Advanced Report Helpers
You use report helpers when creating templates to build FX Reports.
Report helpers insert and format data on FX Reports.
FieldFX supports Handlebars expressions to load data.
A Handlebars expression is contained within two sets of curly braces.
Example 1. A Handlebars expression{{labels.FX5__Price_Book__c}}
Handlebars expressions are further described and defined at
To render data, you must combine Handlebars expressions with XML.
The Report Helpers below can be added to the XML template as XML elements if the
tag has an attribute ofpreprocess="true"
The preprocess converts handlebars tags written as XML elements into their equivalent handlebars syntax.
This allows the XML author to write in XML without having to switch back and forth to Handlebars syntax.
<template pageSize="LETTER" pageOrientation="portrait" pageMargins="36 36 36 36" preprocess="true"> <header>header text</header> <body> body text ... <group collection="FX5__Ticket_Items__z" fields="RecordType.DeveloperName"> more text ... </group> </body> <footer>footer text</footer> </template>
element, a report helper, will be converted to the proper Handlebars syntax during preprocessing. -
Handlebars syntax can still be added to the XML document directly even with
Field Helpers
Navigates to the object’s parent to access a field on the parent object.
You can chain multiple ../ together to navigate to additional levels or #filters .
Use the following code to only list ticket items with a record type of Labor
, where the ticket items are marked as Billable, and where the item’s Catalog Item is categorized as Callout.
{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName" is="Labor"}}
{{#filter items "Billable__c" is=true}}
>>{{#if ../../FX5__Category__c "==" "Callout"}}
{{#each items}}
The first
helper excludes Ticket Items without a name value. -
The second
helper excludes Ticket Items that not not marked as being billable. -
only includes items where the ticket item’s Catalog Item record is Callout.There are two ../
elements, going through a filter and a parent object to navigate to the Catalog Item record to access the Catalog Item’s Category field. -
Add expressions inside the
helpers to specify the fields to display for each item.
Use the following code to only list ticket items with a record type of Labor
, where the ticket items are marked as Billable, where the item is not hidden from reports, and where the item’s Catalog Item is categorized as Callout.
{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName" is="Labor"}}
{{#filter items "Billable__c" is=true}}
{{#filter items "Hide_from_Report__c" is=false}}
>>{{#if ../../../FX5__Category__c "==" "Callout"}}
{{#each items}}
The first
helper excludes Ticket Items without a name value. -
The second
helper excludes Ticket Items that not not marked as being billable. -
The third
helper excludes Ticket Items that are hidden from reports. -
only includes items where the ticket item’s Catalog Item record is Callout.There are three ../
elements, going through two filters and a parent object to navigate to the Catalog Item record to access the Catalog Item’s Category field. -
Add expressions inside the
helpers to specify the fields to display for each item.
Data Helpers
Labels (Deprecated)
The labels helper is now deprecated in FieldFX.
Inserts field names.
Field names display in the language selected in the user’s record. |
User Profile
Inserts data about the current user.
Date & Number Helpers
You can set the following for the formatCurrency
Setting | Description | ||
Controls whether the ISO currency code displays |
Controls whether the currency symbol displays |
Controls the number of decimal places that display after the decimal mark |
Controls the symbol used for the thousands separator, which separates sequences of three digits |
Controls the symbol used for the decimal mark, which separates the integer and fractional parts of numbers |
Controls what represents null values
On the Sync 4.0 release channels, you can use the following functions inside the formatCurrency
Setting | Description |
Inserts the lowest value entered in the specified field |
Inserts the highest value entered in the specified field |
<text>{{formatCurrency Extended_Amount__c symbol="" precision="3" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
<text>{{formatCurrency Extended_Amount__c symbol="" precision="2" separator="." decimal=","}}</text>
<text>{{formatCurrency Extended_Amount__c symbol="€" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
<text>{{CurrencyIsoCode}} {{formatCurrency FX5__Price__c symbol="" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
<text>{{formatCurrency Price__c symbol="" precision="2" separator="," decimal="." emptyValue=""}}</text>
<text>{{formatCurrency Price__c symbol="" precision="2" separator="," decimal="." emptyValue="0"}}</text>
<text>{{formatCurrency Geolocation__Latitude__s symbol="" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}{{formatCurrency Geolocation__Longitude__s symbol="" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
<text>{{formatCurrency (max FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Cost__c") precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
The max function inserts the highest cost.
