Hierarchical Price Books Setup


Setting Up the Hierarchical Price Books Feature

Configure FieldFX Objects

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office

  2. Switch to Salesforce Classic

  3. Add an Enable Extended Pricing checkbox to the Job object:

    1. From Setup, enter "object" in the Quick Find box, then select Objects

    2. Click Job

    3. Under Custom Fields & Relationships, click New

    4. Select Formula

    5. Click Next

    6. In Field Label, enter "Enable Extended Pricing"

    7. Under Formula Return Type, select "Checkbox"

    8. Click Next

    9. In Enable Extended Pricing (Checkbox), enter the following formula:


      This formula ensures that Enable Extended Pricing gets selected automatically for a job when its price book has a designated Parent Price Book.

    10. Click Next

    11. Click Visible twice

    12. Click Next

    13. Select the page layouts on which to include the checkbox

    14. Click Save

    15. Grant permissions for the checkbox

  4. Add an Enable Extended Pricing checkbox to the Quote object:

    1. From Setup, enter "object" in the Quick Find box, then select Objects

    2. Click Quote

    3. Under Custom Fields & Relationships, click New

    4. Select Formula

    5. Click Next

    6. In Field Label, enter "Enable Extended Pricing"

    7. Under Formula Return Type, select "Checkbox"

    8. Click Next

    9. In Enable Extended Pricing (Checkbox), enter the following formula:


      This formula ensures that Enable Extended Pricing gets selected automatically for a quote when its price book has a designated Parent Price Book.

    10. Click Next

    11. Click Visible twice

    12. Click Next

    13. Select the page layouts on which to include the checkbox

    14. Click Save

    15. Grant permissions for the checkbox

  5. Disable the JobPriceBook validation rule:

    1. From Setup, enter "object" in the Quick Find box, then select Objects

    2. Click Ticket Item

    3. Under Validation Rules, click Edit next to JobPriceBook

    4. Deselect Active

    5. Click Save

  6. Run scripts for the Enable Extended Pricing checkboxes:

    1. Access Workbench

    2. Select Utilities | Apex Execute

    3. Enter the following script:

      System.debug(FX5.FXWorkerLauncher.DoWork('FX5.CustomFieldInfoHandler', null));
    4. Click Execute

Update Translation Files

  1. Add the following keys to static resources used to translate user interface text:

    "Console_Flyout_ExtendedPriceBookTableTitle": "Extended Price Book Items",
    "QuoteItems_ShowMoreFromExtendedPriceBook": "Show more from extended price book",
    "TicketItems_ShowMoreFromExtendedPriceBook": "Show more from extended price book",

Update Price Book Items

  1. Open a new tab in your browser

  2. Access Workbench

  3. Select Utilities | Apex Execute

  4. Enter the following script:

  5. Click Execute

  6. Close Workbench

  7. Move back to FieldFX Back Office

  8. From Setup, enter "apex jobs" in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Jobs

  9. Monitor the status of the CatalogItemPriceBookBatcher jobs and only proceed once the final job processes.

Add a Price Book Hierarchy

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office

  2. Open the Price Books tab

    Open the Price Books tab that uses the following icon:

    Screenshot of the Price Book tab
  3. Open a price book you want as the lowest in the hierarchy

  4. Click Edit

  5. In Parent Price Book, select the price book under which to place this price book

  6. Click Save

  7. Open a price book you want as the next level in the hierarchy

  8. Click Edit

  9. In Parent Price Book, select the price book under which to place this price book

  10. Click Save

  11. Repeat steps 7-10

Disable Certain Validation Rules

Disable validation rules that do not take into account price book hierarchies, like the managed QuotePriceBook validation rule on the Quote Item object. Follow the steps below to disable that rule, then complete similar steps for any custom validation rules that do not account for price book hierarchies.

  1. From Setup, selec the Object Manager

  2. Select the Quote Item object

  3. Select Validation Rules from the left panel

  4. Select QuotePricebook from the list

  5. Select Edit

  6. Deselect the Active checkbox

  7. Click Save