FX Timecards 2021 Updates
Release Notes FX Timecards 1.29
New Features
Automatic Timesheet Generation (#38, 42)
When a user is included as part of a labor ticket item, a trigger automatically checks if the user has an existing timesheet for the correct period.
If a timesheet does not exist for the correct period, one is automatically created for the user as long as a Pay Period exists that is active and not expired.
The Pay Period’s Week Start Day is used to compute a timesheet’s start date
The user must be licensed for Timecards, even if they do not use the Timecards app.
Timecards from Ticket Items (#39)
Timecards are already automatically generated for labor ticket items.
Timecards use the Ticket Item’s start date as the Timecard date.
If the Ticket Item does not have a start date, the Ticket’s date is used for the Timecard date.
Now, generated timecards are modified to match changes made to the ticket items.
If the ticket item’s duration is modified, the timecard automatically updates.
If the user for the ticket item changes, the created timecard for the old user is deleted and a new timecard generates for the updated user.
If the labor ticket item is deleted from the ticket, the timecard is also removed.