Use DataGuide Forms as an Admin

Step-by-Step Guides

As an admin, you can:

View Forms List

You can use the Forms Manager screen to see a list of Forms that you or another admin has created.

The Forms Manager shows the following:

Form Name Name of the form


Object name in the form creation

Latest Version

Latest version the version status for Draft and Published forms

Last Edited By

User name of the last form editor

Published Version

Latest published version of the form

Action Menu

You can either:

  • Create a new version

  • Copy a link

  • Clone a form

You can also sort the form list view or search for a form if you have many forms.

Create and Configure a Form

When you create a new form, you will have to complete the following tabs.


Complete the following:

  • Name - Enter the form title

  • Object - Select the object where the form pulls its data

  • Description - Enter an optional description of the form’s purpose

  • Form Filter - Define a filter that applies to the entire form


Select one or more fields to be used across Form Designer and Form Actions. This tab is only accessible once you have selected an object on the Properties tab.

Form Designer

Use this drag-and-drop interface to design your form.

Form Actions

You can create up to 5 form actions per forms to assist in the form processing.

To start the form creation:

  1. Access DataGuide Form in ServiceMax DataGuide.

  2. At the list of forms in Forms Manager, click New Form.

  3. Click on the Properties tab if not already selected.

  4. Continue with defining the form’s properties.

Set the Form’s Name, Object, Description, and Form Filter

  1. Enter the form title in Name.

  2. Select a source object in the Object field.

    Once an object is specified for the form, it can’t be changed, even in later versions.

    For more information, see the following:

  3. Enter a description of the form in the Description field.

    Even though this field is optional, its recommended to give clear insight into the form’s purpose and usage for both you and other admins.

    Providing a description aids in organizing and managing forms for future updates or modifications.

  4. To create a Form Filter, click in the Form Filter field.

    Continue with Create a Form Filter.

Create a Form Filter

A form filter applies to the entire form that determines when the form is visible to the end user. Only the relevant forms are shown to the user depending on the data captured on the source object.

You must establish a primary connection between your form and a source object within FieldFX.

This is crucial since it specifies where the form resides and what record data the form it can access.

Example 1. Common object for DataGuide customers

Job Object

If there is a filter already there, the form could be a duplicate of another form.

If you need to filters forms on more than one condition, you can combine multiple arguments with the AND or OR logical operators to form complex conditions.

Text in an SObject text field is not retained. This means if you use that text field in a filter with a certain text, the filter will not find that text. The filter returns an error message.
  1. At the Create Filter modal, specify the Take Action When choice.

    You can choose from:

  2. Choose the field for the filter condition.

    The available fields are dependent on the object chosen when the form was initially created.
  3. Choose the operator for the condition.

    • contains

    • does not contain

    • starts with

    • is blank

    • is not blank

    • is null

    • is not null

    • not equal

    • equals

  4. Depending on the field chosen, you can enter a text value.

  5. Click + Add Condition to add another AND so the condition can be two parts.

    1. Choose another object field.

    2. Choose an operator.

    3. Depending on the chosen field, enter a text value if allowed.

  6. If you require another condition, click + Add Condition and repeat the previous step.

  7. To remove the condition, click Delete icon.

  8. You can also you use form logic in the filter by using custom logic.

Form Logic

The form’s flow is managed by the flow logic as the user fills out question responses. You can manage the workflow by configuring the rules with conditions and actions in the Logic tab.

You can build conditions using questions in the form or variable from the Mapping tab.

Actions are executed when the conditions are true.

Use Case

Suppose there is a technician needing to complete an inspection form on site at a customer. The form used has numerous section with multiple questions. Not all the sections are relevant to the technician. Using logic creates a custom path through the form which varies based on the answers.

Example of Form Logic
Example 2. Filter Logic

If ('Have emergency fire extinguishers been located?/\' = false) and (`Distance to the nearest fire extinguisher` > 60), set into question: `Fire Prevention - Safety Risk Summary` value item3

The Admin has configured an inspection form to capture details of a fire safety audit. Questions on the form capture basic details from the Job record. The admin has set rules to automatically update the value in the Fire Prevention - Safety Risk Summary question based on answers to the question Have emergency fire extinguishers been located and Distance to the nearest fire extinguisher.

See Form Logic Rule Options for more information.

The admin has set these rules:

Question Answer


Have emergency fire extinguishers been located


Distance to the nearest fire extinguisher

Greater than 60


Fire Prevention - Safety Risk Summary


Example of Form Logic Rule Setup

Question Answer


Have emergency fire extinguishers been located


Distance to the nearest fire extinguisher

less than 60


Fire Prevention - Safety Risk Summary


Example of Form Logic Rule Setup

Create Form Logic
  1. Click the Logic Tab in the Form Designer.

  2. Click Add New Rule.

  3. Complete the fields in Form Logic Rule Options table.

  4. Click Done.

  5. To create another action, click Add New action.

  6. When all the form actions are defined, continue with the mapping of the form’s object fields.

Add Elements to a Form

To design your form, complete Designing a Form.

Create a Form Version

As an Admin, you can create and maintain multiple version of a form. Using Version Control enable you to track change as the form is completed, store previous form version, only display the most recent version of the form to the user, or reinstate an older version of a form if needed.

  1. In the Forms Manager, click on the option list at the end of the row of the form you want a new version.

    Form Options

    You can also copy the link to the form or clone the form.

