

Key Features

  • Use Continuous Meters on Preventative Maintenance Schedules to track any accruing measurement. Values always increase.

    For example, hours, miles, gallons, or cycles.

  • Counter Meters can reset or go to a lower value than the previous reading. However, Counter Meters cannot be used for Preventative Maintenance Schedules.

How It Works

  • Create a Meter for an Equipment item.

  • Users enter Meter Readings for the item.

  • PM Schedules automatically generate some Work Orders based on Meter Readings.

Step by Step

Add a New Meter

  1. Add a new Meter record and select either Continuous or Counter in the New Meter dialog

  2. Make the following entries in Information:

    • Description: Up to 255 character label for the Meter

    • UOM: Select a Unit of Measure from the list

    • Estimated Annual Meter Usage: Number of units that pass in a given year for PM Scheduling

    • Asset ID: Select the Equipment item for the Meter

  3. Make the following entries in Additional Details:

    • External ID: ID on another system

      For example, to pull readings from an API call.

    • Revision: User entry to track meter revisions

    • Install Date: User defined date

  4. Click Save or Save & New

Enter a Meter Reading

  1. Go to the Meter record

  2. From Quick Links, hover over Meter Readings and select New

  3. Make the following entries:

    • Meter ID: Defaults to the selected Meter, but can be changed

    • Reading Value: Enter the reading

    • Reading Date: Select the Date and Time

      Meter readings can be entered in any order, as long as the resulting values increase through time for continuous meters.

  4. Click Save or Save & New