Create a Purchase Order
Purchase Orders track the costs of acquiring goods and services needed for Work Orders.
Users create requests for Purchase Orders, called requisitions, which then go through an approval process.
Purchase Stock Items for Warehouse inventory or Miscellaneous Items not meant for a Warehouse.
Link purchase orders to specific Work Orders.
Step by Step
Manually Generate a Purchase Order
Select Purchase Order and click New
Select the Record Type for the Purchase Order, either Requisition or Order, then click Next
Make the following entries in Information:
Description: 18 alphanumeric characters
Vendor: Account to use for placing the order
Required Date: Date by which the items must be received
Comments: Optional additional information about the order.
Buyer: User responsible for placing the order with the vendor.
Status: Select where in the purchasing process to create the Work Order
Defaults to Approved.
Release Date: Date Purchase Order is placed with the vendor; automatically populates
Warehouse ID: (required) Select the Warehouse supplying the work order or responsible for the invoice
Make the following entries in Billing & Shipping Address:
Billing Company, Billing Street, Billing City, Billing State/Province, Billing Country, Billing Zip/Postal Code: Information for where the vendor should send the invoice for the ordered goods
Shipping Street, Shipping City, Shipping State/Province, Shipping Country, Shipping Zip/Postal Code: Information for where the vendor should deliver the ordered goods
These fields initially autopopulate via workflow from the fields on the selected Warehouse.
Make the following entries in Terms:
Payment Terms: Select when the vendor expects to receive payment
FOB: Select when goods are considered delivered
This determines which party is responsible for loss or damage of goods during shipment.
Shipping Point: Goods deemed delivered at time of shipment; buyer assumes liability of damage or loss during shipment
Destination: Goods deemed delivered at time of arrival at destination; vendor assumes liability of damage or loss during shipment
Ship Via: Select method of delivery or Best Way
Add options to the list by adding to the field’s picklist in the object setup.
Freight Terms: Select terms for payment of shipment
Collect: Warehouse pays shipment at time of receipt
Prepaid: Vendor pays for shipment
Make the following entries in PO Amounts Summary:
Sales Tax: Anticipated Sales Tax amount
Shipping and Handling: Anticipated shipping and handling amount
Click Save.
Generate Purchase Orders from Stock Items
Select the list to use
EAM includes several lists for the Stock Items object to make reordering items sourced from vendors easier to manage.
Auto Reorder Qualified Items
Shows Stock Items where Auto Order is selected, Sourcing Type is Purchase Order, and the Stock UOM Qty to Reorder is greater than 0.
Items to Reorder
Shows Active Stock Items where the Stock UOM Qty to Reorder is greater than 0.
The list shows both Purchase Order and Transfer Order Sourcing Types. EAM does not add a stock item with a Sourcing Type of Transfer Order to a Purchase Order requisition.
Items with Open Orders
Shows all Stock Items with an On Order Qty greater than 0.
Generate the Purchase Order
Go to the Stock Items tab and select a list view to filter the displayed items to only items with a Stock UOM Qty to Reorder greater than 0
The Stock UOM Qty to Reorder is the number of stocking items ordered in a whole number of Purchasing UOM packs to bring the Available Qty + On Order Qty up to at least the item’s Reorder Qty.
Mark the checkboxes for each item to reorder, then select Generate Purchase Orders
EAM generates a separate purchase order requisition for each vendor and warehouse combination.
Items from the same vendor going to the same warehouse are included on the same purchase order.
Select Continue in the dropdown and then Next to generate the purchase order requisition(s)
EAM generates the purchase order requisition(s)
Select Finish
Go the Purchase Orders tab to review, modify, or approve the Purchase Order Requisitions