utilizes the following objects:
Object | Description | Example |
Status |
List of possible ticket status |
Status Workflow |
Sequence of ticket statuses |
How it Works
FieldFX Back Office
In the Workflow section, the Status field displays a ticket’s current status.
The Workflow section must be added to the appropriate page layout(s) to display. |
To change the status, click the workflow button to use on the ticket.
Accounting Review
to Approved
.FieldFX Mobile
The Ticket Status indicator displays a ticket’s status.
To change the status:
Select the status indicator
Select the next status
Select Proceed
Syncable Ticket Statuses
You can control whether tickets sync to FieldFX Mobile when they reach a status.
When you select Sync for a status:
When you deselect Sync for a status:
When you change a Jobsticket in FieldFX Mobile to a status that doesn’t have Sync selected:
The status trigger doesn’t select the Sync checkbox for a ticket when you move it to a syncable status if:
The job’s price book is inactive
Validation Rules
Validation rules run when you change the status of a ticket:
Read-Only Statuses
Refer to the Restrictions for Read-Only Tickets section for a list of restrictions when tickets become read-only. |