    You can also click on the dropdown next to the Form’s title.

  2. Click + Create New Version.

    The Edit Form window appears on the Properties tab. Underneath the name of the form, you see v0 (<form’s state>).

    The form’s state could be draft or published.

    New Version

  3. You can change the Name, Description, and Form Filter.

    You can’t change the Object since this is a version of a previously created form. If you want to change the Object, you will have to create an entirely new form.
  4. Configure and change the form actions after this version is published.

    You can configure actions that must be performed when a form is submitted. If there are multiple form action configurations, they are evaluated in the order shown in the below list, starting from the top.
  5. Continue with Create New Form Action.

Publish a Form

  1. When the form is ready, click Publish.

  2. Click Publish to publish the form.

    Your changes to the form are save and the form is published. After the form is published, create a new version to make changes.

    The Forms Manager list of forms is updated to show the new version in the Published Version column.

Configure the DataGuide Forms for Lightning Web Components

You can configure the DataGuide Forms Lightning Web Components (LWC) place them in a tab on a Job Form for FieldFX. With the tab configured, you can easily create new form submissions, complete previously saved forms, and view submitted forms on an object all through the web interface.

  1. In ServiceMax DataGuide, navigate to the Jobs tab and access the job that you want to access DataGuide Forms.

  2. At the Job page, click Gear Setup icon and then Edit Page.

    The Job page layout opens in the Lightning Record Page Editor.

  3. Click the window where you want to add the new tab.

  4. In the Page > Tabs sidebar, click the Add Tab to add a new tab.

    1. Click in the new tab and change the Tab Label from the duplication of the last tab to Custom.

    2. Click in the Custom Label field and change it to DataGuide Forms.

    3. Confirm the name change by pressing Enter.

    4. Click Done.

      The new DataGuide Forms appears as a tab.

  5. Click on the DataGuide Forms tab.

    1. From the Components / Fields list, click the Components tab.

    2. Find Tabs and drag it over to under DataGuide Forms where it says Add Components Here.

      Two tabs are added called: Related and Details.

      Rename these two tabs and add a new tab.

  6. At the Page > Tabs window, click on Related under Tabs.

    1. Change the Tab Label from "Related" to "Custom".

    2. Change the Custom Label to New Forms.

    3. Click Done.

      The Related tab now appears as New Forms.

  7. Repeat the step above to change the Details tab to in Progress Forms.

  8. Click the Add tab to add a new tab in the DataGuide Forms tab.

    1. Change the Tab Label from Details to Custom.

    2. Enter Completed Forms in the Custom Label field.

    3. Click Done.

  9. Highlight the New Forms tab and drag the SVMX DG Form Template List component over.

    1. At Page > SVMX DG Form Template List, change the Allow to set page title from DataGuide Forms to New Forms.

  10. Highlight the In Progress Forms tab and drag the SVMX DG in Progress Forms List component over.

    1. At Page > SVMX DG in Progress Forms List, change the Allow to set page title from New Forms to In Progress Forms.

  11. Highlight the Completed Forms tab and drag the SVMX DG Submitted Form component over.

    1. At Page > SVMX DG Submitted For, change the Allow to set page title from In Progress Forms to Completed Forms.

  12. Save the changes to the layout.

  13. Click Activate.

  14. Navigate back to a job.

    These changes are applied to all jobs.

You can now access the New, In Progress, and Complete Forms tabs on the Job page. It will display any form related to the Job record you open. You can easily submit, edit, and view forms on an object using the web interface.

View Submitted Forms

  1. To view a submitted form by going to the job where the form was submitted.

  2. Click on the Completed Forms tab.

    You see a list of all the forms that have been submitted for that specific job.

  3. Click on the specific for to view its questions and responses without creating output documents.

A submitted form on the LWC might not have a DataGuide Document Template polished. This provides a quick way to view form data. You have the option to download and send the form if needed.

Even though this component doesn’t format the submitted for as with a Document Template, its advantage is its permanent on the Job. It is accessible across different versions of the form.

If an output document has already been generated, users can still review the data on the Completed Forms tab.

Form Actions

You can create, edit, delete, or re-order form actions.

Create a Form Action

As a DataGuide Administrator, you can create new form actions for a form.

See Create Form Actions in DataGuide Forms for the steps to create a form action.

Edit a Form Action

  1. Click the name of the form action
    Click the edit icon in the form action’s row.

    The edit option is available when the form is in the Draft state. If the form is already published, you can’t edit the form action.
  2. Edit the form action as needed.

  3. Click Apply to save the updated form action.

    The Form Actions tab appears again.

Delete a Form Action

  1. Click the delete icon in the row of the form action.

    You can use the delete option only when the form is in the Draft state. If the form is already published, you can’t delete the form action.
  2. Click Delete on the Delete Form Action confirmation window.

    The form action is deleted.

Re-Order Form Actions

The Form Actions tab shows all the configured Form Action. You can reorder the sequence of form actions so they execute in a specific order.

Form actions can execute in these ways:

  • Form Actions execute starting from the top of the table

  • A Form Action with No Conditions Required is listed at the bottom of the table if there are multiple actions

    You can’t move these actions higher in the table. They are always executed at the end when there are multiple actions.

To change the order:

  1. To move the form action up one level, click .

  2. To move the form action down one level, click .