Inventory Adjustments


Inventory adjustments record changes to inventory quantity on hand for Stock Items.

There are seven types of inventory adjustment transactions.

Inventory Adjustment Types

Adjustment Type Description Notes


Records increases to On Hand Qty, such as items found during a physical inventory or cycle count


Records decreases to On Hand Qty, such as items not found during a physical inventory or cycle count


Assigns an inventory item to a particular Work Order and reduces the On Hand Qty


Adds to the On Order Qty when adding a Purchase Order for the item

Automatically generated during Purchase Order processing


Reduces On Order Qty and increases On Hand Qty when receiving an item from a Purchase Order

Automatically generated during Purchase Order receipt

Transfer In

Increases On Hand Qty by receiving items on a Transfer request coming in from another Warehouse

Automatically generated during Transfer request processing

Transfer Out

Reduces On Hand Qty by issuing items to a Transfer request going out to another Warehouse

Automatically generated during Transfer request processing

Only Gain, Shrink, and Issue adjustments should be manually entered.

Other inventory adjustment transactions are automatically created by FX EAM.

Create an Inventory Adjustment

Inventory adjustments can be created directly in the Inventory Transaction tab or from a Stock Item record.

LiquidFrameworks, Inc. recommends entering adjustments from the Stock Item record.

  1. Go to the Stock Item record’s Related tab

  2. Under Inventory Transactions, select New

  3. Select the Transaction Type

  4. Enter the Transaction Qty

    For Issue type transactions, enter a negative quantity to return items to stock from a Work Order.
  5. Select the Bin Location affected by the transaction

    If left blank, the transaction affects the Stock Item’s Primary bin location.

  6. For Issue type transactions, select the Work Order

  7. Click Save