{{formatPercent FX5__Discount_Percent__c decimalPlaces="2" emptyValue= "99.99%"}}
The emptyValue inserts 99.99% when the value of the field is 0.00 (null).
You can set the following for the formatDate
Setting | Description | ||
Controls the format of the date. If you don’t specify a format, the date uses a standard format.
Controls the locale used for the date:
On the Sync 4.0 release channels, you can use the following functions inside the formatDate
Setting | Description |
Inserts the earliest date entered in the specified field. |
Inserts the latest date entered in the specified field. |
<text>{{formatDate FX5__Ticket_Date__c format="MMM Do YY"}}</text>
<text>{{formatDate FX5__Ticket_Date__c format="L" locale="de"}}</text>
<text>{{formatDate (min FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Date_Start__c")}} to {{formatDate (max FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Date_End__c")}}</text>
The min function inserts the earliest start date and the max function inserts the latest end date.
You can set the following for the formatDateTime
Setting | Description | ||
Controls the format of the date/time. If you don’t specify a format, the date/time uses a standard format.
Controls the locale used for the date:
On the Sync 4.0 release channels, you can use the following functions inside the formatDateTime
Setting | Description |
Inserts the earliest date/time entered in the specified field. |
Inserts the latest date/time entered in the specified field. |
<text>{{formatDateTime FX5__Ticket_Date__c format="MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm A"}}</text>
<text>{{formatDateTime FX5__Ticket_Date__c format="MM/DD/YY h:mm"}}</text>
<text>{{formatDateTime FX5__Ticket_Date__c format="MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm"}}</text>
) as the locale<text>{{formatDateTime FX5__Ticket_Date__c format="LLL" locale="de"}}</text>
<text>{{formatDateTime (min FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Date_Start__c")}} to {{formatDateTime (max FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Date_End__c")}}</text>
The min function inserts the earliest start date/time and the max function inserts the latest end date/time.
You can set the following for the formatPercent
Setting | Description | ||
Controls the number of decimal places that display after the decimal mark. |
Controls what represents null values.
On the Sync 4.0 release channels, you can use the following functions inside the formatPercent
Setting | Description |
Inserts the earliest percentage entered in the specified field. |
Inserts the latest percentage entered in the specified field. |
<text>{{formatPercent FX5__Discount_Percent__c decimalPlaces=0}}</text>
<text>{{formatPercent FX5__Discount_Percent__c decimalPlaces=2}}</text>
<text>{{formatDateTime (max FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Date_End__c")}}</text>
The max function inserts the highest discount percentage.
Formats time fields.
The time contains no date, so numbers greater than 24 or less than 0 roll around to a value between 0 and 24.
Salesforce Classic displays time according to the user’s locale settings. Lightning Experience and Salesforce Mobile display time as GMT.
You can set the following for the formatTime
Setting | Description | ||
Controls the format of the time. If you don’t specify a format, the time uses a standard format.
Controls the locale used for the time:
Geolocation fields are handled as a part of the formatCurrency number helper.
Call Latitude and Longitude separately with two different settings:
Setting Description Geolocation__Latitude__s
Calls the latitude portion of a geolocation field
Calls the longitude portion of a geoloction field.
