FX Item Cart Setup



  • FXL Item Cart enables FieldFX Back Office users to find and select items using the FX Item Picker, store the results of the selection, then select items from a different search in the FX Item Picker and store them to the FXL Item Cart.

  • The FXL Item Cart is generic and intended to be customizable.

  • Items in the FXL Item Cart can insert directly to the Target Object, be sent to an APEX class or REST Endpoint for processing, or be sent as XML through the Lightning Event Messaging.

Setting Up FXL Item Cart

  1. Access FieldFX Back Office

  2. Switch to the Lightning Experience

  3. Access the page that you want to use the FX Item Picker

  4. Select the Gear icon, then click Edit Page

  5. Type FXL Item Cart in the Search components.. box

    Seaching for a Lightning Component in the Lightning App Builder
  6. Drag the FXL Item Cart from the Custom - Managed list to the place on the page where you want the cart to appear.

    Consider adding the FXL Item Cart to a place where the FX Item Picker can appear on the page at the same time.

  7. Make sure the FXL Item Cart is the selected component on the page

  8. Define the settings for the component using the options on the right side of the screen

    1. Insert Action: Select the type of action to complete when the User selects Save in the FXL Item Cart

      • Insert: Adds the list of items in the cart to the specified Target Object

      • Use Endpoint: Use the REST API to add the list of items in the cart through the specified Rest Endpoint

      • Use Apex Class: Use the specified Apex Class Name to add the list of items in the cart

      • Fire Event: Send the list of items as XML in a Lightning Messaging Event

    2. UID of Item Cart: A string that uniquely identifies this particular FXL Item Cart

      Use this UID on the page’s FX Item Picker's UID of Item Cart field to link the FX Item Picker to the FXL Item Cart.

    3. Columns (optional): Comma-delimited list of field API names to display in the FXL Item Cart grid

      The fields selected must come from the object used by the Item Picker that updates the Item Cart.

      If left blank, the FXL Item Cart displays the Amount, Name, and Description fields.

    4. Target Object: API name of the object where the items in the FXL Item Cart should create records

      For example, if the FX Item Picker is selecting Ticket Items, enter FX5__Ticket_Item__c as the FXL Item Cart’s Target Object, since the items on a Ticket are stored in that object.

    5. Target Object Parent Lookup Field: API name of the field on the Target Object that refers to the parent object

      For example, the FX5__Ticket__c field on the FX5__Ticket_Item__c object links a ticket item to a particular ticket record.

    6. Target Object Item Field: API name of the field on the Target Object that stores the item number

      For example, the FX5__Ticket_Item__c object records item numbers in the FX5__Price_Book_Item__c field.

    7. Apex Class Name (optional): If Use Apex Class is selected as the Insert Action type, enter the name of the Apex Class to use to process the items in the Item Cart

      Otherwise, leave the field blank.

    8. Rest Endpoint (optional): If Use Endpoint is selected as the Insert Action type, enter the name of the Rest Endpoint to use to process the items in the Item Cart

      Otherwise, leave the field blank.

  9. Click Save

  10. Add the UID of Item Cart string to the FX Item Picker’s UID of Item Cart field for the FX Item Picker used to add items to this cart

See specific setup examples below the image.

FXL Item Cart component example setup