DataGuide Listing Screen Configuration


  • The forms that display and are accessed in DataGuide tab vary based on where the user accesses the DataGuide tab:

    From the screen…​ Description

    Home Page sync

    Independent type forms not linked
    to a Job or Ticket display

    Job Listing

    Job Detail

    Job type forms linked to the current Job display

    Ticket Listing

    Independent type forms not linked to a Job or Ticket display

    Ticket Detail

    Ticket type forms linked to the current Ticket display

  • The DataGuide tab displays context-based forms that are either In Progress or Completed

  • Forms must sync to the device to display.

    AltSync rules may impact what forms sync.

1: DataGuide Tab

User must have these minimum permissions to use ServiceMax DataGuide.

2: DataGuide Form Detail Card

  • Displayed fields are determined by the Form Version object’s Compact Layout.

  • Displayed forms vary based on where DataGuide was selected

    • From the Sync screen, Independent forms display

    • From the Job listing screen, Independent forms display

    • From a Job detail screen, Job forms display

    • From the Ticket listing screen, Independent forms display

    • From a Ticket detail screen, Ticket forms display

3: Sort Selector

  • The list of fields on the Form Version object’s Compact Layout determines the sorting options available to the User.

  • Widely used fields, such as Last Modified, are always included.

4: Add Form

  • User must have Create permissions to the FX5__Form_Data__c object.