Math Helpers
You can set the following for the avg
Setting | Description |
Controls the number of decimal places that display after the decimal mark. |
Controls the symbol used for the thousands separator, which separates sequences of three digits. |
Controls the symbol used for the decimal mark, which separates the integer and fractional parts of numbers. |
<text>{{avg FX5__Ticket_Items__r "Discounted_Price__c" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
{{#collect FX5__Tickets__r "FX5__Ticket_Items__r"}}
<text>${{avg items "FX5_Discount_Percent__c" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
The collect helper builds the collection of ticket items.
Inserts the calculated value of a formula.
<text>{{formula "round({0} * {1},2)" FX5__Price__c Qty__c}}</text>
The round function inserts the calculated value with two decimal places.
<text>{{formatCurrency (formula "{0} / 10" (sum FX5__Ticket_Items__r "Extended_Amount__c" )) precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
The formatCurrency helper inserts the calculated value in "1,234.56" format.
<text>${{formatCurrency (formula "{0} - {1}" (sum FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Price__c") (sum FX5__Ticket_Items__r "Discounted_Price__c")) precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
The subexpressions let you calculate the total price and total discounted price of items in the collection. The formatCurrency helper inserts the calculated value in "1,234.56" format.
{{#if (formula "!ISBLANK({0}) || !ISBLANK({1}) || !ISBLANK({2})" O2_ppmV_Outlet__c NH3_Ammonia_ppmV_Outlet__c Ethylbenzene_Outlet__c)}}
<text>Special Readings</text>
<text>SO2 ppmV: {{formatCurrency SO2_ppmV_Outlet__c precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
<text>NH3 / Ammonia ppmV: {{formatCurrency NH3_Ammonia_ppmV_Outlet__c precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
<text>Ethylbenzene ppmV: {{formatCurrency Ethylbenzene_Outlet__c precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
The subexpressions return calculated values inside the if helper expression.
You can set the following for the sum
Setting | Description | ||
Controls the number of decimal places that display after the decimal mark. |
Controls the symbol used for the thousands separator, which separates sequences of three digits. |
Controls the symbol used for the decimal mark, which separates the integer and fractional parts of numbers. |
Rounding applies to each value before a result is determined.
<text>{{sum FX5__Ticket_Items__r "Extended_Amount__c" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
{{#collect FX5__Tickets__r "FX5__Ticket_Items__r"}}
<text>${{sum items "Extended_Amount__c" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
{{sum items "Total_Hours__c" precision="1" separator="," decimal="." roundEach="false" }}
The roundEach setting overrides the default of rounding each value before calculating result.When set to False , each value retains its full precision for the sum helper function, then the total is rounded.
Logical Helpers
Builds a collection of items so that you can insert data for that collection. This helper is ideal for inserting totals for tickets and ticket items on job reports.
Data Variables
You can use the following data variable inside the collect
Option | Description |
Returns you to the root context for a data collection. |
{{#collect FX5__Tickets__r "FX5__Ticket_Items__r"}}
<text>${{sum items "Extended_Amount__c" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
{{#collect FX5__Tickets__r "FX5__Ticket_Logs__r"}}
{{#sort items "FX5__Start_Time__c"}}
<text>{{formatDateTime FX5__Start_Time__c format="MM/DD/YY h:mm A"}}</text>
<text>{{formatDateTime FX5__Stop_Time__c format="MM/DD/YY h:mm A"}}</text>
The sort helper sorts the Ticket Log entries in chronological order by start date/time.
Data Variables
You can use the following data variable inside the each
Option | Description |
Returns you to the root context for a data collection. |
Iteration Variables
You can use the following iteration variables inside the each
Option | Description |
Returns |
Returns the index number of an item in a list. |
Returns |
Returns the position number of an item in a list. |
{{#each FX5__Tickets__r}}
{{#each FX5__Tickets_Items__r}}
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each item.
{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName" is="Labor"}}
{{#each items}}
The filter helper excludes non-labor items.
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each item.
{{#each items}}
The {{@index}} iteration variable inserts the item numbers.
{#each items}}
The {{@position}} iteration variable inserts the item numbers.
