Sandbox Setup


  • To set up a sandbox, you need Sandbox licenses.

    • Contact your LiquidFrameworks account executive for details.

  • To set up and manage sandboxes, you need:

    • System permissions:

      • Manage Sandbox

      • Modify All Data

      • View Setup and Configuration

  • To use a sandbox, you need:


Use Sandbox orgs to test new features, experiment with configurations, and train users without affecting data in your Production org.

Creating a Sandbox

  1. Open your email app

  2. Get all users to log out of FieldFX Back Office and FieldFX Mobile

  3. Access FieldFX Back Office

  4. Switch to Salesforce Classic

  5. Add the Sandbox:

    1. From Setup, enter "sandbox" in the Quick Find box, then select Sandboxes

    2. Click New Sandbox

    3. In Name, enter a name for the sandbox

    4. Click Create or Next under the desired sandbox type

    5. In Object Data Included, select All

    6. Click Create

      The creation process begins and you will receive email confirmation once the Sandbox is ready for use.

  6. Configure deployment settings in Production:

    1. From Setup, enter "deployment" in the Quick Find box, then select Deployment Settings

    2. Click Continue

    3. Click Edit next to the sandbox connection

    4. Select Allow Inbound Changes

    5. Click Save

    6. Click Back to Deployment Settings at the top of the page

    7. Select Allow deployments of components when corresponding Apex jobs are pending or in progress

    8. Click Save

Refreshing a Sandbox

When you add or update Production, refresh your Sandbox to update it with the latest features and data.

  1. Open your email app

  2. Get all users to log out of the Sandbox

  3. Access FieldFX Back Office

  4. Switch to Salesforce Classic

  5. From Setup, enter "sandbox" in the Quick Find box, then select Sandboxes

  6. Click Refresh next to the Sandbox

  7. Click Next under the relevant Sandbox type

  8. Click Create

    The refresh process begins and you will receive email confirmation once the Sandbox is ready for activation.

  9. Click Activate next to the Sandbox

    When you activate a refreshed Sandbox:

    • This erases the current configuration and data and replaces it with the latest configuration and data.

    • You cannot revert to the previous version of the Sandbox.

  10. Select I understand the operation I am about to perform

  11. Click Activate

    The activation process begins and you will receive email confirmation once the Sandbox is ready for use.