FX Timecards 2021 Updates

Release Notes FX Timecards 1.29

Release Details

  • Released May 20, 2021

  • Latest version

New Features

Automatic Timesheet Generation (#38, 42)

  • When a user is included as part of a labor ticket item, a trigger automatically checks if the user has an existing timesheet for the correct period.

  • If a timesheet does not exist for the correct period, one is automatically created for the user as long as a Pay Period exists that is active and not expired.

  • The Pay Period’s Week Start Day is used to compute a timesheet’s start date

  • The user must be licensed for Timecards, even if they do not use the Timecards app.


Timecards from Ticket Items (#39)

  • Timecards are already automatically generated for labor ticket items.

    • Timecards use the Ticket Item’s start date as the Timecard date.

    • If the Ticket Item does not have a start date, the Ticket’s date is used for the Timecard date.

  • Now, generated timecards are modified to match changes made to the ticket items.

    • If the ticket item’s duration is modified, the timecard automatically updates.

    • If the user for the ticket item changes, the created timecard for the old user is deleted and a new timecard generates for the updated user.

    • If the labor ticket item is deleted from the ticket, the timecard is also removed.

Bug Fixes

# Description


We fixed a bug that caused mobile sync to fail if no pay period existed.


We corrected an issue that caused Total Hours on a timesheet to not update if a Labor Ticket Item was deleted.