{{#each JSAs__r}}
JSAs__r is the plural label for the FX Form object.
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display from the FX Form.
{{#each Pipe_Heads__r}}
Pipe_Heads__r is the Child Relationship Name for the Master-Detail field on the child FX Form object.
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display from the child FX Form.
{{#each FX5__Crew_Planning__r}}
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each crew planning record.
{{#each FX5__Job_Equipment__r}}
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each equipment planning record.
Filters the items in a collection by a specified parameter, such as a field or record type.
Consider writing a filter used in conjunction with an if helper in the formula setting of the if helper.
Data Variables
You can use the following data variable inside the filter
Option | Description |
Returns you to the root context for a data collection. |
{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName" is="Labor"}}
{{#each items}}
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each item.
{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName" is="Labor"}}
<text>Count: {{items.length}}</text>
The items.length expression inserts the ticket item count.
{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "Extended_Amount__c" not=0}}
{{#sort items "FX5__Price__c" desc=true}}
The sort helper sorts the ticket items in descending numerical order by Price.
Add expressions inside the sort helper to specify the fields to display for each item.
{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Parent_Ticket_Item__c" is=null}}
{{#if items.length}}
{{#each items}}
{{#filter @root.FX5__Ticket_Items__r "FX5__Parent_Ticket_Item__c" is=Id}}
{{#each items}}
The first filter helper excludes non-parent items.The second filter helper uses the @root variable to return to an unfiltered list of items and then excludes non-child items.The if helper inserts the block only if there are parent and child items on the ticket.
Add expressions inside the each helpers to specify the fields to display for each item.
{{#filter FX5__Tickets__r "FX5__Status__r.Name" is="Ready for Signature"}}
{{#collect items "FX5__Ticket_Items__r"}}
{{#filter items "RecordType.DeveloperName" is="Equipment"}}
{{#each items}}
The first filter helper excludes tickets that are not in the "Ready for Signature" status.The second filter helper excludes non-equipment ticket items.The collect helper builds the collection of ticket items.
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each item.
Filters the items in a collection based on a formula.
You can set the following for the filterBy
Setting | Description |
Use |
This report helper is only available for reports in FieldFX Mobile. |
{{#filterBy FX5__Ticket__Items__r "FX5__Price__c > 0"}}
{{#filterBy FX5__Ticket__Items__r "!ISBLANK(FX5__Notes__c)"}}
{{#filterBy FX5__Ticket__Items__r "!ISBLANK(FX5__Notes__c)" as="ticketitems"}}
Groups the items in a collection by a specified parameter, such as a field or record type.
When you group items by a field, you must complete that field for each item. Failure to do so will result in you not being able to load the report. |
You can set the following for the group
Setting | Description |
Use to sort items in ascending order (from lowest to highest) |
Use to sort items in descending order (from highest to lowest) |
Data Variables
You can use the following data variable inside the group
Option | Description |
Returns you to the root context for a data collection. |
Iteration Variables
You can use the following iteration variables inside the group
Option | Description |
Returns |
Returns the index number of an item in a list |
Returns |
Returns the position number of an item in a list |
{{#group FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName"}}
{{#each items}}
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each item.
{{#group FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName" sortBy="RecordType_DeveloperName" desc=false}}
{{#each items}}
The sortBy and desc settings sort the items in ascending alphabetical order by record type.
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each item.
{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName" is="Labor"}}
{{#group items "FX5__Contact__r.Name"}}
{{#each items}}
The filter helper excludes non-labor items.
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each employee.
{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "RecordType.DeveloperName" is="Labor"}}
{{#group items "FX5__Contact__c Clock_In__c Clock_Out__c"}}
{{#each items}}
The filter helper excludes non-labor items.
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display for each employee.
