Price Book Item Setup


Adding a Price Book Item


Step-by-Step Guides

Method 1: Adding Multiple Items Using the Price Book Builder

  1. Open the Price Book Builder

  2. Click Expand on the right side of the page

  3. Select catalog items

  4. Click Add Selected

  5. Click Close on the left side of the Item picker

Method 2: Adding a Single Item

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office

  2. Open the Price Books tab

  3. Open the price book

  4. Under Price Book Items, click New

  5. Complete the following:

    1. In Sequence Number, enter a sequence number to use for the item

    2. In Catalog Item, select the catalog item for which you are adding the price book item

    3. Set a price for the item:

      • Use a standard price

        • Select "Straight Price" in Pricing Method

        • Enter a Price

      • Mark up the item by a dollar amount

        • Select "Cost Plus Markup Amount" in Pricing Method

        • Enter a Cost Plus Markup Amount

      • Mark up the item by a percentage of cost

        • Select "Cost Plus Markup Percent" in Pricing Method

        • Enter a Cost Plus Markup Percent

    4. In Discount Percent, enter the percentage discount to grant on the item

    5. In Default Quantity, enter the default quantity to add to quotes/tickets

    6. In Included Quantity, enter the quantity to give customers at no charge

    7. In Description Override, enter a catalog description to use for the item in this price book

    8. Select Enable Dynamic Parenting to allow users to add child items to this item

      Do not select this option if the item is the child of another item.

    9. Select Requires Parent Item to make this item a child of another price book item. Then, select a parent item in Parent Price Book Item.

      Do not select this option if the item is the parent of another item.

      An item cannot be both a child of an item and the parent of another item.

      When you select Requires Parent Item, you can’t add the item to quotes/tickets without adding its parent item first.

      Refer to the Parent & Child Items section for more information on Parent & Child Items relationships

    10. Select Surcharge Fuel to apply a surcharge for fuel costs

    11. Select Surcharge Env to apply a surcharge for environmental cleanup costs

    12. Select Required Item to add the item to every new quote/ticket

      Don’t select Required Item for child items

      If you deselect Required Item, any existing quote items/ticket items will still be required

    13. In Standby Price, enter the price to charge when the item is on standby and not in use on a job

    14. In Minimum Charge, enter the minimum price to charge for the item

    15. Select Locked Description to prevent users from changing the item’s description

    16. Select Locked Discount to prevent users from changing the item’s discount percentage

    17. Select Locked Price/Markup to prevent users from changing the item’s price or markup

    18. In Minimum Quantity, enter the minimum quantity that users can add to quotes/tickets

    19. In Maximum Quantity, enter the maximum quantity that users can add to quotes/tickets

    20. In Currency, select the currency in which to display the item’s prices

      This field displays if you enable the Multiple Currency feature

      The currency you select overrides the default currency for the price book

  6. Click Save

Adding a Kit

A kit is a package of price book items featuring a parent item and multiple child items. When you add the parent item for a kit to a ticket, all of the items in the kit get added to quotes/tickets automatically.

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office

  2. Open the Price Books tab

  3. Open the price book

  4. Add the parent item for the kit:

    Parent items cannot be children of other items.

    1. Under Price Book Items, click New

    2. In Description Override, enter a name for the kit

    3. In Catalog Item, select the catalog item to use as the parent item for the kit

    4. In Sequence Number, enter the sequence number to use for the kit

    5. In Price, enter the price to charge for the kit

    6. In Default Quantity, enter "1.00"

    7. In Included Quantity, enter "1.00"

    8. Click Save & New

  5. Add the child items to include in the kit:

    Child items cannot be parents of other items.

    1. In Catalog Item, select the catalog item for the item

    2. In Sequence Number, enter the sequence number to use for the item

    3. Select Requires Parent Item

    4. In Parent Price Book Item, select the parent item for the kit

    5. In Price, enter "0.00"

    6. In Default Quantity & Included Quantity, enter the quantity to include in the kit

    7. Click Save & New

    8. Repeat steps a to f.Click Save to finish.

Designating a Dynamic Parent Item

When you select Enable Dynamic Parenting for an price book item, you can add child items to the item when adding quotes/tickets/invoices. This gives you the ability to create parent-child relationships on the fly.

Do not designate as a dynamic parent an item that can be the child of another item.

  1. Open the Price Book Items tab

  2. Open the price book item

  3. Click Edit

  4. Select Enable Dynamic Parenting

  5. Click Save

Setting the Standby Price for an Item

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office

  2. Open the Price Book Items tab

  3. Open the price book item

  4. Click Edit

  5. In Standby Price, enter the price to charge for the item when it’s on standby and not in use

  6. Click Save

Archiving a Price Book Item

Archive a price book item if you are going to stop selling it. This gives you the flexibility to use the price book item again in the future.

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office

  2. Open the Price Book Items tab

  3. Open the price book item

  4. Click Edit

  5. Select Archived

  6. Click Save