Ticket Item Grid Screen Configuration

Callout Title Description


Item Filters

Controlled by the Record Types of the FX5__Ticket_Item__c object.


Item Sort Picker

Controlled by the FX5__Ticket_Item__c object’s Master Page Layout for the Ticket Item’s Record Type.


Header Section Fields

Displayed fields are controlled by the fields on the header section for the Ticket Item object’s page layout.

The Page Layout used is determined by the User’s Profile and the Ticket’s Record Type.

Header fields are always read only in Mobile.

Formulas and Roll-up Summaries update automatically as the data changes.


Ticket Item Columns

The column headers are controlled by the Ticket Item’s Master Page Layout for the Record Type.


Ticket Item Cell Data

Cell data is populated if and only if the field is found on the Ticket Item’s Page Layout for that item’s Record Type.


Add New Ticket Item Button

The user must have Create permission to the FX5__Ticket_Item__c object.

Bulk Edit Function

The Bulk Edit is no longer being maintained and there will be no further updates. To continue using Bulk Edit, you must use the FXL Bulk Edit Lightning Component.

Users can select multiple items at the same time to apply bulk edits.

To exclude fields from being eligible for bulk editing in mobile, add the field to the FX_Ticket_Item_Bulk_Edit_Exclusion field set.