You can set the following for the if
Setting | Description | ||
Use "formula" to define an expression as the criteria for the
You can use the following operators inside the if
Operator | Description |
Evaluates whether two values are equal |
Evaluates whether two values aren’t equal |
Evaluates whether a value is less than the value that follows this symbol |
Evaluates whether a value is greater than the value that follows this symbol |
Evaluates whether a value is less than or equal to the value that follows this symbol |
Evaluates whether a value is greater than or equal to the value that follows this symbol |
Evaluates whether two values or expressions are both true |
Evaluates whether at least one of multiple values or expressions is true |
Data Variables
You can use the following data variable inside the if
Option | Description |
Returns you to the root context for a data collection |
Iteration Variables
You can use the following iteration variables inside the if
Option | Description |
Returns |
Returns the index number of an item in a list |
Returns |
Returns the position number of an item in a list |
{{#if FX5__Notes__c}}
<text>Notes: {{FX5__Notes__c}}</text>
<text>There are no notes available.</text>
<text>Fire Protection:</text>
<text>{{#if Fire_Protection__c}}<input type="checkbox" checked>{{else}}<input type="checkbox">{{/if}}</text>
{{#if Extended_Amount__c ">=" "1.00"}}
<cell>{{formatCurrency Qty__c symbol="" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</cell>
<cell>{{formatCurrency FX5__Price__c symbol="$" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</cell>
<cell>{{formatPercent FX5__Discount_Percent__c decimalPlaces="2"}}</cell>
<cell>{{formatCurrency Extended_Amount__c symbol="$" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</cell>
{{#if (sum items "Extended_Amount__c") ">" "10000.00"}}
<text>Over Budget</text>
<text>Under Budget</text>
If the Extended Amount for all ticket items is less than $10000.00, the if helper inserts "Under Budget" onto the report. If the Extended Amount for all ticket items is greater than $10000.00, the if helper inserts "Over Budget" onto the report. |
This example uses a subexpression to return calculated values inside the if helper expression.
{{#if (formula "!ISBLANK({0}) || !ISBLANK({1}) || !ISBLANK({2})" SO2_ppmV_Outlet__c NH3_Ammonia_ppmV_Outlet__c Ethylbenzene_Outlet__c)}}
<text>SO2 ppmV: {{formatCurrency SO2_ppmV_Outlet__c precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
<text>NH3 / Ammonia ppmV: {{formatCurrency NH3_Ammonia_ppmV_Outlet__c precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
<text>Ethylbenzene ppmV: {{formatCurrency Ethylbenzene_Outlet__c precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</text>
This example uses a subexpression to return calculated values inside the if helper expression.
helper doesn’t insert the Total Discount amount.{{#filter FX5__Ticket_Items__r "Discounted__c" is=true}}
{{#if items.length}}
<text>Total Discount:</text>
<text>{{sum items "Discount_Amount__c" precision="2" separator"," decimal="."}}</text>
The filter helper excludes non-discounted items.The sum helper calculates the total discounts applied.
{{#each items}}
<text>{{formatDate FX5__Date_Start__c format="MM/DD/YYYY"}}{{#if FX5__Date_End__c}}-{{formatDate FX5__Date_End__c format="MM/DD/YYYY"}}{{/if}}{{#if @last "==" false}}, {{/if}}</text>
{{#each items}}
<text>{{#if formula="RecordType.DeveloperName == 'Labor'"}}Labor{{else}}NotLabor{{/if}}</text>
Sorts the items in a collection by a specified parameter, such as a field or record type.
You can set the following for the sort
Setting | Description |
Use to sort items in ascending order (from lowest to highest) |
Use to sort items in descending order (from highest to lowest) |
Data Variables
You can use the following data variable inside the sort
Option | Description |
Returns you to the root context for a data collection |
Iteration Variables
You can use the following iteration variables inside the sort
Option | Description |
Returns |
Returns the index number of an item in a list |
Returns |
Returns the position number of an item in a list |
{{#sort FX5__Ticket_Items__r "Extended_Amount__c" desc=true}}
<cell>{{formatCurrency Qty__c symbol="" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</cell>
<cell>{{formatCurrency FX5__Price__c symbol="$" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</cell>
<cell>{{formatCurrency Extended_Amount__c symbol="$" precision="2" separator="," decimal="."}}</cell>
{{#sort items "FX5__Description__c" desc=true}}
The @index iteration variable inserts the item numbers.
{{#sort items "FX5__Description__c" desc=true}}
The @position iteration variable inserts the item numbers.
<text>{{#unless FX5__On_Standby__c}}{{FX5__Price__c}}{{/unless}}</text>
If the On Standby checkbox is selected for an item, the unless helper doesn’t insert anything.
Puts you in the context of the specified object so you can insert data for that object. This helper is ideal for inserting job data on ticket reports.
{{#with FX5__Job__r}}
<text>Job: {{Name}}</text>
<text>Customer: {{FX5__CustomerAccount__r.Name}}</text>
{{#with FX5__Job__r}}
{{#each FX5__Crew_Planning__r}}
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display.
{{#with FX5__Job__r}}
{{#each FX5__Job_Equipment__r}}
Add expressions inside the each helper to specify the fields to display.
Image Helpers
Inserts an interactive image placeholder. Use this placeholder to attach an image to a report, such as a photo or stamp.

You can set the following for the captureImage
Setting | Description |
Downsizes images proportionately to have a height or width no greater than the specified pixel size |
You cannot use the captureImage helper on PDF reports.
<div style="width: 2in; height: 1in">{{{captureImage}}}</div>
If you insert an image that has larger dimensions than the placeholder, the image resizes to fit the space. |
<div style="width: 2in; height: 1in">{{{captureImage maxSize="500"}}}</div>
When you specify a maximum pixel size, images downsize proportionately to have a height or width no greater than that size |
Signature Helpers
Inserts an interactive signature line. Use this signature line to capture digital signatures.
You can’t use the signatureBlock
helper on PDF reports.
Use the <signatureBlock> element to insert signature lines on PDF reports.
Use the following code to insert a basic signature line
<div class="signature">{{{signatureBlock}}}</div>
When you insert a signature line, you also need to add CSS code to specify the style and image to use for the signature line. The image for the signature line embeds in the code using the base64 string format.
.signature {
page-break-inside: avoid;
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
margin-top: .25in;
height: 66px;
width: 293px;
background-image: url();
<div class="signature">
<div class="signature-watermark">{{FX5__Tracking_Number__c}}</div>

When you insert a signature line with a watermark, you also need to add CSS code to specify the styles to use for the signature line and watermark. The image for the signature line embeds in the code using the base64 string format.
.signature {
page-break-inside: avoid;
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
margin-top: .25in;
height: 66px;
width: 293px;
background-image: url();
.signature-watermark {
position: absolute;
line-height: 3em;
opacity: 0.25;
font-size: 2.5em;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
pointer-events: none;
Advanced Helpers
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template pageSize="LETTER" pageOrientation="portrait" pageMargins="72 72 72 72">
{{applyTemplate FX5__Notes__c}}
Copy and the past this code into the Notes field.
<text bold="true">Here is a sample of a sub-template: {{FX5__Tracking_Number__c}}</text>

Create a lookup called ReportLocales.
Ensure each row in ReportLocales has a Language field and a field for each label.
Ensure each row contains a translation for a given language and the TandC field holds the XML with the formatting instructions for the Terms and Conditions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template pageSize="LETTER" pageOrientation="portrait" pageMargins="72 72 72 72">
<text>{{Language__r.Tracking_Number__c}}: {{FX5__Tracking_Number__c}}</text>
<text>{{Language__r.Office__c}}: {{FX5__Office__r.Name}}</text>
<text>{{Language__r.Customer__c}}: {{FX5__CustomerAccount__r.Name}}</text>
<stack marginTop="32">
{{applyTemplate Language__r.TandC__c}}